No human being is illegal

Remember that Jow Forums.

Attached: nohumanisillegal.png (1273x679, 1.22M)

>Occupy Democrats
Opinion discarded.

Attached: 1527274330720.jpg (211x198, 11K)

a tragedy that could have been avoided by border control is a tragedy about illegals.
sorry you can't cherrypick 100% of the time, niggers

He is right. It's more important to teach men not to murder than to stop "illegal" immigration.

what about Trump?

They're not illegal humans, they're criminals

>this isnt about illegals its about rape
these fucking women get whats coming to them really

Wait so why South Africa are purging whites rn?

>>occupy democrats
Opinion disregarded

Whoever wrote this is right you know. Women are the victims of violent sexual crimes from citizens of this country every day. In fact I'm pretty sure the percentage of illegal Mexican male on white female violent crime are some of the lowest compared to other demographics. Most illegals are hardworking and literally just come here to work and make a better life for them and their family. Don't buy into their narrative pol, you're better than that.