Fucking Apologize Right Now

Fucking Apologize Right Now

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She'll die. While it was already amazing that she survived SA niggers, in Europe there is everything (Niggers, Sandniggers, violent leftist and Jews). If you think she was already targeted by leftist, this will change since she had indeed success and they're will increase their efforts to shut her down.

Sorry you're a jew

Lauren Mossad Simonsen.

is there a tl;dr? she talks slower than an autist

1:47 - "PRO-ject"
>fucking leafs

borderless.movie reminds me of a camwhore site but for politics

Glad I wasn't the only one

Finland whiteknighting in 3....2.....1.....

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Lauren's based. She's out there in the trenches whilst all you cucked fags can do is act tough on an anoymous message board and fap your way through your Mum's tissue box.

more of a fan of Lauren's Northerns.

This bitch already has a monthly patreon salary but needs MORE money? lol

Hi Laura

go waste your money on Pattycake or AlexLady. at least they get naked.

>ywn sniff that armpit

Based Denmark. Cucked Finland.

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you got that backwards, bigboi

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Maybe I've been burned out by porn, but women who reveal their body are thoroughly unattractive

I'm losing my faith so fucking fast. The shit that's been happening in SA has been documented for so long and people STILL deny it. I'm fucking losing my mind. What's wrong with these people?

it's called being "woke". you can only jerk it to hijabs and children now.

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Why is pol obsessed with beautiful women

>What's wrong with these people?
most people in the West are spoiled children. they wish, pray, and hope instead of observing. they assume that with enough "faith" they can change the world into their fantasy.
>they are wrong of course, but you tell them that.

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cuz we're all dykes

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Imagine being a nog 2000 years ago traveling to Europe as a slave and seeing that

I don't have anything to apologize for; She's been doing great work for the movement and has great optics.

Glad you paypigs are making this free for the rest of us.

the modern male has less testosterone than the mordern women so being attracted to women is actually fairly homosexual now

Who is this semen demon? No way she’s Lauren

nu-Jow Forums will hate her regardless of her views because shes a woman.

>brit bong
>having an opinion on whats based
don't you have a gang rape to deliver your daughter to?

i must breed her.

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Lauren why don’t you have a baby sucking on each of your pink nipples you get older and nastier with each passing day.....How is this fair to your future husband? You expect him to only have a fuckable wife for five years? Selfish cunt

Ah yes, I completely agree Achmed, hijabs are peak attractiveness.

She keeps walking towards the camera while also moving her arms up and down while talking.

What did she mean by this?

Jewish girls age a lot better than white girls

>Imagine being a nog 2000
eats 40 watermelons in a minute
steals multiple cars at once
runs faster than a speeding police car
more powerful than a loco cholito
leaps tall fences in a single bound

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Not everyone wants an annoying smelly expensive kid and they turn women's bodies to shit

A fucking leaf. People of average ability are better off having a bunch of kids to save the white race, the work she is doing is much more important and has a much wider impact. She can pop out a kid later.

im not watching some tard attention whoring for money. but i will say this she is going to regret not laying low. i dont care if she tries to agree with me she is just going to find out that people have a tendency to act on their preexisting beliefs and she has doxxed herself by showing her face basically a fake name doesnt mean shit. shes a leaf. that narrows it down. a little time with people at airports and shes going to wish she just got a real job

i agree, if she goes around in Germany like the, she say bye bye.

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She's spending 30 grand on security, i think she'll be fine

>there are many who know that without you ethno nationalism would never have went mainstream
>pol wont thank you
>the histories wont mention you
>but we will never forget

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The docus don't earn her extra money when her youtube account is perma-demonetized

The monthly salary is to create content you retard

>She's spending 30 grand on security
it's a bunch of black guys. watch.

saving the white race













not sure if it is or not. pretty sure she likes showing that ass though

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it'll either be the beginning of a new age, or the end of man.

there is only one organization that can stop such a threat

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She is doing good things right now

she is hot, but has such a manly voice

Mark my words pol
this babe is going to go down as one of the most influential women of our generation
shes going to pull millions of whites to the alt right and do a greater service to her people then any other woman of this age
hail lauren
queen of pol

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I'm s-sorry mommy.

>This bitch already has a monthly patreon salary but needs MORE money? lol
>patreon salary but needs MORE money?
>but needs MORE money?
>has patreon salary but needs MORE money
Everyone says danes are dumb, but didn't were so oblivious to their own words too

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*know they were

The way lauren talks is absolute AIDS idk how you beta orbiters watch this faggot shit
Sage and KYS
Fucking 20 captchas for this I hope your mother dies in her sleep tonight

like what

Try the audio captcha, or not being a retard

based leaf. the rarest of leaves.

t. onions goy of asscut

t. paul joseph fagson

Ikr her speech impediment shit is unbearable

>feed me Seymour. feed me.
you created the monster, you unleashed the monster, and now you complain that the monster is too powerful for you to control, so fuck you
>Greed is MASSIVELY strong

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Thats not lauren

You obviously don't know many yentas

i can't stand that fucking crooked smile

>Fucking 20 captchas for this
leafs can't do matching games. lol.

Coalburning childless jew whore lecturing about muh europe demographics. Cant make this shit up


Watch it ends up sons of Odin and they help her start the race war and she becomes queen of europe and creates a lasting monarchical legacy with the golden one.

jokes on you. i've already seen that one!

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Jesus Christ, I thought you white people were smart. Science victory is more efficient and the way to go.

>Fucking Apologize Right Now


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>Science victory is more efficient and the way to go.

Yeah those based nigger scientists will save us.

>Science victory
pussy. just crush your enemy with relentless war and false promises of peace.

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Zerg rush is the pleb way of winning. Besides, you whities do not have the numbers.

we don't need the numbers. we never have.

respec with tech
build tall, build a wall

And may you never have to deal with Ghandi.

just pay Ghandi to use his nukes against one of your enemies.

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>Fellow white people

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You already lost, (((MOSSADpheus)))).

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> Anonymous (ID: BnhpEvIQ) 08/24/18(Fri)00:13:04 No.183296755▶
>File: 290381390.jpg (20 KB, 352x300)
>>Fellow white people

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>pic related

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>muh Patreon

Pretty sure she had one for a few months until she was deplatformed and banned from it. SO not an argument, kikes.

swigity swooty i'm coming for that booty

Awww, babbys first reply

>If i just call anyone a jew then surely everyone will continue supporting Laurenstein Southernovichberg
Mmm no sweetie Lauren Simonsen belongs in the oven with the gas on.

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that's a guy

Your baby should get raped for being so naive and insolent. I hope your with miscarries when giving birth.

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I don't even hate her but found it super pretentious how she tried to be "humble" in her "I'm quitting youtube video" when she was clearly moving on to bigger projects that would garner her even more fame and profit. If she had just cut all the "ooh I don't want to get caught up in drama and attention seeking anymore I want to do something that matters blahblah" and just said "I want to do larger and more extensive projects" I would have respected her more but she is up her own asshole, for sure. I still liked farmlands

Great for her!
People love beauty.
It got deleted more than a year ago.

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94 posts, 28 images, and not one of them is her fat pussy in those jean shorts. fuck you faggots

god damn i wanna motorboat that blacked ass

>god damn i wanna motorboat that blacked ass
chop it up with spinning blades?

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Dude how dare you threaten a perfectly good motorboat with such unwarranted damage.