Shelby Taylor Wise, coal burning whore, arrested for trying to help her nigger boyfriend steal $75,000 from a hard working business woman. Burn the coal, pay the toll. Enjoy jail bitch
Roastie on Suicide Watch
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those spics are holding onto that bag for dear life
I hate how all women today are only in relationships with fags and niggers. there is no such thing as based and redpilled women, i hope the human race comes to an end soon.
white women are the niggers of genders
I respect that the guy tried to help, but he didn't once actually try and hurt that nigger. He just kind of grabbed him and expected him to stop.
apparently that's the husband - looks like both of them were just trying to hang on to the bag - which makes sense for the woman but dude should have tooled up and went at the nig not the bag
pretty sure they're poos
Too bad she isn't on lynch watch
There's nothing wrong with dating "fags and niggers". People have a right to love whoever they want. You're just jealous because no woman wants to touch you.
>He just kind of grabbed him and expected him to stop.
Found the niggerfaggot
Not exactly. I just end up offending everybody.
Shelby was just a whore with inside information on how this business handled its cash. She will get lighter charge and lighter sentence. baka
Incentivizing a nig to even so much as get close to someone should be considered attempted murder.
>"hard working business woman"
Jew or Arab?
The way she was hanging onto them shekels I'm betting Jew.
She will be out in less than 6 months. If even that.
The justice system really doesn't exist in America anymore. It's a joke.
>they didn't have guns in Texas of all places
Should have blown their nigger heads off
She sure looks satisfied though.
That is a nigger lover face if I ever saw one. Very lower class British look that says they are compatible with low iq sub humans
Holy fuck that nigger fucker needs to be lynched so bad
Find yourself a good girl and redpill her its really not hard. Events happen all the time then you choose to speak about it, for ever mass shooting and guns getting the blame bring up how cars kill more people or stories of familys,kids being saved by them.
Looks like an ex girlfriend of mine,rot in hell Logan
>and no good white genetics were lost
>enjoy prison
She'll be given a sweetheart deal and get like 5 years probation
There is a reason women are afraid of anime and video games. They know they're being replaced and no one is coming to rescue them when they hit 30 and all they have is an apartment full of cats after Tyrone and Jamal get bored/go to prison.
Mankind has declined and white women are to blame. They vote for leftists, enable shitskins, and they're the useful idiots of kikes.
>but muh good women
The only people preaching about them are single men LARPing about being married because they're chasing a unicorn and they need something to reinforce the delusion. Or they're boomers that had the luxury of being able to slap the stupid out of women without going to jail.