If you are a Stormfront Amerimutt, do not come here. You are NOT helping SA. You are only selfishly thinking and you are making shit worse. You don't give a fuck about South Africa. If you don't have a plan to fix this country, fucking off yourself.
Now, for all Indians, Mixed-race Americans, Mixed-race from other places on Earth of Jow Forums who are not part-Spics, part-Kikes, part-Chinese or faggots: We have to come together now.
Once the Boer is dead, The Indians and the Coloureds will die. Malema is not for White Genocide. He is for the extermination of all that is non-Black. He is a Black Supremacist and Marxist-Leninist with the full backing of BRICS. He wants all non-Bantu Kaffirs non-existent on Earth everywhere.
I have seen his personal emails. He has a three-stage extinction plan and the ANC and EFF will soon enter a joint coalition. They will soon officially decriminalize farm murders. They know about the Kike rambos training Boers.
BRICS wants the South African rare-Earth metals in the Cape region. It's all for China. The Rothschilds and De Beers also want resources and this is why the land expropriation is happening.
We don't want Amerimutts in here because they will bring their "exfiltrate the Boer for my own personal agenda and pan-Europe mutt cauldron state led by David Duke" bullshit here.
Unlike those faggots, I actually want to save this nation and help the Boers so they don't have to leave. I think the Boer, the Asian, the Coloured and the Indians should enter an immediate joint coalition and start assassinating EFF members.
Millions will die if the Bantus win. You can save South Africa now.
Watch this video of Malema:
I may not make it there but I've written Patrick Little, Trump and Ramaphosa about this. We need to save them and save South Africa. Little wants to give all Blacks and Hybrids $1,000. I told his to change it to a free repatriation passport so we can leave.