We're fucked for good, please help me

I just came back from a ride and you won't believe how horrible it is in Toronto. Everywhere I see are Arabs, Indians, Asian, niggers and mixed mutts. Finding white people outside of downtown or the rich neighbourhoods is like finding Waldo. I'm getting out, is there a decent white country? I'm thinking of Denmark, Norway or Netherlands.

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Bump :(

Come here, we have asado and qt3.14 castizas (it's argentinian but it's pretty much the same shit as here :3 )

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I been thinking of moving to canada (alberta). Just leave GTA.

>tfw lived all 27 years of my life in Brampton

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Further up in the cold north you go, the more white the ground, and the people get.

it's okay the religion of peace gonna bomb your shit tier country any day now

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How does western ontario compare?


Never thought I'd see heavy migration to the Yukon but I'm seeing it. There's nowhere else to go.

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Ontario is nearly as south as you can go

Dude, it's not only GTA anymore. Every Canadian cities are getting Poo/Chink'd. If only you knew how bad things really are...

Albertabro here
It's not any better
I lived in YYC for 10yrs
Hardly any Whites and most were pozzed
Then I moved to a rural area
I work all around small towns in rural areas
Hardly any Whites and most are pozzed

We've been replaced, and those who remain desperately wish to accelerate their replacement

I guess we could use your help, but I still recommend getting out. Our Boer brothers will be the first to need our assistance. I guess right now Hungary and Italy are )))turning things around((( just like last time. Hopefully our German brothers will soon follow. But Canada is a lost cause. We have no blood on this soil.

> alberta sister fucker
> see 50 - 100 people a day
> like one nig and a couple pyutes
> and nigs not a nig, cause actually doing work
> politely scared into conformity

I feel your pain. I live in Toronto, thought brown/chunks areas were just Scarborough, Markham, Brampton, parts of Mississauga, etc. Looked on ethnic makeup map of gta.... I live in the whitest area. Fml

>. Every Canadian cities are getting Poo/Chink'd.
I thought that Regina would be predominantly White. Wrong. There were a ton of Filipinos there, too. They're everywhere. And that was 10 years ago! I can only imagine how "enriched" Regina is now. Besides, the only livable areas are along the Canadian / U.S. border. Living up North is isolation is expensive and would suck. Why can't we just have our cities back? But at this point, that's never going to happen save for an all out civil war and we take them back.

That new far right guy seems okay

Here is some motivation

>That new far right guy seems okay


Goddamned flips
Your ancestors should have raped those dog faced subhumans out of existence when they had the chance.

All those nations should be mostly nice.

Bullshit. Rural Alberta is 95% white.

Chilling here in Montana. Life is good :')

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oh looks its the daily GUY IN CANaDA HERE demoralization thread

>Chilling here in Montana.
If I were American, that would be one of the states I'd be looking at, also. Idaho, Dakotas, Vermont.

Just move out of toronto lol rest of ontario is white just the big cities are all immigrants

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He ain't wrong

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toronto was gone long ago..a minuscule dot on a country is fucked..who cares..it's a good containment area..northern ontario is white

I'm from Oshawa, and I remember growing up there when it was 100% white.

Last time I was there, it was all filled with blacks, browns, and miscellaneous - either because of that awful Tech college, or because it's more affordable housing. I mean, when Oshawa is no longer white you know it's a problem.

Unless you're a flat chested, pinch faced lesbian liberal with long gray hair, sensible shoes and a Subaru you'll not fit in in Vermont.

t. mixed race person

>Unless you're a flat chested, pinch faced lesbian liberal with long gray hair, sensible shoes and a Subaru you'll not fit in in Vermont.
Is that why that YouTuber Styxhexenhammer666 seems to be so content there? He can grow his hair long, tend to his garden and cats and wear his leather jacket with no shirt on.

You asked for this you faggot leafs

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Found the nigger/brown/beaner/gook, go back to your shithole.

He lives in Vermont? That explains a lot. He's probably the most normal one there. It's the most obnoxious place I've ever been.

I live in the whitest area too fren, Where abouts are you?

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Vote Maxime Bernier

That is what happens when you vote Liberal, you dumb fucking Canucks.


You have gotten some good replies go to Europe countries like Hungary or Czech republic.

Both are shithole.

nobody on this board voted liberal #stopthehate

Downtown is doomed, out here in the more suburban parts of Ontario are all majority white. Except for Brampton...


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You aren't Nordic so you don't deserve their countries you'll ruin their gene pool. Move to eastern Europe if you want whites.

Honestly had a really depressing interaction.

I washed dishes for a few weeks at this restaurant. Im in quebec amd dont speak french so have been largely keeping to myself.

The indian guys in the kitchen literally accosted me about how "spoiled" i was that i could just move to any province, and how unfair it is that they got the shot end of the stick in getting placed in montreal.
They surrounded me and got heated. They fucked with my food and i left.

It really really opened my eyes to what immigrants are.

It just really blew me away, this very explicit notion that something is wrong because its set up to be most accomadating to people born here.
The battle for future was fought and lost 10 years ago. Western culture has no future its over.

Get off pol, please please please dont get sucked into this garbage mindset.

Just live your life and be happy. Women are irrevocably ruined and were only gonna be moving more immigrants in. Wait till they start getting political power lol.

As bad as you think things are i promise they are worse


There are all white places in the US so I'm sure there are some in Leafland too.

Montreal and Quebec City have the best nudie bars in the world. It's fun to make empowered liberal women grovel for your looney, if you know what I mean. Take advantage while you're there.
>We Americans call it the Canadian Ballet

Ill check it out.

>just give up goy you can't stop it

Canada is made up by it's big cities. There are small rural villages that are still white but there is no civilization there.

All Canadians need to commit suicide.

Canada is the most doomed country in the west there is no push back here. Even Sweden has the SD. Yes you really should give up on Canada goy.


be thankful they're all clustering in one place, we have small towns at least

I feel you. I went to Toronto in 99 for the first time. I went twice in the past 5 years and holy shit...Toronto is terrible. Fuck.

Go to Finland. Everyone is white with blonde hair and blues eyes

Brother, truly you have actually no idea how much i wish i am going to be wrong.

Jordan Peterson is the messiah.
I truly believe in what he is saying and i want to use my life energy to help get to the future he is describing.

Watch him carefully to see whats going on, but realistically western culture is over.
It was a damn good empire and im happy i got to grow up in the most peacful period of human history in one of the highest quality of life places on the planey

Fun fact, in Alberta they have a 3 foot rule in titty bars, so you get to throw dollar coins at the strippers. Then a guy with a magnet on the end of a broomstick picks them all up. I really like Canada.

Can a man still move there with his pygmy pony and raise him up a crop of dental floss?

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Canada is lost. Vancouver is 60% chink. Canada of old is gone.

Where is the majority of your roots from?

You mean 85%
A mall in Hongcouver is literally covered with asians and the odd few whiteys

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Bad advice.
Move up North, adapt to the climate and life and make it work. Theres only one thing niggers and browns can't handle and that is the cold.
Up North you can begin to build basic infrastructure and turn the place into a haven for white people in your country. Blacks and Browns will crash the economy in a few short years and if they try go North, without the smarts to survive or the work ethic needed they will just die.
Seriously, we must become snow niggers and larp in the woods for a few years. Its probably the best thing to ever happen to a racially aware white person watching his country be over run.

Am I missing something here? Two days ago, I took my kids to a skatepark in Oshawa. We went for lunch at a restaurant downtown and I noticed lots of minorities. What I also noticed was thriving industry and commerce. Oshawa has the highest average salary in the province and it shows. We regretfully drove back to overwhelmingly white Peterborough, to our dead town which boasts 44% of adults being employed full-time. Every major manufacturing plant has closed and the streets are littered with heroin junkies and methheads (all white). How is this better than Oshawa?

Canada has no cities with whites. The places up north you're thinking about are small villages under 15k people and made up of old boomer retirees, that are constantly moving in and dying. There are no jobs in these places at most retail, the hospitals are shit too. You will be the only person under 50 there. I grew up in one of these places its hell.

Jordan Peterson is a gatekeeper, for a civillian uprising to occur the people need to be brought to a fever pitch and we have every right to be furious at what our so called leaders are doing to us. The man is a fucking gatekeeper, it is as clear as day. Those of you who couldn't see it on day one are forgivable but at this stage if you haven't committed the effort to really learn about what he is saying and the timing of it are just cowards, you are not stupid you are just terrified and are happy to sooth say yourselves and the rest of us.

Van has alot of history of asian labour. Many are 2/3 gen. fuck off

>Can't smoke a cigarette anywhere in the city
>Can't express conservative viewpoints
>Can't say anything positive about Canada
You can get free condoms, drug needles and smoke a joint.
I'd say at this point move somewhere else and let the chinks deal with it.

Then grow old and die in occupied territory. Trust me, its not much of a life. Surrounded by wimps, cowards and Godless leeches and im not talking about the kaffers or gooks. gtfo of major cities, by a cheap piece of land in a reasonably livable place and make it work.

Don't go to Europe, is not worth the effort. Just move to some nice US state, like Vermont. If you can tolerate far-leftist and libertarians, that.

The solution? Go to slavic country or hungary. You will see mostly whites everywhere.

There are no jobs or young people in these places. Do I have to repeat myself.

Peterborough has 80,000 people and is 90% white or more; Sudbury is another that is 90% white or more.Thunder Bay is 90% white or more. That is just Ontario alone. There are towns in Quebec, in B.C, in Alberta with similar demographics (ie, 50,000 or more people and 90% white)

I do not know for how much longer, though. If this "100 million immigrants by 2100" is not a conspiracy, then it truly is game over.

How many people live in Canada right now? Like 60 million or so?
I feel for you, but I know that our next President will probably commit to the same thing

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>The indian guys in the kitchen literally accosted me about how "spoiled" i was that i could just move to any province, and how unfair it is that they got the shot end of the stick in getting placed in montreal.
>They surrounded me and got heated. They fucked with my food and i left.
That's because they know that they can get away with bullying a local White Canadian or White German boy. If they tried to do that in the Ukraine, Russia, or even in China, Japan or Korea, they would get the shit beat out of them. I think the Muslims, pajeets, Chinese, etc. can sense that White males are not in charge of the West anymore, and so they take liberties with us.

>Jordan Peterson is the messiah.
>I truly believe in what he is saying and i want to use my life energy to help get to the future he is describing.
The cult of Papa Peterson.

Those places are mostly shiholes. Thunderbay is not 90% white it's full of aboriginals. Sudbury is the same I believe tons of abos, but way more disgusting frogs in Sudbury. 80000 isn't that much I don't know much about Peterborough but I suspect my no jobs and retired boomers stands.

If you know of a city 100000+ which is 90% white with very little frogs abos or boomers please tell me.

>The places up north you're thinking about are small villages under 15k people and made up of old boomer retirees, that are constantly moving in and dying. There are no jobs in these places at most retail, the hospitals are shit too. You will be the only person under 50 there. I grew up in one of these places its hell
Exactly. The north is just unlivable. That's why the entire population falls within about 200 km from the US / Canada border.

>Sayonara cn tower.
Idk its gonna take me a while to leave. 1/2 of my parents is a literal communist so it aint gonna be easy saving up. Still figuring out who wants to me before I go which would be in like...idk....2 years maybe. The NE course would take 1 year approx. But Im gonna put some effort into it so maybe I can finish sooner. Cause im still job hunting and uh yeah they think I hate GAY people or someshit. Idk I never beat up a gay person in my life. I just wear extra condoms to be safe despite me being straight. Idk anymore haha.

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Thunder bay is 80% white just checked

Yeah the edd edd n eddy guy blames america for their problems but like....every canadian voted.....so.....y'know.......

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Thunder Bay is more like 85% according to my quick research. Kelowna in B.C might be another: 120,000 people and about 90% white.

This is no joke. I went to Toronto in July for the first time in five years, and it was a different city. The airport looked like fucking Mumbai, and there was trash and graffiti everywhere. The non-whites outnumber the whites by a large margin. I am stunned at how quickly Trudeau royally fucked your country, leafs. Condolences.

what places in BC have the least poo's or Chinamen?

come to the woods my friend, we are still here, just know your place and your purpose

Thunder Bay has its problems but its no shithole

It's 82.8% white. I knew right away it's not 90% because I have family there that constantly complain about the aborigines. I could move to B.C but it's far. I was thinking of moving to Alberta.

Thunderbay is the biggest shithole in this country. You should move m8

said by any retard living in Southern Ontario
no thanks m8

why dont you come to mexico?


my neighbor is canadian, and the other day he was mad as fuck and he was yelling why in this fucking country nobody does its job right?

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Vast majority of the midwestern US is still very white. Just don't live in the innercity of a large/medium metro and it's pretty good. The burbs are still good living.

Every city within Canada is a ticking time bomb. Whichever majority white area we find will change within 10 to 15 years. My rule is this: Keep out of large metropolitan cities - I honest to God refuse to even visit them, let alone move to one.

I think Peterborough has the best combination of demographics and population in Canada. 80,000 people and nearly 95% white:


I am not sure if it worth moving to just because of demographics.

We arent. This battle took place a long time ago and was lost.

Were only seeing the effects now

Maybe ill join you in japan.
Is it different moving there, or are whites the niggers there?
Do japanese have the same reaction to seeing a white person as we do to crusty nigs?

Some parts of ecoke are still nice and white - but they're getting old.

Murrican here

Just got back from Niagra you Maple Niggers have FOOT washing stations in your public bathrooms. You know so Muslims can keep to their Muzlamic rituals and wash their feet twice a day before prayer

you guys are beyond cucked

you are pretty beaned too m8

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Stay out. Dont need brainwashed westerners bringing western leftist degeneracy here

Plan A; take back your country from the Muzzies! They are a huge financial burden and will bring nothing but more problems! Next, if the Chinks are a headache, say bu-bye to them, 30 days to leave or die. Now we're down to the poos. Helicopter those disgusting bastards. Take back your glorious country and I will finally forget you guys burning our White House, umm, maybe not yet.

I hear you Pole bro, friendo just returned from there, a native Pole. Took her grills with her. Nobody wanted to return Sounds like you have kept the degenerates out quite well.

If you ever go to Rexdale and see a white guy say something nice to him.
T.last white guy in rexdale