Would things have been different if Mitt Romney had won?

Would things have been different if Mitt Romney had won?

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I'll admit he had the charisma of a block of wood, but I kind of liked him.

Less marxism. Same destruction in the middle east. Trump would still be elected in 2016. That's a constant in every timeline.

unironically worse than Obama

I hope he does a primary challenge to Trump

>claim that Russia is America's greatest threat
>everyone laughs at you
>get proven more right than you ever thought possible
Being Mitt must be suffering.

It would be just like now, with "Trump" switched with "Romney" and have BlackLivesMatter launching terror attacks nationwide instead of Antifa.

It was the same when Dubya was elected, because that's the only way liberals can respond to losing.

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Mormons are just wannabe Jews that treat their sons like dog shit.

He was anti-DACA, but I doubt he'd care at all about improving border control. Especially with neocons whispering in his ear that it's "wasteful government spending." Obamacare wouldn't have gotten repealed, since democrats would probably hold the Senate in 2014. I wonder how he would've handled the Arab Spring. There would probably be a lot of tea party pressure on him not to get into any wars, so I don't think he would attack Assad.

>Hey, I resent that.

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Shit Romney is just the same shit as the rest


all christcucks are honorary jews

Proven right?

If Romney won then, Obama would be president today

He would have been tougher on immigration than Obama ever was and I don't think anyone wanted any part of Syria, there's no upside to getting involved. I think people might have been better off if he got elected.

>Would things have been different if Mitt Romney had won?
Would have been a lot worse, we dodged a bullet and voted for the nigger who banned fewer guns as President than Romney did as Governor. I hope he gets McCancer next

They invaded Ukraine and Trump clearly has some kind of connection to Putin. If he could, he'd have removed the sanctions.

Im glad both Romney and McCain fucking lost

They both are fucking terrible and it brought us to Trump...the only bad part was enduring 8 years of Obama

But lets be clear here Mitt is a faggot

he was a slimier version of obama. no thanks.

t. trump supporting patriot who still preferred obama to this chump.

The only faggot is you. McCain and Romney presidency would have been head and shoulders over the shit show that was the Obama presidency.

It'd have been nearly the same as when Obama was president, just with fewer tranny bathrooms.

Yeah but that shitshow gave us Trump who is arguably one of the greatest Presidents in modern history..depending on how the midterms go and if he gets reelected I could easily see him being top 10

McCain = muh endless war
Romney = the ultimate cuckservative faggot

Romney is a mormon huckster and made his money by essentially being a Jew

totally cucked on immigration sadly

also weak in terms of feminism

I wasn't completely sold on the boomer invasion until this post.
Wow you guys are fucking stupid. Just die already

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This is the most absolutely retarded argument I've ever heard and I reject it on it's face

>It's a good thing Obama drove the country into the ground for 8 years straight so that we elected someone to fix all the shit that's ruined!

Dodging the (((social progress))) of Obama's second term would've been nice. Trannies didn't really become a thing until around 2015/2016. Gay marriage was still seen as weird. What concerns me is that Romney would've been a pressure release valve. People would get their catharsis from Obama and then Hildawg or someone else could swoop in and go for round 2. I think Trump has been a net gain in terms of waking everyone up.

No u

Not really. His "self-deportation" policy was super edgy for a Boomer conservative. The Overton Window was so far to the left pre-Trump that we couldn't even talk about legal immigration.

Incredibly. in the 90s, Clinton and Reid wanted to cut immigration by 2/3rds, but Grover Norquist and a lot of the other Boomer neo-con Republicans killed it.

"At the same time, a coalition of high-tech business leaders formed an alliance with other pro-immigration groups — business lobbies, immigrant rights activists, immigration lawyers, religious groups — intent on killing the Jordan bill entirely. The high-tech industry hired Grover Norquist, a leading conservative lobbyist, to persuade Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition to attack the bill as 'anti-family.'

In the end, most of the Jordan Commission reforms were defeated. A staggering array of disparate pro-immigration lobbies coalesced in the Democratic Party and have dominated the political narrative."

So why are we blaming the left and "muh Jews" for this demographic quagmire again? The GOP and the big business lobby is just as complicit in this.

>McCain and Romney presidency would have been head and shoulders
My sides, Kanye West would be a better president than fucking McCain or Romney

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What are three ways that McCain and Romney would have been head and shoulders about Obama, in your alternate presidency timeline? Serious question.


We'd have reached the point of demographic collapse after he granted amnesty to 30 million illegals

Fuck off boomer

Quality post. I learned something new today

>The academic authors of “ The Congressional Politics of Immigration Reform,” summarizing the lessons from the Jordan bill defeat, observed that the pro-immigration forces discovered they had a powerful advantage by focusing on compelling anecdotes rather than abstract facts. Immigration became, the authors said, “a matter of human rights, of morality.”

This makes so much sense. Human rights are so vague and difficult to define that if you can reframe the debate around them, you can pretty much get anything you want if you word it correctly.

If he runs on Jenner family money and every politcian in both parties hates him and every mouthpiece in every corporate news outlet writes increasingly desperate hit pieces every day of every week and you can't walk down the street with a Kanye shirt on without being assaulted verbally and physically, then I would vote for Kanye in 2024 no matter what platform he runs on.

Republicans haven't won an election since Bush cheated Gore and they didn't win in 2016, Trump did, and until you can understand that you will be as forever lost as CNN

Bush 2004
But I agree with everything else you wrote, and with your overall point

>being this short-sighted

>would things be different if jewish puppet A won?
Stop looking back, start to look forward for our future.
Read siege and godspeed

Considering both McCain and Romney have a habit of virtue signaling against President Trump, I highly doubt it

>boomer doesnt understand what a jewish puppet is
God im getting tired of this

Unironically Kanye is uncontrollable.
Once he finds out about the (((slave trade)))
There will be no stopping him.

Hillary Clinton would be president.

>So why are we blaming the left and "muh Jews" for this demographic quagmire again? The GOP and the big business lobby is just as complicit in this.
Two sides of the same shekle senpai

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>Once he finds out about the (((slave trade)))
lel as if he doesn't already know

>Would things have been different if Mitt Romney had won?
Yes. Democrats and Republicans could have gotten behind this man. He has integrity. Why do you think Putin had Butina nix him in favor of Tillerson for Secretary?

>Hillary Clinton would be president.
That was (((their))) plan all along, and boy are they pissed about it now

t. vodkanigger

>Yes. Democrats and Republicans could have gotten behind this man.
And permanently banned guns once and for all

“I don’t line up with the NRA.” — 1994, to reporters at a campaign stop. During his 1994 Senate campaign, Romney came out in support of the Brady Bill and a ban on certain types of assault weapons.

“We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts — I support them. I won’t chip away at them. I believe they help protect us, and provide for our safety.” — Sept. 24, 2002, at a debate during the Massachusetts gubernatorial race.

Signed a permanent assault-weapons ban as governor of the Bay State. “Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts,” Romney said at the July 1, 2004, signing ceremony. “These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people.”

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The Jews provide a convenient scapegoat to simplify the world for us, but we have to swallow the difficult fact that the world isn't so simple. Both political parties, Jews and goys, threw us under the bus for muh GDP growth (all going to the top).

And legal immigration is probably even more damaging than illegal, because it caused competition in the middle and upper income levels. So the Mexican border hoppers were a nice red herring. Also not noted enough, is the 1990 Immigration Act under Silent Gen (honorary Boomer) terrorist H.W. Bush, which increased immigration by 40%, dropped English proficiency requirements, and created the diversity lotto.

Honestly, we could have survived Hart-Cellar. Reagan's amnesty, the 1990 Immigration Act, and decades of lack of border enforcement, coupled with the visa over-stayers, which actually outnumber border-crossers among illegal immigrants.

Then there was Plyer v. Doe, which forced the states in 1982 to educate anchor babies, this was a long process.

>t. VDare, American Renaissance pre-Gamgergate alt-rightist.

Not every enemy is a jew, but every jew has shown himself an enemy. Not only that but everything you guys are dealing with HAS been orchestrated by an overwhelming jewish majority, aided by gentiles who've bought into jewish ideologies and follow morals and ideals that benefit no group other than jews.

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Trump would have ran as a candidate for the democratic party with slightly different views for a 1v1 against Jeb.

i doubt trump would primary Mitt. Trump liked Mitt a lot and he was pretty pissed of when he lost

nigger romney would be up for reelection then

No since Mitt Romney is a far-left extremist, maybe even more than Obama. Say what you will about Obongo, but he has never once endorsed ANTIFA in public, unlike Mitt.

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These goy corporate CEOs love immigration as much as the Jewish ones do. They betrayed middle America for cheap labor. That's the final redpill. Goys and Jews at the top were a part of it, and it was all for their profit.

Can someone tell me how his platform was different from Obama's? I honestly don't remember.

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He’s worse than Hillary... if he won you’d be wearing magic underwear and riding a government issue mt. Bike converting people to the cult of Mormon

Nigger lover


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I would've voted for him solely because he wanted to drug test welfare recipients. Niggers were up in arms when he announced that vs Obama. Gee, I wonder why.

The funny thing is those people were calling him a Nazi in 2012.

Yeah, just slightly worse.

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>Nigger lover
Well the last nigger was less of a gun grabber, Knowing what I do today, I still would never vote for Romney. I'm not voting for Rick Scott for senate because he flipped on guns and I voted for him when he ran for Gov. Obama would still win again against Romney if the ran against each other again

Obama's Gun Record Basically Consists Of Expanding Gun Owners' Rights

The Christian Science Monitor ran a very interesting piece in September comparing Barack Obama and Mitt Romney's gun control records.
In making that comparison, CSM pointed out Obama has only ever signed laws expanding gun owners' rights.

One of those pro-gun laws took effect in February 2010 and allows people to carry loaded firearms into the Grand Canyon and other national parks, according to the AP.

Paul Helmke, who was at the time president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said national parks were the safest spots in American but guns could change that.

The other major pro-gun law Obama signed allows Amtrak passengers to carry guns in checked baggage, reversing a ban that was put in place after 9/11, according to USA Today.

In addition to signing pro-gun laws, the Chicago Tribune has pointed out, Obama also failed to make good on a campaign promise to close a loophole that let some people buy guns without background checks.

It's not so shocking then that the Brady Campaign gave Obama an F in January 2010.


No Trump, possibly 2 terms for Romney it would have been Buchanan v Bush/Dole all over again.

Right now America's fate is up in the air, with Romney we would be guaranteed to decline into irrelevance just like Britain.

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>They betrayed middle America for cheap labor
>it was all for their profit
>That's the final redpill
There are many, many paths to profit user, this one was chosen, or rather created, for a very deliberate reason

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Neo Cons had control of the party since Nixon was forced to resign and Ford got primaried by Reagan, we are currently seeing the fruits that Goldwater and Buchanan sowed come to fruition.

Would be far less bitching from the left.

Bill Kristol and other neocons would have been in full charge and still rule us now

It would be the same as Obama. Maybe leaning a bit more towards Dubya's GOP but as soon as a Democrat got loud, Mitt would wet his pants and back off. The ruling powers would be a lot more comfortable than they are now though. One thing leftists and neocons are wrong about is Mitt Me-Too Romney will be their pet John McCain in the Senate being a Boston liberal, but he's based his entire career on folding like laundry if anyone or anything pushes back. Look up his debate with Ted Kennedy, it's fucking embarrassing.

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He's a RINO piece of shit that has the cult of Mormon behind him. He's the same as Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and the whole lot of those fake right globalists scumbags. Mormons are retarded for not seeing what he REALLY is, but they always have a blind spot for "one of their own" (just like jews).

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>daddy hurt me the post

mormons arent youre enemy

if yoru old enuf, here is the enemy


they do the national prayer breakfast but are really a kike front for blackmailing politicos with madams and its all public

I don't really remember, I was 14 at the time and I didn't care too much. I'd hate to see an actual Mormon as president though.

Everyone in the republican party except for Trump and the Pauls are cucks.

RINOs get the gas first

>i doubt trump would primary Mitt. Trump liked Mitt a lot and he was pretty pissed of when he lost

Trump could just have easily run as a Democrat.

Mitt was a faggot who didn't have the balls to win. After the 1st debate he showed his lack of spine. Tbh I think his wife wanted to win more than he did.

except for the superdelegates, but for popular support sure