When someone says "gender isnt biology"

> show them this clip youtube.com/watch?v=MF-YeWnIJfU

Worlds strongest women vs average guys.
She wins once to someone who doesn't lift, loses the rest to men who do lift.

Attached: screenshot.png (1590x869, 917K)

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lol it's always sad to see women on steroids, completely destroys them.

do you know the difference between sex and gender, faggot?

Ok,now tell how much u pay her for these (((results)))

Do you know the difference between 1 and one?

Why do people keep encouraging women to do stupid shit

His name was David Reimer.

Damn this juicy. But you should've said "2 and two?"

your sex is your biology
your gender is dumb

My mom always beat me at arm wrestling

feels bad

after watching multiple videos of peoples' arms snapping in half, i refuse to arm wrestle anymore. used to be a fun way of decision making, but i aint fucking risking it

Sex and gender are the same. I refuse to accept the language manipulation of gender studies professors, limey.

ok seppo

To be fair ,I don’t think arm wrestling is a great way to determine physical strength but men absolutely dominate women when it comes to strength when you look at literally any sport besides long distance swimming.

The former is real and the latter is orgone-tier pseudoscience.

There is none faggot.

Not really. Is there a difference at all?
What the fuck does gender even mean? Why do we use it? Why is sex not used for everything?


exactly, it should be

gender is retarded

not disputing the fact that women are weak as fuck but arm wrestling isn't really an effective measure of strength and its just stupid in general.


Attached: genders.png (694x534, 824K)

Its more about technique than anything else. Well strength is pretty important lol also bone strength..

Haha wtf?

Only Aussies are allowed to call us seppos


bliggity blaggity bloo blah see I can make up words too

suck it nigger

By gender, they mean "gender roles". As in washing, ironing, whatnot. I discovered that after years of investigation

i use to lift heavy all the time. havent touched a weight in 5 years. shoulders still as wide as a fridge, throbbing forearms overall massive. feels good mang

>t. emotional plague victim

I do actually. Its a social science term coined by a man named 'John Money' who thought if you raise a boy as a girl, then they will be a girl. But guess what? Both of his test subjects committed suicide. One died of over dosing on anti-depressants and the other put a 12 gauge in his mouth a pulled the trigger.

The more you know :)


Attached: money.jpg (485x315, 28K)

"Gender" is a narcissistic cult for turquoise-headed dykes and trannies.

The problem is that "sex" sounds wierd in that context, because "sex" also means fornication. We need a new word to take the place of both of them, and we need to meme it into reality.
I just looked here:
and there weren't any synonyms for either of the two words.

Does anyone have any good ideas for a replacement term, which has the definition of "sex", but doesn't make one think of copulation/fornication?

Begone word police, there's nothing wrong with "we". I'm not forcing anyone to do anything.

This is cultural appropriation, please stop.
