I miss the days when these boards were mostly libertarian free market people. Nationalism is a cancer

I miss the days when these boards were mostly libertarian free market people. Nationalism is a cancer.

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Nationalism is the cure for cancer, memeflaggot

leftypol is that way

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I miss the days when niggers and mudslimes and spics weren't being imported by the millions from third shitholes.


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The influx of incels killed this board.


The edgy millennials grew up and became bitter that society left them behind. Regiem change gives them hope.

>free market
>worse than nationalism
End yourself and take that flag off corporate dicksucker.

Get a job

>libertarians promote mass immigration
>immigrants overwhelmingly vote for statism
>b-but if we just legalize weed and give them amnesty, they'll vote for us this time

I miss my halcyon, basic bitch libertarian days. It's sad.

the nation is more important than shekels

Based op I can't wait to be a coca cola citizen

I miss the days when Jow Forums was mainly trolls.
And no mega pedes were in sight.

libertarianism is fake and gay af

Nationalism is an evolutionary development. It is the extension of deep human cooperation from the family - clan - kingdom / nation. It's not wise to think of human cooperation as cancer, but your memeflag is very accurate in this context.

Hey we miss things too, like borders and commies getting beaten down by riot cops.

I warned you commies you'd miss us but here we are.

Nationalism is the future. It's in the process of re-branding itself (America First, "economic nationalism"). Its modern advocates are men like Bannon, Trump, Orbán, Farage and Wilders.

Just to elaborate; You propagating that having individual political entities constitutes a problem is not a solution. The develpment you're criticizing constitutes a solution. It is just not refined enough to encompass the entirety of humanity, but we're working on that.

This. Plus the free helicopter rides

Get ready for 5 seperate colgates to go off on massive tangents and "wilders zionism" info dumps

ah ah ah ah ah
ah ah
ah ah

funny poster here , but I think you are wrong and it's more like God left society and humankind behind , there's nothing to be bitter about I already accept the human psyche reality , the nervous system, the neurons and all that stuff
You act according your nature right ?

Yes well the median population age in developed countries is increasing - so of course lolbertarians would inevitably grow up.

Probably around the time they started driving on roads.

Saddam did nothing wrong.

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blame your bolshevik loving kike friends faggot, they made us become this way

This tbqhwy

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I kinda miss the days when I thought libertarians would ever do something, or that it would even work in a multicultural society where identity politics trumps all and an economic system where wealth and power is so concentrated.

Meme flag. Clearly you dont understand words.

Nope, kill yourself. If you don't like it fuck off, faggot. Nobody gives a shit about what some random internet taint thinks.

Demographics are destiny. Lolbergs ignore this at their own peril.

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you average nog doesn't even know what "offensive ideas that could disrupt learning" fucking means. the sad truth of that survey.

>oy vey the goyim are catching on

Reddit shit down r/European along with coontown and no wonder people migrated here

I miss when my country was 90% white.
Brown people are cancer.

Fuck the globalist turbokikes

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hahahaha what a new nigger

People learn to stop being Austrian and start being Post-Keynesian Positivist.

Sweet Twitter post, fag.

(((free market))) is a myth. it does not exist in reality

This. This is what made me mostly a right wing nationalist. Just let us be in our own country.