Save The Boer, Save The Boer!

If you are a Stormfront Amerimutt, do not come here. You are NOT helping SA. You are only selfishly thinking and you are making shit worse. You don't give a fuck about South Africa. If you don't have a plan to fix this country, fucking off yourself.

Now, for all Indians, Mixed-race Americans, Mixed-race from other places on Earth of Jow Forums who are not part-Spics, part-Kikes, part-Chinese or faggots: We have to come together now.

Once the Boer is dead, The Indians and the Coloureds will die. Malema is not for White Genocide. He is for the extermination of all that is non-Black. He is a Black Supremacist and Marxist-Leninist with the full backing of BRICS. He wants all non-Bantu Kaffirs non-existent on Earth everywhere.

I have seen his personal emails. He has a three-stage extinction plan and the ANC and EFF will soon enter a joint coalition. They will soon officially decriminalize farm murders. They know about the Kike rambos training Boers.

BRICS wants the South African rare-Earth metals in the Cape region. It's all for China. The Rothschilds and De Beers also want resources and this is why the land expropriation is happening.

We don't want Amerimutts in here because they will bring their "exfiltrate the Boer for my own personal agenda and pan-Europe mutt cauldron state led by David Duke" bullshit here.

Unlike those faggots, I actually want to save this nation and help the Boers so they don't have to leave. I think the Boer, the Asian, the Coloured and the Indians should enter an immediate joint coalition and start assassinating EFF members.

Millions will die if the Bantus win. You can save South Africa now.

Watch this video of Malema:

I may not make it there but I've written Patrick Little, Trump and Ramaphosa about this. We need to save them and save South Africa. Little wants to give all Blacks and Hybrids $1,000. I told his to change it to a free repatriation passport so we can leave.

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With the repatriation passport, our hybrid kind can leave the USA for Africa, South America and the Caribbean. Little is running as a Democrat for President in 2020. He needs your votes.

Wow forgot your proxy you fucking disinfo KIKE !

Eat a dick, you Spanish faggot.

This is serious.

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The EFF uses Gmail and their accounts were vulnerable as fuck. They are dumb.

I personally don't like Dominicans anyways. Dumb mutt fucks.

Both you kikes have South African blood on your hands.

Kikes and China are funding the ANC

Coming from an amerikike with anus cuadruple donged by tyrone and shekelstein? Nys and die in a fire after zugging a hundred thousand dicks faggot

Lol, enjoy your shitty Mediterranean culture. Cardi B-tier thots are all you give to the Earth. You're just Haiti with trees, fucker.

>If you are a Stormfront Amerimutt, do not come here. You are NOT helping SA. You are only selfishly thinking and you are making shit worse
I'm not a fascist but I stopped reading here. You're an absolute faggot. Enjoy being dismissed because of your views.

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Fuck kikes and fuck you all for wanting these fucking Bantus to make an all-Black communist ethnostate on the blood of your brothers. Fucking weak faggots.

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Meanwhile, you give the earth shit like obama, non binary geneder theory and copious amounts of homosexual porn...

Merica! Merica!

Yoo eesss aaaa!

Yooo esss aaaa!

Those fucks contribute nothing to the conversation. No one wants to hear rhetoric and propaganda bullshit from pan-mutt blender man Don Black. These are real victims who need serious focus.

Millions, not just the Boers, will die from this shit. American pro-Mutt shills have zero commitment to wanting to help SA. They just want the Boers to flee to the USA so they get added to the tribeless mysetery meat State.


There this thing called justice, and sometimes its divine...

You see, the real traitors and historically antifa states like SA, britain etc..they have to pay for what they did in germany. Because one must reap what one sows.

There was no fucking excuse for those assholes behaviour in the past, and they deserve this.

We can pretend that the niggers actually have real power, but they dont.

These cucks, have been delivered into their enemies hands.

I thought you faggots like sucking dicks over there but I had to come to Jow Forums to finally have confirmation. I don't have any involvement with the USA's profligate degeneracy. You mutts should be purged and we should annex the Dominican Republic.

I disagree with their politics but the concerns they have are based on truth. You're a nufag retard calling your own people mutts. Over half of us are descendants of the original settlers and we're still the best Europe ever had to offer from the European warrior race.

Yes. Still why should my five MILLION of my people die because de Klerk had some White guilt?

I think you're lost, you need to check the flags again.

With more people like Mercer, the EFF could be dead in a week. The kaffirs would capitulate in two weeks tops.

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Go mug someone and eat a fucking snowcone, you shit-tier med mutt fuck.

Enjoy your wavy hair and fucking low ass IQ.

>I disagree with their politics but the concerns they have are based on truth.
I'm talking about fascists
>You're a nufag retard calling your own people mutts
You called them Amerimutts

I will not see SA become Liberia and Rhodesia.

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You are american, synonimous with being antifa as you cockucking faggots are the most antifa group of sjw cucks in the world.

Literally, you cant be an american and not be a worthless, antifa, sjw piece shit. Its all that your country has ever been... i mean, you pansy queers even killed eachother like animals in a giant war to set stupid niggers free from slavery!

Social justice+antifa=america


Well, they are mutts. That is what they are. You can't say they aren't mutts. I'm a Hybrid, they are mutts.

Because they have innocent blood on their hands, and the blame is multigenerational.

Fuck all the allies, may their nations turn to dust and their enemies trample their bones.

>We don't want Amerimutts in here
>american flag
What, you couldn't get on Jow Forums in South Africa?
What a fucking retard lmao stupid fucking prick
Shut your fucking bitchass up and don't tell me about "seeing personal emails"
You ain't seen shit until you give evidence fucker

I am Novuteran. I am synonymous with extermination and genocide or my racial enemies. I will leave these kike-owned mutt cauldron lands and build the volkstaat. Then I will personally raise my flag over the capital of your country and the corpse of your then leader.

I phished him.

So, the Boers should die, Pajeets should die, and my people should die... Yeah, no. I'm going with door number two.


>states within states do not exist

Remember this flag. You will know it well.

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You will die after years and years of hard work paying taxes to your jewish owners.

Then america will collapse and be inhabited by feral niggers and spic larpers.

Perhaps you should just nys now user, why keep living if all you do is serve jews?

Theres no logic in that!

Do you believe every European in the US race mixed? We're still 63% "non-hispanic white". Regardless of what (((Hollywood))) and the (((media))) says, most of us don't fuck niggers and Mexicans. It's not natural for whites to race mix. We unconsciously refuse to even live with other races. Look up the white flight phenomenon.

Pretty much, or you can change your ways and stop banging faggots ass...

I reccomend that actually

fuck off fucking mongrel shitskin

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Eat a dick, you petulant subhuman jew eunuch manservant.

All Americans are mutts. By 2050, you will all be Mexican-flavored. But, I am leaving an pulling my kind out before 2050.

and* Fucking phoneposting.

I don't fuck faggots, you pleb.

kek how about you fuck off and stop shilling you filthy fucking subhuman mongrel mutt shitskin?
The only thing that matters is the White Race and only the white race.
South Africa will become a NatSoc State and you mongrel shitskins will get kicked out along with all other shitskins from the anglo-sphere and Europe
No one gives a fuck about mongrels like you, you are not a pure race but an abomination

2050 is when we will be a minority due to low birthrates and replacement migration. Not race-mixing. Fucking lurk moar and learn something.

I don't serve Jews. My kind are not supporters of the American system. We are here because of birth alone. We were born here but that does not make us American.

Americans that calls everyone a mutt

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South Africa will become Zimbabwe 2.0 because of fucking faggots like you.

Do you made something up. Very Amerimutt of you

You dont?

I really doubt that user, considering the flag your posting under.

An american who doesnt bang faggots ass is less common than a russian that doesnt drink vodka. ..

I already told your mutt ass the only reason we are here is due to being born here. We are not Americans and we do not support Americans or the Jews. We plan to leave. This place and its people can slave for Kikes all day long.

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So you made something up? How Amerimutt of you.


Amerimutts are weak, decadent profligates. They are the diverse slave race to the Jews.

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>Literally, you cant be an american and not be a worthless, antifa, sjw piece shit.

Dominicans seem nice.

It would take a faggot to know a faggot. So, how many miles of dick have you burned through? Did you get a frequent flyers card yet? You should cash in your reward points.

Op is an 15 year old amerimutt

We have a state in this state, Amerindians have a state in this state, the Jews have a state in this state.

Us being born here should not make us Americans. We are not Americans and constantly reminded of it.

Thats your jewish blood showing!

Accuse your enemy of what you do...

Stop playing games user, you bang faggots ass. Its the america way, and youre an america so.. when in rome...

If I was part jew, I'd kill myself.

It's time we embrace this and leave.

Thanks user, i am a nice guy.

About time i get some recognition around here!

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>part kike
By a couple ancestors, but would't consider that to be on par with being part spic or part gook.

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I'm a stateless individual interned in America.

Kikes are masters of manipulation. Not even a part-Jew should be free to live. They may identify more with Jews and then we'd have to start all over again after killing the full Jews.

Faggots like me will save the entire White Race.
Mutts like you just want to save your mongrel mutt shitskin subhuman race.
How the fuck are you trying to save whites?
The literal title of this fucking general is mutts unite
kek fuck off fucking faggot shill nigger

By saving South Africa and "persuading" the ANC and EFF to leave.

All you will do is bend over for Jewish cock.

South African Afrikaners are acting like pussies. If they can't defend their own land then fuck them, only the strong shall survive, that is the natural order of this world.

South Africa can only be saved by saving the White Boers and ONLY the white boers.
Who themselves colonized that land and created a first world nation.
you mongrel shitskins and niggers don't have any fucking right or claim on that land.

And to be truthful, faggots like you will destroy White diversity, using appropriation of Germany's movement for Aryans for your pan-Mutt state.

I'd always choose to be inter-racial over inter-tribal. I can create a movement that will lead to haplogroup divergence, eugenics to increase homogeneity in our kind and racial alchemy to transform my kind into a legitimate new race.

You can never un-mutt yourself, faggot.

Fuck you, they can be saved. All of their work can be saved.

They can defend their land if the others in SA and abroad help them. Malema wants a Kaffir ethnostate and it would be in SA's best interest to form an anti-Bantu army. The more, the merrier.

They will be saved if they win their war. I'm tired of the South Africans coming on here and asking for gibs. The stronger side will win. Now fuck off with these threads.

You will always be a mutt. Your kids will be a mutt, Your grandkids will be mutts. I am a malleable template than can change my DNA through artificial evolution. You will always be some inter-tribal fuck. Though monoracial, you will never have an ethnic identity and will always cling to the achievements of ethnic Europeans. Your family will always be mutts.

Fuck the Boer. You think I've forgotten those British officers you murdered? No my friend.

If you are of the European diaspora then you are a traitor to your kind for not wanting to help them by any means.

"The strongest side will win"
This is the most Jewish shit I read today.

Oy vey, don't you have some Koalas to put on the barby?

>This is the most Jewish shit I read today.
Not a kike, I simply believe in natural order.

So with that logic, if a man breaks into your house and raped your daughter, she legit deserved it for not fighting him off?

My daughter is my kin, I would fight for her because her fight is my fight.


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You're willing to sacrifice a bunch of Whites because they don't want to fight a stronger force they will lose to? Fuck it. I will help them.

But, your neighbor's daughter isn't?

My neighbors daughter is my countrymen. My countrymen (the ones who aren't degenerate) are my kin. South Africans aren't my people. It's not America's job to intervene in this stuff.

today mate we have wombats and koalas on the barby. we have to watch out of those rays mate. we will get some vegemite and crustaceans and it'll be carrots and apples when we throw it on the barby mate

I like you. No bullshit, no joke. I love this mindset.

If you were president and you wanted to remove leftist degenerates, would you exile them to another place if you could?

Whites are very privileged in SA
pic related

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What do Australians even do outside of huffing gas, poaching, or grilling something?

Do you literally just export sand, grilled lifeforms, and crocodile jackets?

Do you have gift shops?

Yolanda Visser is worth saving.


>If you were president and you wanted to remove leftist degenerates, would you exile them to another place if you could?
Of course, they would get free helicopter rides.

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Mainly we just export sand. Those other two aren't major exports. You got a problem with sand?

I mean send them to another country.

Incorrect. I want to see the 'Rambo kikes' train up some proper right wing death squads, and let's see how many blackies they can kill. I hope they fight and keep their farms and lands.

If you can get me some black sand, we may have a future business deal.

You're in the minority, friend. Most want the thing I said and this thread is proof.

We can make a deal. Meet me round the back in 15 minutes.