Did our Founders have their hearts in the right place, but were simply misguided?

Did our Founders have their hearts in the right place, but were simply misguided?
Or was American democracy and "individualist" Enlightenment philosophy specifically designed to enable the downfall of western civilization, from the very beginning?

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They intended for the government to exist in its's 12 amendment iteration, coverture laws intact.

Classical liberalism works in homogenous societies. They had the right idea, they just didn’t know what was to come

Daily reminder American democracy meant land-owning huwite men making the decisions in closed-door sessions of congress


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basist base there ever based.

Of course, but did they expect they'd be good men who'd uphold the principles of the revolution, and not pursue their own individual interests?
Because looking back it seems like it should've been obvious what the result would be in a few generations.

They just forgot one amendment
>the government shall not permit the immigration "people" of Semitic descent into the country

Daily reminder than Northerners wanted to remove niggers from the borders of the US after an emancipation. But Southern slave holders vehemently disagreed.

The founding fathers of the North had the right of it. It was the Southerners that had to have their slaves that fucked it up for everybody.

As a result, every white person in the South is infested with nigger blood.

Not worth having.

They weren't misguided. But they should have made the 1790 Naturalization Act part of the Constitution.

America has two faces which were never really easy to separate from each other for a long time, now with Trump maybe they are, because it turns out that people in America understand freedom differently

One strain of philosophy and mindset in America is one which sees America as the emancipating force on all levels: from monarchy and feudalism (political), from morality (Woodstock, free love, abortion), from some traditional institutions (same sex marriage) and now from constrains of nature (transgenderism)

And the other America understands freedom as something practiced in character and actions, as low taxes and no bureaucracy, as checks and balances, and so on

Both groups used the same language of freedom, equality etc. but led different lifestyles, so their language ultimately didn't match reality, that is to say Americans were basically monolithic christians, but they didn't use the proper language to consciously describe it, instead they used this liberal, vague language. And only now Americans are shocked to see that chanting freedom and anti-government slogans isn't enough, because they don't cover things like birthrates, multiculturalism, degeneracy and ideological corporations

Your fathers were freemasons.

Face it.

The Founders created a Democratic Republic with meritocratic voting rights. Retards were never supposed to have voting franchise. Only the intelligentsia, the land owners, and the wealthy could vote. Then Jackson came along and gave voting framchise to dumbshit commoners. And retard commoners outnumber the intellectual and economic elite.
So instead of intellectual debate to determine the candidate, you just have to trick the unwashed mob to vote for you with theatrics.
Trump really did win through memes. Mos people are just too stupid and disinterested in politics to actually follow every debate and statement.

>Did our Founders have their hearts in the right place, but were simply misguided?
No. They understood human systems perfectly. There were far far ahead of their times.

they weren´t misguided, but america betrayed it´s own values after it´s civil war i think

Essentially, you are just too low IQ to participate in the discussion.

>It was the (((Southerners that had to have their slaves))) that fucked it up for everybody.

>Or was American democracy and "individualist" Enlightenment philosophy specifically designed to enable the downfall of western civilization, from the very beginning?
OP is a retarded faggot
>in all fields

> tfw no constitutional “right to patrol thots”

To follow up: a lot of Americans feel the need to prove that they live in the land of freedom, so they naturally, being not very creative, turn against tradition, to show that they're gaining more freedom than others, and this is the legacy of degeneracy, slut walks, bragging about abortions etc. Basically if your goal is freedom and you only talk about freedom, then at some point you reach moral transgression as freedom, so pornography becomes freedom (because you break social norms and liberate others) etc

What is the end game of America? Strict control through AI to make people use only an acceptable, rigid set of words and if somebody doesn't listen, then getting fired from job through destruction of one's image and blackmailing one's company

>patrol thots
Coverture laws in the founding fathers' government did just that.

That's not true. Very few of the Northern founders opposed slavery. There was support in both sections for the American Colonization Society. It was even founded by people from the southern states of the time - Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, etc.
Early in life, Lincoln wanted to send the blacks to Africa. But by the time he was President, he considered that logistically impossible. When he was assassinated, power swung to the Radical Republicans (northerners of course - southern states weren't given reentry to the Union yet), who literally attempted to create a black dominated south by disenfranchising southern whites. Look up the Freedmen's Bureau, land redistribution plans, and the Ironclad Oath. Reconstruction was on par with shit the Jews pull now.
You're a retard if you think most southern whites have black blood. Antimiscegenation laws were on the books in some southern states until the 1980s, and most lynchings happened because of coalburning or black on white rape.

reminder hat the """constitutional convention""" was a big capital coup against the yeomen classes

apparently not in all fields you fucking stupid ass queer eat shit you fucking pansie

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>then Jackson came along
Voted in by the intellegentsia, the land owners, and/or the wealthy, no?
I wish we had the tech for memes during the Colonial Era

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fucking stupid shit how retarded can you honestly be. like fucker are you so retarded as to not understand what you wrote on the level as to make you do it. are you that unconsciously unaware that your brain just fucking spews out words automatically without any thought to what you're doing?

Eat shit and die leaf, I already know you have zero proof to back up this claim

how much of a fucking animal do you have to be to write something out that you allegedly did and not do it. you didn't even gain anything from it, you just project to the world how low your fucking IQ is. Your brain waves must be so low that your conscious mind doesn't even fucking understand what is going on in front of it you fucking dumb ass queer

its true though, listen to fash the nation
imagine unironically being against the articles of confederation

capitalism is a trash Utopia that will never exist because it leads to shit.
only state capitalism is manageable but that's shit too seeing that it turned the West into utter garbage.

Thanks for your contribution

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> Individualism is bad
1. I dont owe other people shit
2. You can take community family and tradition and shove them up your ass. The internet us better than all of that.
3. If you want to.be a mindless zerg China is calling

you stupid fucking animal. you're like a dog who got his shit kicked by his owner. like your head slammed in your fucking crate when you were a defenseless puppy. you're still like a puppy in the sense that your brain has matured
you made the obvious when you typed out that stupid god damn reply. you dumb fucking dog. you're lucky i dont drive to your house and kick your fucking ass for this waste of data. what is this reply you made woprth like 5kb? that could've been 5kb of something useful. like a picture of shit. just dog shit. a file of animal shit has more inherent value than anything youve ever fucking said on the internet. you should feel like fucking trash for being so fucking worthless you autistic fucking mutt cunt

Jesus dude calm the fuck down

>China is calling
What's that supposed to mean?

reading this is fucking filling me to the brim with hatred. you fucking stupid communist dog.
>in all fields
>doesn't fucking put it in all fields
this is just a digital showcase of your massive fucking ineptitude. i hope this post is archived so your stupidity can be fucking flaunted and showcased for generations and generations to come. i hope the sheer amount of shame you feel everyday from being ridiculed for this one post hopefully pushes you into suicide. you won't need to kill yourself though. you'll want to when i fucking pipe your knee caps into a million pieces, but i won't let you. i want you tofeel the pain you deserve

They did not in their wildest dreams think niggers would be allowed to vote and Jews would be running the country and actively flooding it with beaners and more nigs.

>Classical liberalism works in homogenous societies. They had the right idea, they just didn’t know what was to come


It's not really the American people's fault though it was more our system.

It was so open to being subverted. It is the most libertarian system in the world, but unfortunately it was designed around the assumption that everyone else would be as individualistic as you. they didn't account for a (((collectivist parasitic race))) infecting them in the future.

Britain was the same, as soon as they had a parliament and "democracy" and opened up the banking system (((they))) rolled right in.

Most were masons. Amurica has been a scam from day 1. None are more enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

Individualism leads to despotism of oligarchy, because oligarchy is always collectively organized, in NGOs, media, corporations, associations and what not

So an atomized society is great to control and rule, because there's never a counterbalance to the organized oligarchy

freedom is both collective and individual, it's never only guaranteed by muh constitution

they knew jews/banks would sneak in, they just didnt guard against it well enough

the nigger thing came out of left field, though

It was meant from the start to destroy the West.
The whole foundation of the USA is based on the betrayal of those who gave them the opportunity to exist, all for some money.
What can you expect from a Nation founded on greedy betrayal of their homelands, especially at a crucial point of need. It is no wonder that it has been the hub of degeneracy and miscegenation for the last century, the whore of Babylon is America. Now Americans can bring up how the rest of the West is also cucked and a Jew infiltrated today, but the fact of the matter is, this can also be tracked by to the United States. See American culture is so putrid that it spreads across the globe, and Westerns let their nations stay too long under American influence. Further, the American culture of disobedience had already started to spread to Europe two centuries ago, where it directly caused the French revolution, taking many innocent live and opening France to Jewish domination. America is the Jews #1 asset and also the nation who has historically and currently populated the most Jews, and with a Jewish president.

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Based coverture.

i can imagine the euphoria you feel, the relief you feel as you remember that Jow Forums is an anonymous website. had this been a website where i could see user history, I'd find all the information i need to give your sorry ass a visit. you should feel glad jesus gave you a proxy to save your shitty little worthless skin for me, becuase had me not you wouldn't even fucking have skin anymore. you'd be confined to a wheelchair, wrapped in plastic wrap for the rest of your meaningless life. think before you speak you stupid fucking mongrel, because there will be hell to pay if you don't. fucking remember that. be happy im not on your doorstep right now making you beg for mercy as i remove your elbows with my bare hands.
i sure will love hearing your cries as you beg me for mercy, beg me to just let you die. to be free from the pain.,

>The whole foundation of the USA is based on the betrayal of those who gave them the opportunity to exist, all for some money.
Actually they betrayed their own people with oppressive shitty policies, so their people sought a better way of life in the new world.

1776 confirmed. Check em.

individualist Enlightenment philosophy IS western civilization you ungrateful retarded American, you live in the most successful country in human history because of those ideals

just a friendly reminder if you worthless NEETs lived in your dream fascist utopia you'd be miserable and neck yourself because they'd force you into a work camp lmao, and that's in fantasy land where these systems actually function and dont implode like every time in real life

They didn't care, they just couldn't stand waiting 6 months to get an answer from London before making a big decision.

>succesful country
>rapidly browning out into another latin american cesspool

>asking for money from tea
>shitty policy
Ameritards were just too easily manipulated by Kikes in greed fevore and were too selfish to care for the financial state of their homeland after a huge war.
They rathered die and fight said homeland for the financial benefit of Jews.

>taxation without representation
>somehow acceptable according to a fucking leaf
Have a bullet for free you fucking commie.

You fuckers always mention the jews but never take the next logical step of mentioning the Federal Reserve

>Western civilization has existed for more than 2,000 years
>This not even 300 year old philosophical movement that just happens to coincide with the most widespread subversion of European powers, is Western civilization

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the founders viewed freedom as the government not interfering in peoples lives. this is great for protecting property rights and stuff like that. the problem is it also means the government has no authority to enforce a basic set of morality on the people. normally this shortcoming would be made up for by society itself enforcing morality, but since american society is becoming more and more fragmented, this can no longer take place. this is why each generation gets more and more vile and out of control.

it is therefore only possible for a functioning nation to have a liberal government if it has a homogeneous, traditional society to enforce morality.

you fucking stupid shit why would i fucking calm down. this fucking bastard rodent of a man cant even fucking keep his word on an anonymous image board and you think he doesn't deserve to be called out on it. you're just as bad as him you stupid rat. let's go. claim something. dont do it. dont. just say youre going to do something, something that would be done within ONE SECOND of SAYING YOURE GOING TO DO IT. and then DONT FUCKING DO IT. how fucking rotten does your brain have to be to not do that. it would take a second. you forget to do it? oh wow your mind is on par with literally a fucking four year old. you lied? oh wow you're a piece of shit
either way you're subhuman

If representation was beneficial or important at all America and the West wouldn’t be in such shitty situations. This is what happens when you give jenkem inhalind degenerates the right to have a say in their nations future. People back then had 4+ children and were mostly feeding them in abundance, can you say the same for modern America?

Absolutely this. Cultural homogeneity and high IQ are the cornerstone of a stable society. It makes it harder for the powers-that-be to divide and conquer the people.

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>individualist Enlightenment philosophy IS western civilization

Enlightenment ≠ Western Civilization

Western Civ. has existed long before the Enlightenment. You can thank the Enlightenment thinking for some of the moral breakdown we're now under

Didn't we have an homogeneous and traditional society though?
Isn't the logical conclusion that society itself isn't capable of enforcing morality long-term?

>these things suck so clearly everything was designed to fail from the start and everything is the fault of the founders
You need to have your head examined. The nation was originally designed in such a way that only white land owners who had a stake in the society got a say in how it was run.

don't you fucking hide from me you stupid rat i know you see my reply. too much of a coward to refute? you know im right dumbass

And they used their say to decide that other people should have a say. Is that not true?

You already called him out and you WERE ALREADY CORRECT. Enough already.

Now that didn’t last long did it, probably because democracy is correlated with weakness. From the start, White land owners weren’t getting as much a say in America as their Jewish overlords were. The common folk’s life was not changed at all by representation or halting of tea taxation to Britain.

So then why do you feel the need to ask me to calm down you fucking feral animal

Calm down nigger


Founding the greatest nation on earth was not misguided. Fuck you.

>it is therefore only possible for a functioning nation to have a liberal government if it has a homogeneous, traditional society to enforce morality.
Yes, but I don't know if it can work in times of broad urbanization, since republican ideal is the farmer-soldier, as in Rome

America can’t even solve murders in it’s urban centers.

Nope, it was the introduction of the nanny state (socialism) that took aways people's personal responsibility for their actions that fucked up society
it's called moral hazard

Lobbying groups and (((media))) worked tirelessly to misinform people, old money banksters engineered market crashes, fear was used to manipulate people into voting against their interests every single time.

> (You)
are you fucking kidding me dumbass. im fuicking coming over to one of your houses. whoevers IP i can track first. you just shot yourself in the foot. you put your sock in your mouth. fucknig dumbass cunts. eat shit.,

>individualist Enlightenment philosophy IS western civilization
have you ever arrived at Aristotle or Aquinas you retard?

What class can voting rights be reserved for to keep it from being subverted like that?

The masonic enlightenment is inherently self-destructive. But people underestimate how much Americanism was astroturfed in the 20th century. Only then did freedom of speech apply to lying newspapers and obscenity. The original founding theories of America have been discarded, and are only cited to affirm liberal ideas that we would have implemented regardless. I think that America became obsolete around the time of the 20th century. Our republic was well suited to farmers who wanted to be left alone. It's not suited to an industrialized urban country.

We failed to take into account the unstoppable march of time. Thus we were defeated like all the other golden ages.

Haha holy shit go take your schizo meds and calm down nigger

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>Didn't we have an homogeneous and traditional society though
yes. but as soon as we brought in the slaves that ended. and we kept making it worse over the decades as immigration drew in more diverse populations.

compare to roman society, originally a very rigid and traditional society made up of tribes from italy with strict controls on citizenship. by the time of romes collapse it was fragmented. full of wildly different populations and was handing out citizenship to just about anyone. the only way you survive as a nation is to practice what the east asians do and keep as many foreigners as possible out

Clearly they didn't have much personal responsibility if they felt like introducing the nanny state was a good idea.

shut the fuck up pinworms
thats not even how you use your image

The founding fathers were all masons with connections to the french revolutionaries. The kikes planned on using america as a weapon against the ancient regime from its creation.

They thought this was so obvious that they didn't want to waste space in the constitution, and just made it a regular law. kek

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No, they didn’t. America had a huge amount of Jews colonizing it right after revolution. Then, the American Revolution caused French Revolution that emancipated all Jews in France who had never held respected rights before in history.

America was already sliding into degeneracy by the 20s and the jews were already in control of the banks since the late 1800s. Democracy and libertarianism are kiked even if it's for all whites.

Freemasons "serve" a Hidden Master, but most are unaware who that Hidden Master is.
The problem with Original Intent is that nobody is really sure what that is. Even the Founders were often at odds in that respect since from the very beginning they continually worked to modify that sacred Original Intent.
Nothing is forever.
Even this shall pass.

Theirs was an almost perfect system. It was those who came after that failed.

i dont have fucking schizophrenia i just know when people are fucking stupid udmbass. sorry i have the fat fucking cock big enough to produce some testosterone to call them out. youre dry little shriveled acorn cock and your empty beanbag of a sack have probably been barren of any hormones since you were like 13. fucking stupid fuck.

>keep as many foreigners as possible out
I agree.
They interfere pretty heavily in people's lives, though. At least compared to America.

It wasn't individualists that lead to the decline of the West and rise of the jew. Individualists don't approve of slavery, and that was how Jews established their way into American upper society where influence and power are, and used nepotism and jewish behavior to maintain it.

You're just trying to make the association between individualists and the decline of the west without providing a reasonable argument for that assertion.

A righteous people.

This. (((democracy))) just means the kikes who control the media have power, instead of an aristocratic class that has the people's well-being in mind.

Founders were all Freemasons and Jews financed war of independence and Hamilton was a middle man. End of story. You'll get fucked all at the end of the day with your libertardian mindsets.

Why were they able to use slavery to establish their way into American upper society?
What did slavery do for them?