Wtf I hate white people now??

wtf I hate white people now??

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It actually could be true. boer farmers are literal /ourfolk/ but I bet there's a ton of jews especially in diamond fields who are concerned and probably smart enough to do this and put the heat on some africanns.

It's the weirdest thing but even in Orania people trust the jews

Good. I hope they kill his whore mother, too.

Up really is down with these people

Oh god I want to sign up

Fuck niggers.

and it's beautiful

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What if Jews are unironically our greatest ally?

Jews are white, fuck the haters

>ton of jews especially in diamond fields

Apartheid S.A. and Israel were good buddies. Most people just don't know

ITT: Zionism

israel might be, the international ones are certainly your worst enemy

actual israelites are. meaning, proper descendents of the 12 tribes (white people). (((jews))) are cain's progeny and are what pol hates. one day there will be a get powerful enough to make it so, but it is not this one.

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Jews are and always will be our greatest Ally.


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It's like people think the jews just found their nukes lying in the desert.
>jews in diamond fields
>jews doing labor
Besides, they don't need any more diamonds, they've got warehouses full of them, stockpiled solely to artificially drive up the marked value to something above that of common dirt. As long as nobody else is mining them, jews can profit greatly

USS Liberty. Get the fuck out hasbara. Nobody believes you give a fuck about white people anywhere.

This thread is an abomination

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Any truth to this? I'm not going to just trust the word of a communist nigger that regularly promotes white genocide.

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Israel was the only country that supplied Rhodesia with guns, helicopters & planes. So I am not surprised.

common enemies forge strange alliances

South Africa and Yugoslavia too.

Oh yeah

jews ALWAYS play both sides
win then kick the yids of your homeland

Jews crushed apartheid and now they're making even more shekels off white farmers.

why do niggers fancy themselves as spic revolutionaries Jow Forums?

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>Jews crushed apartheid
>Israel supported SA all the way

Reminder that Israel was one of the only countries to not embargo Rhodesia and South Africa. You're welcome goyim.

lmao, they really lap up all the jewish bullshit if that's their take on the scene

Israel called Rhodesia an "illegal regime" and only changed their tune when they realized that the negros supported the PLO and started equating Zionism to apartheid.
So it's not like you actually suppoirted them, enemy of my enemy, etc.,..

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So why were these Jews responsible for bringing it down?

Denis Goldberg
Lionel Bernstein
Bob Hepple
Arthur Goldreich
Harold Wolpe
James Kantor
Joe Slovo

they only pretended to give a shit because SA was their best shot to get a nuke. they then kiked them out and destroyed it as any jew would do.

>Implying they are doing this to save the whites
>Implying this is not to stop them from destroying the banking system with billions in losses.