Cohen is a pretense to Trumps plan to trap DC rats

The reason Trump is allowing all these bizarre witch hunt cases to go through is actually to set a precedent. Right now, Cohen and company are simply the sacrificial pawns to the DNC, deep state, and media. As they cry out about "collusion" and "criminal acts" and "impeachment" they are actually digging their own grave. These convictions set a precedent against future cases that Trump will inevitably pursue after midterms or second term. He will be able to leverage the results of these so called "bad actors" against future convictions and use the extended executive powers and DOJ oversight to purge the scum from DC. Once his second/third SCOTUS judge is appointed, it signals the transformation of the American political landscape.

TLDR: Cohen and all are pawns to extended DOJ and executive powers that will be used to destroy the corruption in DC.

Attached: Don_Arlelelle_and_Klaus_playing_long_Prosfair_game.png (800x450, 656K)

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I like it. Qanon predicted this

Q maybe said this

Q predicted this

i predicted this

boomers are here.

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Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti calls Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen "radioactive."
"Anyone that had any contact with this man in the last 20 years should be very concerned about what secrets of theirs are within these documents."



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ruh roh

>inventing a delusion instead of accepting the Game Show Host Reality Star is a corrupt piece of shit

They'll indict Hillary any day now...

Attached: wtf.webm (404x368, 2.2M)

Durrr Drumpf is playing 4d chess!!! He’s fucked guys, the only way this ends is civil war

>Why doesn't Trump just fire the people at the DOJ doing the prosecution?
Really makes you think....

Why doesn't he ban Obamacare, etc etc.

He's a weak leader focused on making as much cash while in his position of power.

>president changing laws passed by congress is the same as the president firing/hiring people he has the express powers to do so
>billionaire caring about the pocket change you make as the president

So far it's sounding good


It's like a mirror or something

This guy gets it. I be knowing this since the beginning. It's what Trump does with everything.

Cohen being a kike lawyer probably laxed a whole lot of loose liberal lips who thought trump was on the pedo (((joking))) satanic killers of the clinton cabal when ivanka was bff to chelsea.