This fag just tried to make it harder for niggers to get abortions

What the fuck is this guys problem? Imagine being as dumb as a Libertarian.

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Fucking randlet

abortion is murder
we need to turn the heat up on this frog so he jumps out of the pot

just niggers? because they're only 16% of the population and a million abortions were performed every year, that means the smarter portion of the population are killing their own, guess they're not that smart, like you OP

4d chess.
Whites stop getting abortions and niggers do retarded shit like pulling it out with pliers and end up killing the baby AND themselves.

Stay mad kikes

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If you actually fall for OP's "argument" in favor of abortion, please do us all a favor and abort yourself.

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Rand Paul supports BLM

>Niggers getting abortions
I wish they all were forced to get abortions but none of them get abortions. This is why every single mother nigger has 4-7 shitlets trailing behind her at Walmart on the first of the month while she fills up her cart with potato chips, weave extensions and snacks for her fat ass.

Good bye Trump

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>In 2014, 652,639 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas

254,529 less blacks in 2014, and you're against that? What a total brainlet.

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he's not dumb, just naive. all libertarians eventually take the race pill. it is the only logical conclusion once you start trying to cut government spending

I dont get this mindset, i mean just hoping that by allowing extreme degeneracy you can somehow get rid of people you dont like...

Its just so passive agressive and effeminately sinister.

Are you even physically capable of actually comitting real, masculine violence to further your goals?

Or do you just rely on false of hopes of death by degeneracy even if its affects everyone?

Nice try FBI, get the fuck off this cantonese knitting board.

rand paul is our best shot in 2024. he's non interventionist, better on economy than trump, and better on civil liberties. I disagree with him on abortion too but he's our best shot Only kike neocons disagree.

>We need more BASED blacks and hispanics in America, we're totally not racist guys! Right media? Aren't we good people?

Just elect Nanci Pelosi then.

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You guys are really just a bunch of absolute pussies, the only people youre willing to actually kill are babies!

Extinction awaits you, you know that right?

Degerneracy is a double edged sword, cuts deep...

Maybe you should nys now and get it over with

I love Rand, but this is an example where ends justify the means.

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A Rand Paul that is stronger than Trump on immigration is the perfect candidate. He needs to buzz that hair and save the Republic.

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Saved. I want to make a "you listened" meme out of this.

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This 100%

Roe vs. Wade has singlehandedly saved us from becoming Nigeria 2.0 and is continuing to save us.

Access to abortion should be free, cheap and easy. The types of people who get them are usually degenerates, druggies and commies. People who don't need to be reproducing anyways.

>it's life tho


>Libertarians actually believe this

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