Refute this Jow Forums, you literally cant

Refute this Jow Forums, you literally cant

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Well no shit, no one's saying they're communist

Venezuela is great everyone who voted for Obama should move there

Venezuela is a shitskin economy. That's the problem.

Notice how before Venezuela failed people pointed to it as an example of successful socialism.

Bernie Sanders said that Venezuela was socialist, is Bernie Sanders wrong?

Grug think red cloth way good? Grug not hear what happen in brown skin cave? Whole cave trade fire goop, make many rock. Red cloth bunga become chieftain, now cave have no rock. What Grug say now?


Attached: many rock no chieftain grug.jpg (479x444, 38K)

In fact, Bernie Sanders described Socialist-ruled Venezuela as a more suitable exemplar of the American dream than the United States.
I bet he feels stupid now that he knows that Venezuela was not actually socialist.

> Socialism fails
> Needs to inject money
If only I could make easy money..

>Socialist governments become corrupt

Wow okay op. I am now a full blown cuck communist who is with her. You just changed my whole life.

Heck, even Venezuelans say that they are socialist.

Venezuela is a shithole that would not be better with capitalism.

Why did Bernie say Venezuela was a shining example of working Socialism when it was working?

Attached: AmusedAsianGirl253.jpg (640x960, 38K)

I can't wait until European countries that grew extremely wealthy under socialism and a 90%+ white population plummit into the American level debt due to shit skins. Hopefully there is enough historians left at that time to document that socialism only works for white people and t he jews and niggers fuck it up.

How about post a fucking source before you make proclamations

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Venezuela economy is not failing because of itself, it's failing because of failed (socialist) monetary policies.

so it only takes 20% of socialism to send people to eating out of the dumpsters? good to know.

Biggest players in the private sector are often government owned. Oil industry, PDVSA, for instance.

besides getting socialism wrong they also got the internet and alt right wrong
1. The alt right didn't win the internet. We did.
2. We sure as hell didn't do it with upvotes/downvotes wtf

sage sage sage

>Reddit leftards use upboat-downboat system on every platform that has it on opinions they like/dislike
>Gets assblasted when adversaries use it against their opinions/ideologies/etc.
>Their enemies are better than them at using the system