I found you nazis via Vice

I found you nazis via Vice.
The racism here is truly horrifying.
The Trump tweet about South Africa really opened my eyes to how influential white supremacist media continues to be. Originally, I thought that the far-right's hatred for people of color only played itself out in insular communities, and occasional acts of terrorism by extremists, and while this is bad enough, the fact that government policy is being influenced by essentially Neo-Nazis has made me concious of the fact that we are living in the Fourth Reich and this is a direct result of letting this ideology fester. I, as a Jewish female, have had experiences with anti-Semitism in the past, but never have I feared for my safety until this. No one in a Western country in 2018 should have to be concerned about their security because religion, ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual orientation, as I now am. According the Constitution, we are ALL entitled to the same rights as any other human. Diluting this immortal declaration with fascist rhetoric, even jokingly, will only cause more pain and discourse for not only minority groups, but white people too. Equality is the only path to a truly happy and successful world. Now, despite all things, I don't dislike anyone here as I've been taught by the Talmud to love all, I just hope that you learn how dangerous your behavior is. Consider yourself in the shoes of a person of Jewish descent and how you can't escape the racism (and sexism) even on a political discussion board, and while I know that sounds really cheesy, it is a helpful exercise if you take it seriously. Ending here, I want to thank everyone who actually took the time to read this even if you are a troll, and to POC in particular, I apologize on behalf of all white people for these embarrassingly outdated and insensitive posts.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>I found you nazis via Vice.
you're not good at larping


Attached: smug anime face 482 of 545.png (343x307, 115K)

New pasta?

>This is a tintin thread

What does that mean?

Post tits or fuck off.

clean your room bucko

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Eat shit, faggot.

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stfu oven dodging thot

I know you're trolling

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Checked. I miss him.

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This is now a nazis with cats thread.

too long, didn't read.


Go suck a Niggers cock you Jew Kike faggot

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Way too much effort to be that unconvincing

Whatever happens to the Boer, we're going to do to you.

This is your only warning, you kike.

I found you nazis via vice

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Why not?
>I found you nazis via Vice.
>The racism here is truly horrifying.
>The Trump tweet about South Africa really opened my eyes to how influential white supremacist media continues to be. Originally, I thought that the far-right's hatred for people of color only played itself out in insular communities, and occasional acts of terrorism by extremists, and while this is bad enough, the fact that government policy is being influenced by essentially Neo-Nazis has made me concious of the fact that we are living in the Fourth Reich and this is a direct result of letting this ideology fester. I, as a Jewish female, have had experiences with anti-Semitism in the past, but never have I feared for my safety until this. No one in a Western country in 2018 should have to be concerned about their security because religion, ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual orientation, as I now am. According the Constitution, we are ALL entitled to the same rights as any other human. Diluting this immortal declaration with fascist rhetoric, even jokingly, will only cause more pain and discourse for not only minority groups, but white people too. Equality is the only path to a truly happy and successful world. Now, despite all things, I don't dislike anyone here as I've been taught by the Talmud to love all, I just hope that you learn how dangerous your behavior is. Consider yourself in the shoes of a person of Jewish descent and how you can't escape the racism (and sexism) even on a political discussion board, and while I know that sounds really cheesy, it is a helpful exercise if you take it seriously. Ending here, I want to thank everyone who actually took the time to read this even if you are a troll, and to POC in particular, I apologize on behalf of all white people for these embarrassingly outdated and insensitive posts.

you lost, fuck off and take it like a man.

Degenerate Jews think men raping babies is comedy but we need to be apologetic?
Kys kike

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Trump could tweet everything positive about the world, unicorns, rainbows, donuts and lgbtqrstuvwxyz and you fuckers would still lynch him. Damned if he does, damned if he don’t. You libtards make it so he can’t win. Get it? Probably not. That’s why he speaks the truth. Love the winning.

>I don't dislike anyone here as I've been taught by the Talmud to love all

Except Jesus who in your talmud is said to be boiling in excrement. Repent! Jew and accept your Messiah Jesus Christ

>the Trump tweet about South Africa really opened my eyes

I bet, how about this image of South African farm murderers using sophisticated cell phone/radio jammers? Kind of makes the government look complicit eh?

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>blah blah blah

Shut up, Jew. Go forth and redpill yourself first. Then we can have a civil discussion. But you won't because you're a brainwashed cultist. Buh-bye, loser.

>smug anime face 482 of 545.png
Dump them all please.

everyone wants to focus on the murders. no one wants to talk about the resources

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Post tits whore!

>I, as a Jewish female
>I apologise for all white people
Why does this happen so often? Switching primary identities depending on the context of the situation and whether it benefits you to be perceived as the former or latter, I see so many Jewish people do it I'm beginning to think it's a genetic trait

hmmm... aldente. Very spicy... Fresh...

Good pasta my friend

laid it on a bit thick

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They teach them to do this in Temple. Not even kidding.

The Talmud also says it's okay to rap 3 year olds.

Kys kike bitch

We are everywhere and coming for your nigger children

Couldn’t read all this onions garbage
Write an entire fucking shitlib book will ya?

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>can't escape
abloo bloo bloo! Go off to some other part of the internet where your kind have control, like damn near everywhere else? If you're expecting sympathy for jews here, you've been breathing in your cat's shit parasite.
>I've been taught by the Talmud to love all
You just went full merchant.

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