What are the arguments against this?

What are the arguments against this?

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We're the super elite. You're a loser and you'll see what happens to kikes like you soon

you are the elite ruling over a country

There's always a hierarchy. What's important is that this "elite" is dynamic and open to all comers and therefore righteous.

>the elite try to rule, but nobody knows what they're doing and everything exists in a state of chaos.

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>the inheritors don't have the chops their parents had and quickly run it into the ground with their neurotic anti white hatred

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That’s the third option

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Does that mean I get to tell congress what to do? Hmmmm....

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3.) Communism

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there are none.
the intellectual elite will always find a way to advance in any system.
smart people see the world like a chess game, with thousands of players and millions of pieces

Only if there was a website where politics can be discussed open and transparently.

Ooh waaaiit...

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That's exactly why Hitler was right

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droneswarm tech falling into the wrong hands

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No arguing with this one. Iron Law of Oligarchy.

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It's fine that an 'elite' rules. You need people to form an organizing entity called a 'government' and it's best that those people be elite ..your best and brightest. You don't want the retarded, or even average to be governing.

The problem is when the goals of the elite become wildly different than the masses of people. Currently the 'elite' are not legitimate. They aren't of the people. They haven't earned or even inherited their position as a just monarchy might ...they operate behind the scenes and they are actively hostile to the people they govern. They hate the people they govern. This is a situation that won't be able to hold up for too long.

>It's fine that an 'elite' rules. You need people to form an organizing entity called a 'government' and it's best that those people be elite ..your best and brightest. You don't want the retarded, or even average to be governing.

Already on the list, see #1


>The greatest form of control is where you think you're free, when you're being fundamentally manipulated and dictated to. One form of dictatorship is being in a prison cell and you can see the bars and touch them. The other one is sitting in a prison cell but you can't see the bars but you think you're free. -David Icke.

real communism has never been tried


>My supporters should be called the 'super elite'

"My supporters" = the Jews and lobbyists who own and support me

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he's (((lying))). the alt kike lie all the time.

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