Trump failed on his one major campaign promise. Hasn't EVEN STARTED it.

Illegals are still flooding the borders. He is the president and has a Republican Congress and still FAILED.

Attached: wall1.png (363x87, 4K)

But he (re)built like 60 feet of wall in California. That's basically the same thing!

Nobody here thought it would be an actual, physical wall across the entire border.

>Nobody here thought it would be an actual, physical wall across the entire border.

Trumpets demand wall. No wall to build, it is not neccessary.


>Nobody here thought it would be an actual, physical wall across the entire border.


>Illegals are still flooding the borders.
but you wanted that, didn't you?
so much for democracy I guess, at least you can't whine about corruption in politics any more, you ousted trump and reinstated the most corrupt system of lobbyism ever conceived.

In 10 years time when USA is circling the drain economically the people who opposed trump will be rightfully blamed I guarantee it.

I guess you guys missed the memo that the mexican president already said he would pay for the wall

The wall is all but secured.


I would like some effort some effort of stopping illegals from coming over, and having Mexico pay for it would be in my interests as well because I'm a taxpayer. Perhaps some smart planning to reduce costs and increase productivity from someone who knows about construction would be ideal.

But none of that was the case, you can call any dissenter a stupid liberal but this is Trump's biggest failure.

I never even thought he would be able to get the proposal through, he's been resilient to withstand the inhuman pressure of most of the establishment politicians. It wasn't until later in his presidency that republicans started to warm up to him because it would look bad when he actually got the economy up and running again.

Attached: 1504694479682.jpg (864x1152, 155K)

>no Congress
“No wall today” posts are the laziest low hanging fruit. OP confirmed spic.

no I think I remember reading some article about that, don't know if he retracted it later tho. It's all a game to politicians

Coming from a family of politicians and lawyers I am manically distrustful of lawyers and politicians, for good reason.

Anyone else not voting for him again if he doesn't do something to get the wall? The country is only going to move more and more left. This is our last chance to get one. In 10 to 15 years will will be just like the Europe. Whites are frogs slowly being boiled alive. The movement is to slow for us to do anything about it.

The wall is metaphorical dumbass. Illegal immigration is at the lowest it's been in decades.

Trump has been president for 1 year, 215 days, 7 hours, 49 minutes.

It is inexcusable to not even have started. There is no way to spin it.

This is wrong.

Trump can't do anything that congress won't provide funds for.

They HAVE started. The issue is funding.. which is not something the President has much control over.

Sage this nonsense.
>Holes have been plugged
>proposals have been submitted
>funding has been allotted,
OP is either low information or shilling and or sliding.

im honestly curious if 2018 midterms could be decided entirely on wall funding. i wonder

> implying TRUE CONSERVATIVES want border security

Just make a thread about white privilege or some other bullshit if you're going to be this much of a dense leftist.

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Nah man, Dem madness has already got it for the Rebs in both the House and Senate IMO. They keep blueballing themselves on the Mueller Probe and any other such muh Drumpf narratives and this leads to them being idiots which in turn turns normies off them.
>inb4 South Africa tweet

Prototypes are built, undergoing testing, so far only 1 master climber got up on one, but couldn't get back down without the aid of a cherry picker lift. the different prototypes are in other testing stages, like tests for adapting for solar power etc

The 20 mile gate near San Diego would be a pathetic start

>proposals have been submitted

See: Trump's border wall prototypes fail design requirements and are riddled with deficiencies

Posting a picture of Hillary doesn't make you a true conservative

On the offchance that you're not a shill....

What do you expect to happen if you don't vote for trump? Do you think that someone who is MORE rightwing than him will win?

Best case scenario: trump will win
Worst case: Democrats will win and throw the border open

Those are the options

And the designs will be improved. Not much of an argument brah.

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Pretty much. I'd throw a vote in but thankfully the One World Government World Leader vote is not a thing yet.

Bullshit. US dollars will pay for that wall. Fuck, Americans sure are gullible.

It's still a start that was funded by Congress. He can only do what he has the funds to do. You can keep trying to avoid the fact that it takes money (granted by Congress) to do this.. but that doesn't make the fact go away.

Of course you would say that. Simple fact is both of the tax bases will pay for it in terms of the timeline we live in. Upfront costs can be offset ya know.

he still has 7 years left


He "guarenteed" it for the first term... what if he doesn't build it during the second term either?

What if he doesn't build it during his third and 4th term?

>still flooding the borders
>mothers and kids being thrown in camps

Which is it? Dumb fag.