Homer Hickam vs Furries

NASA engineer Homer Hickam deactivated his Twitter after a sustained harassment campaign from members of the furry community following a brief interaction with a would-be NASA intern (a furry) who spewed profanity at him.

He also deleted his blog defending the furry.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Never forget the TotalBiscuit effect

Here is the (now) removed blog statement from Hickam.

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post full story bro
look what this vile, cunting creature was yapping about. of course "she" lost "her" internship. it deserved to. BTW, i looked in the internet archive wayback machine, and it appears the thing is a furry tranny. fucking retard got what "it" deserved.

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That's part of it. Where's the rest?

>transgender furries are going to be the next generation of NASA employees
I wish I could just sleep forever

Why not make them sleep forever user?
I have been waiting to put them on a nice dirt pillow for years.

You aren't a normal person are you?

Had to find the full archived version of it.

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>NASA engineer Homer Hickam
You REALLY need to show how much more weight this situation has, for those who don't know, there is a chance you watched a movie about him in school.


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Daft old cunt just caved in. Boomers ruined the World and this is proof.

Homer fucking Hickam. They made a movie about his life for christ's sake.
...and still gets shit for it.

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03/28/2028 is when i die


Already gotch senpai


'''''2018 made me a worse person than I ever was'''''''
''''''had a brief moment of temporary insanity''''''

we all have the power to end our suffering.
hate to say it, but obviously talking doesn't work. in the end, the only way things are ever going to change is through violence, coercion and intimidation. people are lowly animals. fucking sucks, but that's how it is. you can talk to them, and speak sense until you're blue in the face, they'll just continue fucking you over and treating you like shit. but if you do something violent and horrifying, they'll shut the fuck up and believe whatever you tell them to believe. that's human nature. it fucking blows. i hate it. i'm just very objectively stating what human nature is though.

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Boomer built the world first.

Gee, I never thought the creeps who dress up in full-body fur suits might be criminally insane.

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Yeah like a similar situation would be
>hurf durf everybody stfu I just graduated muhreen boot camp!! - boot faggot
>language - Gen Mattis
>suck my dick and balls!!

good god do i hate furries, fuckers should be rounded up and shot

oh we all just tell one of our bosses to suck my dick and expect nothing to happen. lol

lmao shut up faggot, you're basically the same thing

What's that?

no they didnt, their parents built the world

fuck off u pos boomer

That's pretty petty, though. No need to fire someone for celebrating and throwing a few tongue-in-cheek naughty words.

i at least hide my degeneracy, these people get off on dicking around in public in giant animal costumes

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Get a load of this ‘thing’...

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well, also there if a fine line between caving and having some class. In the end he will still have a bronze statue somewhere, caving to a furry or not. The furry will have old amazon boxes of creepy furry shit that volunteers will have to haul out of her apartment.

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Imagine clawing your way up from nothing, realizing your dreams in a way that seems nothing short of unreal, only to have some degenerate talk down to you like that.

Then imagine dignifying it.

i slapped my boss in the face with a dildo one time, but he was a cool guy. i knew him and worked with him for like a year. wasn't any big deal. if you haven't even started your job yet and you'r'e shouting SUCK MY DICK EVERYONE on twitter then you're not going to get fired.
im a very anti-social person. i used to post the most absolute fucked up shit on my facebook (including literal holocaust denial and white pride stuff.....imagine the responses i got), but i did it with the full understanding that i would never get hired by anyone, would be excommunicated by polite society, and would need to work for myself forevermore.
these fucking furries and trannies and other faggots do shit like this out of some sense of entitlement. like they should just be allowed to be obnoxious fucks and not face any consequences at all, because "they are special". whatever. fuck them. i hate them. those are the facts. i honestly hate people who think they are so fucking special and different. "special snowflake" used to refer to people like that. the left changed the meaning of it. but people who fit the original meaning of "special snowflake" are fucking monsters.

So, what's a TERF? I can't keep up with all this shit.

What is a terf? How the fuck am I already getting too old to understand the youth?

>if you haven't even started your job yet and you'r'e shouting SUCK MY DICK EVERYONE on twitter then you're not going to get fired.
then you're not going to get hired*

Last for the rope, Flaggot

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"Trans exclusionary radical feminist"

Basically feminists who don't buy that trans """women""" are women.

My friend was asking, and while I know what it means I just want to be sure. If anyone can help.

I was friends with a furry. He was the most sensitive guy I ever met who would get offended and pissy even if we were just joking around. Had to walk on eggshells around that guy. Eventually dropped him because I was tired of it.

I assume most furries are quick to get offended And overreact at any perceived critisism aimed towards them. This just proves my theory true.

TERF stands for trans-exclusionary radical feminist, basically feminists who believe MtF are not real women (which is true)

Why do we study this faggot in high school?

I think you and I just have better things to do than learn Faggot Speak. Like drinking kossu in the darkness and designing a folding knife on AutoCAD.

I agree, too many fairy tale mock illnesses.

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sounds like he's a fucking cuck then. fuck 'em.

whatever you say, tough guy

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Except the last sentence is a complete fabrication. What a fucking retard.

probably regular people that should not have a bullet put in their head

Fuck NASA tho for real

>feminists vs trannies
Nothing can sum up the modern left better than this image.

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also that boss was asian, and i hate asians, so no way he could have been that cool, but whatever.

oh well i was WAAAAAAAAAAAY off

anti-science obscurantist retards need the rope too.

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They made him shut down his account because they found out he was based.

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Furries are subhuman.

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>calls someone else a waste of life
>is a hedonistic, degenerate furry faggot

Furry tranny literally told one of the most famous non-astronaut NASA alumni to suck its dick and balls for reminding it about language.

Why? Blasting all the furries in to outer space sounds like a pretty good idea to this honky.

What a hero.

Being a furfag is one thing, but being trans too?

That is where not only the government, but society as a whole should draw the line.

At least there is a 47% that furfag will try to kill themself (transgender attempted suicide rate). Probably higher now that they just lost a NASA job.

At what point will normies stop tolerating the normalization of severe mental illness?

i cant wait for society to crumble and we can kill all the straggling degenerates

This is a man who has nothing left to proove

he wished someone would die of cancer.
instead he got anal cancer and died.


Based Homer.

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Has anyone found a picture of the tranny? Is it the fat white kid or the black guy?

I guess furries have grown tired of trannies hogging the "human garbage" spotlight, and have decided to reclaim their throne.

We'll never reach Mars now.

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says the faggot

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Yiff in hell furfag.

If you can't tell the difference between being an upstanding human being and a cuck then do the world a favor and neck yourself immediately you daft nigger

>tfw watched october sky in Rocket Club in middle school
>tfw that boy grew up to a NASA engineer and a degenerate slayer

So this... Is the power.... Of.... Entitlement victim complex

i kinda enjoy the fact that it's the unexpected who join our ranks. someone get Homer a soda and a 12 year old

nope. the queermo got rightfully fired and ol' homer wants to do the christian (read: cuck) thing and not only get the faggot hired back on but get him a better position. this despite the fact that he's getting bombarded by the spazz's fellow furry weirdo friends.

if he hasn't gotten redpilled by this then he's a cuck and deserves the shit he's getting.

ah fuck, burn everything. he even phrased it to say "she".

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I love how it's furry faggot tranny sexual predators that always say this.

ironically, "Creepy" is entirely a feminine word

I have a hard time understanding people today. "khazwolf" posted something super fucked up, even by /b/'s standards.
Backlash occurs. Then they say it was a mistake, etc.. but then they say no one should hold it against them, cuz it was an accident? And then they pretend that they're the victim in all of this. Bizarre. If they had said "I wrote this in anger. I meant to delete it, but pressed send instead. I'm sorry. I deserve everything that I have coming to me. I just hope people will forgive me someday." That would help the situation. Not "I don't deserve this abuse, fuck you!"

Were any of these archived?

>imagine explaining this headline for someone 20 years ago

My question is how did Homer Hickam know who he was on twitter and why he confronted him there? Do the high ups at NASA and NACA and DOE etc. spy on their employees?

Oh, God. The bottom picture is hilarious. It must have been some "girl scientist wannabes visit NASA" photo op. Then look at the black guy on the left. He looks like he's thinking, "I made it to NASA, and now this?"

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Furries will tear down bronze statue of Hickam in 130 years.

honestly, how did they allow that guy in the photo? someone reviewed the photo, likely a whole fucking PR team, and they approved it for publishing

I think it's just a power move. The furry won't ever get the internship back, partly because of the insane demands of their furry brethern. But it makes Hickam look compassionate.
All NASA needs to say is "working at NASA requires subtlety and tact. The ability to keep quiet. This behavior shows that this person is constitutionally incapable of the kind of restraint we require."
Plus, the fact he tried to help it, and the furries are still in witch Hunt mode, makes them look horrible, and makes him look great.

Someone had apparently tagged “#NASA @NASA” in the replies, Don’t have the picture though. Homer probably had mentions from others.

It used the hashtag #NASA. That's the real issue. The stupid fucking posts would show up for anyone searching Twitter for NASA

Imagine the history lessons 20 years from now where kids learn about the mental health crisis of the 2010s.

oh shit i didn't see that sad black man at first
blessed homer
t. west virginian

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no. I just ss'd his @ + white.

A few more

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nasa getting harassed by a pack of wild fucking furries

holy shit this truly is the end times

>press F to spit on grave

GG nasa

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>Vietnam vet Homer Hickam was not afraid of shooting gooks but he is TERRIFIED about fighting back against homosexual furries and trannies

Boomers, not even once.

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this is why i wasnt mad when obama defunded NASA. all NASA does nowadays is find and name tiny stars that can only be seen with mega scopes. waste of fucking money

I think it's just meant to be an inspiring story about a country boy who learned to science good and how you can do it to if you believe in yourself and try real hard.