He was right about capitalism

But wrong about the solution.

Prove me wrong protip you cannot

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>He was right about capitalism
>Supported the labor theory of value

Even modern marxist economist think almost every marx meme is garbage, such as the LTV, the TRPF, etc.

That picture isn't Ted Kaczynski.

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Marx's labor theory of value was even more retarded than Adam Smith's original proposed LTV.


literally nothing wrong with the labour theory of value.

I think Marx had some legitimate grievances with the capitalist system, just as I have a legitimate grievances with living in a system that is the manifestation of the Jewish essence. I don't like how capitalism commoditizes every aspect of the universe, including your soul. So I would agree capitalism is not good but I don't support socialism/ communism as a solution.
>Inb4 natsoc
Good luck. There are no ethnostates in Western Europe anymore.

Not capitalism but early Industrial Age socio-economic problems.

has no probable mathematical relation to price, ei the transformation proble, which is what drives commodity production, QED the LTV is useless for economist

He was right that money corrupts politics. He was wrong that capitalism was the problem. He was wrong that removing money would remove corruption.

What he got wrong Henry George got right

What you are taught as "capitalism" results in inequality and inefficiency because it lacks a theory to manage common resources. It doesn't even recognize that there is such a thing as common resources. Georgism corrects this flaw by not only recognizing common resources like land, minerals, water, fish stocks as such, but adds that by managing these resources with user fees, you can get rid of all other taxation and remove impediments to economic development. So under Georgism, regular folk are mostly taxed in proportion to the value of any land they may possess. The vast majority of people would pay a lot less than they currently pay in income, payroll and consumption taxes, but absentee landlords would pay a lot more, and the mortgage business of banks would be an order of magnitude smaller, because land taxes cancel the benefits of homeownership as an investment. The system also discourages the inefficient use of land, controlling sprawl and inefficient farming practices. Housing and transportation costs would be greatly reduced, thus allowing for a greater equality of opportunity

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Natsoc is the answer


This is a condensed version of Progress and Poverty. Its like the Communist Manifesto except that it makes sense and the remedy actually works.

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If I demand $40,000 for a boulder I spray painted and added pipe cleaners to it because my labor added all that value, you'd laugh in my face and call me a faggot.
The labor theory of value is economic creationism.

except value is a measure of demand and not productivity. you could spend 30 years building a 200 foot tall iron penis and it would be worth $0.00 because nobody would want to buy it when you were done. meanwhile some youtuber records themselves playing minecraft and makes a fortune because people actually want to watch it. nobody wants to watch a 200 foot iron penis do nothing all day so it's worthless to society, therefor we can conclude that the labor to build it has no intrinsic value.

It's retard level easy to point out how something as complicated as an all encompassing economic system isn't perfect. His solutions were subretard.

s h i l l

What was he right about?

are you saying that every socialist state in the last 140 years has been a failure? You'd be right

> duhhh rich will get rich poor will get poorer
> duhhh there will be no social mobility
> nekk minnit
> middle class is created
> billions lifted out of poverty
> social mobility skyrockets
> average joes can become rich and rich can become poor (shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves in 3 generations is a fucking capitalist society saying cunts, you don't hear people in China saying "party member to non party member" the closest would've been in the USSR "party member to gulad in 1 nightly raid")
The socialists were so pissed off about Marx' predictions being proven wrong over a century and a half that they had to infiltrate society and undermine the economy for 50+ years for us to fulfill marxs prediction from their own socialist shitcunt policies. SocDems, NeoCons and Neo-Liberals are responsible for the destruction of social mobility, of real wages and of Corporatism. So no, Marx was wrong you fucking pratt.

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But he was wrong about socialism and communism so what does that tell you?

what was he wrong about

norway has not been a failure
cuba has not been a failure
the soviet union did fail, but they did more good than the US has in the hundreds of years it has existed
most other socialist countries have had to deal with the US/NATO etc trying to destroy them, which is a lot to overcome

but on the whole socialism in the 20th-21st century has been much more successful in improving the lives of people than capitalism has

Not real socialism. Try harder, sweetums.

that's because you made it overpriced. Stop pretending you're smart.

He was wrong about capitalism and wrong about the solution, and got 120 million murdered in the process.
Prove me wrong.

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>he diagnosed the problem correctly but prescribed the wrong medicine!
This is the lefty pseudo-intellectual's favorite position to take.

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That it would work. That classless societies are possible. That true textbook communism can never be achieved because the state doesnt want to give up power. The people really dont own anything.

wow you sound smart and like you have thought about this a lot

>posting this from the socialist nation of New Zealand

He wasn't even right about industrialisation.

ya he was right about pre-1900's captilism when children were litterally dying in factories. Oh wait he wasnt becuase communism wasnt required to fix it.

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what was his real name?
case closed

wow you sound smart and like you have thought about this a lot

Love to talk to people who start out saying they can't be proved wrong.

Tell us what the solution is, sensei?

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>Protip, you can't.

> but on the whole socialism in the 20th-21st century has been much more successful in improving the lives of people than capitalism has
Unfortunately demonstrably false

> norway has not been a failure
You know what cracks me up about "muh myth of Scandinavian Socialism" is that when people propose socialist welfare state policies they say "nah we just need to raise taxes on the rich" and then when you say it's a bad idea they go "look at these countries though!" yet these countries dont "just tax the rich bro" they take their populace like 50-70%...average workers. It's cognitive dissonance and its finest.

thank you

>demonstrably false

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they do well because they own so much of the economy, in norway the govt controls about 70% of the economy

that is good, i just think the gov should control 100%

and who cares what the tax rate is if your quality of life is still much higher?

Holy fuck you're retarded

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He was wrong about human nature you clueless child

omfg lol

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He was a Jew

>implying I wouldn’t buy an iron BBC for my backyard

good argument.

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tell me more about human nature please. explain a bit.

help me understand what i am missing please

Venezuelans had a high quality of life too. What happened to it friend? Let me guess "not muh real socialism"

I think there are limits to any system. Capitalism has improved people's stanards of living. Now the question of whether or not it leads to a sort of spiritual decay is harder to answer. Its so subjective. Lets Dude I'm really agnostic about what's going to happen. Whether capitalism will foster environmental collapse or some sort of technological transcendence. On your second thing. Communism obv failed. But I wouldn't rule out the possibility that capitalism could eventually lead to such advances in technology that it could make such a system possible. Open to hearing people call me out on my bullshit.

Hasn’t spent a single moment living under a socialist regime, is an expert on how it really was despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Move out of the USA commie weirdo! We don’t need you polluting our society with your illogical and unsubstantiated bull shit propaganda.

what happened is they didn't diversify govt economic holdings enough (relied too much on oil), plus they allowed too much of the private sector to flourish and didn't take money/capital away from richest families. plus dealing with cia and typical shit

if they had executed every member of the thousand richest families in the country and expropriated all their resources they would be doing just fine

no silly ;)

we are gonna bring communism here, no need to leave

Tom is that you?

Humans usually care about themselves and their immediate loved ones and that's about it. If I can support myself or my family better by producing more than my neighbor they I will do so...nothing against the neighbor. Humans respond to reward and punishment. When the incentive for hard work is removed people produce less. Incentives make a difference. I'm not working my ass off or going to strive to be better and smarter if it doesn't matter in the long run. Why should I?

haha no sorry who is tom?

You sound reasonable. Serious question, do you value self determination, freedom of choice, and independent faith. These things cannot exist in a strongly socialist or communistic ststem.

Socialism appears to function properly in smaller homogeneous societies with an accepted class system.

>Prove me wrong protip you cannot
I will after you admit you don't know what the word Capitalism means.

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he had an advantage most did not though: he was a jew, so of course he knew what his buddies were up to. Then, like the jew he was, he spread his diagnosis, which given the context resonated with many people, and used it to sell his poison.

It's baffling how he could even come up with such retarded solutions though. But of course, his goal wasn't for it to work, it was to put him and his buddies in charge through different methods. Corporativism and communism are two heads of the same beast, the same people in the board of directors in multinationals today were in the Party in communist countries.

Capitalism is State recognition and enforcement of private property rights.

it's that commie argie AGAIN...

Well then you are supporting the destruction of everything you have ever known. I have worked with the Chinese on many projects for a fortune 100 company. We could not be more different in terms of expectations, quality, and ideals. The class system is the absolute worst part about it.

im not sure why you think any of what you just said is relevant. communism isnt like a big charity state or something, and class has to do with relation to and ownership of CAPITAL, which isnt the stuff you have in your checking account or your house or something. what do you think capitalism or communism are?

>Well then you are supporting the destruction of everything you have ever known.

uhhh ya thats kind of the point

>implying burgers don't have a class system
upper middleclass
middle middleclass
lower middleclass

as you dumbcunts like to call it.

Why won't Q address the JQ?

>socialism fails because capitalism exists somewhere, not because it's retarded

It's amazing how lefties just won't give up the idea of mentioning Scandinavian countries despite the fact they're constitutional monarchies. To top it off, they're populated by ubermensch, no niggers, wetbacks or assorted subhumans like in many other places. Funny how you people always choose to ignore the demographic component
>economic theories work in a vacuum I tell ya!

Centrally planned economies are obsolete in the modern age and are vital to meeting their needs of citizens in a communist regime. therefore the whole system is invalid.

>your house isn't capital
t. poor millenial

>capitalism fails if you introduce socialism
you're so afraid. you're shaking.

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Capitalism did nothing wrong


the jq is just a distraction from capitalism. create a phantom that is just a distortion of actual class consciousness and have people mad at jews instead of the people who own them (some of which, of course, are jews--but fascism and anti semitism are ways for capital to protect itself)

but it isn't! and i own a house!

I have experienced both. First hand experience. Trust me, capitalism is not what you think it is and communism is definately not what you think it is. Books and Theories have absolutely no credibility until tested.

What do you know about education in a socialist system? What are your theories about Communism in regards to employment and wages?

Some commie kid, I knew in school. He's the type to shitpost on Jow Forums to rile people up.

what socialist state(s) have you lived in user

before you make claims, before you start arguments, you should be aware of both sides.

but i'll humour you, in hopes of improving on you slightly. let me start by saying, i have sympathies for marxist philosophy, especially in regards to it being against the fetishization of material that occurs in capitalist societies. but ultimately, marx ends up blaming society for what is generally human nature
the effect of any civilization or culture, not just "muh evil capitalism". do you think people living under communist systems did not feel "alienated" historically?
>material fetishization
again, occurs in any and all societies and civilizations---maybe more so in modern america, but that's more to blame cynical marketing executives and a decadent culture (decadence, luxury that was afforded by capitilism, for better and worse).

so long as there are resources to accrue, men will accrue them, likely selfishly so. you can pretend that "muh communism" stops humans from being hierarchal and overly-ambitious, but that is intrinsic to us. capitalism is at least honest about that. (i'm not a free-market mongoloid, i have distaste for mega-corps and monoplies, but only because i see those as hurting entrepreneurial endeavors more than helping)

now directly to your examples (which you provided no evidence for, but for some reason demand evidence from people who disagree)
-more billionaires per capita than USA
-small and homogenous (homogeneity matters for social programs)
-market economy (with much regulation)
-not nationalized control over all industry

-more outwardly socialist, sure, BUT, the castro group and their pals have just consolidated power under a more palatable name for the people
-mostly irrelevant on the world stage (not necessarily a bad thing, i'll grant that)
-still has elites that exploit working class (this is the intrinsic issue with all communist ideals, and something "capitalism" is more honest about)

Well then, I cannot wait to opress you in your new ideal system.

Dialectical materialism is garbage.
Labor theory of value is garbage.

Other things have not aged well, thus the need for fleets of academics to continually update and modify his analysis. As a rule, the great left/liberal texts always seem very timely when they are written, but grow dated rather quickly. The great right/reactionary texts are always received by contemporaries with hostility, but grow more true with age.

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Thats all Jews, east empire was rothjews, even Japanese honor was ruined by Abraham Lincoln.

More than half of those have nothing to do with capitalism
>genocide in a pre-industrial monarchy is capitalism
>one capitalist nation bombing another capitalist nation for non-economic reasons is because of capitalism
>khmer rouge wasn't real communism, it was actually capitalism
>people dying from smoking is because capitalism
wew lad

stop typing like a fag with all those exclamation points

houses are absolutely capital

>hurricanes are capitalism
>govts fighting each other are capitalism
>diseases are capitalism

These memes write themselves

these fuggin dindus

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Nope. Capitalism is the freedom to privately own the means of production (and by extension, property). It's a system of negative rights. Whether or not a state exists is irrelevant.

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this is false

Have you ever actually engaged with third positionist thinkers? Obviously not. Read the Talmud and E. Michael Jones and then report back to this thread.

Not implying, but its closer to merit based than communism is. But you wouldn’t understand. You don’t live here and you don’t understand wgat makes this place function. I get tired of foreigners assuming they fully understand how the US works. Its all so tiresome.


GREAT argument there bud! But I'm sure before leaving this thread you will use some effect phrase to make you sound cool and knowledgeable!

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>E. Michael Jones

and ive read some of the talmud dude but why the fuck do you want me to read that


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c'mon dude

Not kidding.

Fat, lazy, jew, needed to get more free shit off the backs of Engle's factory workers. memed engles father as the bad guy, for telling his son to get a f789ing job.