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Instead of 30 billion over 10 years in foreign aid Israel will now only be getting 30,000 million spread over a decade.

You think it’d be free?

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just stahp

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30,000 million huh.

Gaddafi dream will be true.

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Now he’s definitely going to be impeached

>Israel will pay
Nice try goy.

its going to be paid in blood

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>morphykike again
go defend the niggers denying the white genocide.

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drumpf an anti semite? not a surprise
fucking orange dorito dipshit

It's 40 billion over ten years, and that's just what is on the books. Who knows how much they are funneling to them off the books. Plus they are building bases there.


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So is he anti-Semitic or is he a Jew? Which fucking narrative is it shillbro?

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Make it 6 million

Israel also takes advantage of loop holes and uses dual citizens to provide the products that make up that aid. For example, crowd control tear gas is provided to Israel as part of the aid. The US government buys it from a company that’s actually really an Israeli business. This is why we need to kill all of the jews

for real though Trump's comments this past week on south african white genocide, palestine and big tech have me buzzing

>url ??????

spend 2 seconds typing in the article headline in your url bar and you'll find them...

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