Why are the fairest looking whites?

the biggest degenerates? you dont see meditaranean men sharing their wives or shooting up their highschool. it always happens to be the (((nordoid))). is there a genetic component to this?

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compared to the over whelming majority looking like this

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alot of pedos are also nordoid. the nordoid individal seems to be the human perpetrator of all thing vile in this world

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>Noo! Rens!

Its the most heavily targeted demographic of Jewish degeneracy mind games. Whites are (((their))) closest intellectual competitors, and therefore the biggest threat to (((their))) existence, so they employ brainwashing tactics designed to prevent the white race from reproducing. These tactics run the gamete from self hating white guilt, to MGTOW, to pornography, to cuckolding, to general destabilization of white relationships/families. (((They))) are very good at subverting the masses, (((they))) have been at it for thousands of years. The Talmud tells (((them))) it is (((their))) destiny to enslave the Gentile/Goyim, and (((they))) believe this whole heartedly. This is the reason (((they))) have been expelled from over 100 countries over the course of history. Eventually the whites catch on to (((their))) tricks and attempt to exterminate the Jewish virus. (((They))) are not stupid. (((They))) know once whites are bred out, (((they))) have already won.

yes, it's called liberalism.

it's a dutch TV show, so i'd know.

lol whites arent close to being "the intellectual competitors" of the jews. they see you as indentured servants at best. if anything jews have treated whiteoids quite well considering the immense power they have over you

>another episode of brown-eyed creatura copeposting on Jow Forums.


Tanned whites live in warmer climates and encounter more minorities, thus making them racist.

this user is right!

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If this is true, isn't the ultimate red pill to marry and breed with a Jewess? Ensuring a strong and powerful for your offspring?

strong and powerful future*


The thing is if you go far enough down the rabbit whole Jews worship Satan and are pretty much demons so your kid would be some demon and you'll probably go to hell for making that thing or it might kill you in your sleep or both

Pretty white girls were and are bred for looks and empathy, not intelligence. Smart white men don't marry pretty girls.

Material prosperity makes people soft and weak minded. Which is why the Roman Aristocracy was so useless and sexually degenerate after the conquest of the entire Mediterranean basin.

He's the presenter of the show. That literal whore isn't his girlfriend, idiot.

Do you have to use parentheses every time man, kind of redundant

Media does subtly imply blonde, blue-eyed men are less desirable, which is something that seems to go against even American media from the 1930's, where propaganda images often portray blonde men as being shining, or ideal. Blonde males are often the villains in movies, as well, which is honestly the closest media gets to portraying them as ambitious, dominant or masculine at all (though they're inevitably failures).

I remember being made fun of occasionally for having "no eyebrows" as a kid by nigger children, though my hair's more of a dirty blonde as an adult. It's unsurprising if these fairer men feel disillusioned or undesired.

might be even worse

I think the lighter the features the lower the test. This didn't matter in the past when everyone was living in desperate poverty and had to fight to survive, all men could be equally violent and dominant when needed. After modernity and the wealth and comfort that came with it the natural predisposition of Nordics began to take hold leading to all the cuckery we see today. This is how Swedes went from viking to cuck capital.

IQ gap, socialist cuckoldry trickling down, etc

Eyebrows make or break the eyearea dude

What do you think about this could explain Japanese and Samurai as well. Medieval Japanese had low test compared to Africans and meso Americans but it didn't matter.

And now we know why you made this thread to begin with. Thanks for outing yourself as a shill.

Fair skin whites are the ultimate target for globalists. They want to break the spirit of them because they are the pinnacle of the human genome

>implying Meds aren't targeted by propaganda

Remember: any Italian church is older than your religion.

This, so much this. I don't think people realize that the average verbal IQ for jews is around 125.6, literally a couple points from genius status(130). The only reason why their avg iq is 115 and not 120+ is because they have below average spacial reasoning. However, verbal reasoning, comprehension, working memory and mathematical skill is dependent on the verbal IQ component of an IQ test. Spatial reasoning is hunter gather competent to cognition, its nigger tier basically.

In other words, whites aren't a threat to jews and never could be even if they tried. God gifted Jews with genius that other races have no hope of matching.

IS that why Israeli soldiers pussied out over the sight of Ahed Tamimi? Is that why “God’s chosen” got BTFO by Hezbollah during the 2006 Lebanon war?

Visual spatial is important for art and Engineering which isn't nigger tier.

Less than half of Jews in Israel are Ashkenazi.

I hate canada so much, I honestly can't wait to see you get fucking nuked one day.