When will you admit that racism is wrong?

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Holy shit what a kike.

Aussie hero Jack Stark will teach you all a lesson

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Not ever?
Or maybe until people stop trying to raise taxes, ban my guns, and silence me for stating facts. If people left me alone and stopped trying to interfere with my life maybe I would be nicer to others. I haven’t done anything wrong, so why should I be punished?

Fuck off. Also, sage, you piece of shit.

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Racism is a made up jew word to shut down opponents.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Racism isn't a value judgement. It is just a state of being. Saying racism is wrong, is like claiming race isn't real...

I'll stop being racist when other races stop being inferior.

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"attempted war on Muslim people"
literally lafifn here

He's not wrong....his (((race))) are the ones responsible for all the bullshit in this world.

>evolutionary defensive mechanism

Send this fucker to South Africa so he can pay for his sins in the concentration camps.

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Hatred is illogical. Racism is hatred. I dont have to hate niggers to understand that they are a cancer on the Earth and should be exterminated at all costs. I dont have to feel any hate at all to think this.

You are correct! We want an end to ALL racism, and everything that treats one person as a better person than another. We are no longer in the 50s and do not need special classes of people.

Why do you all believe this lady started off as a man? We have drugs for that now goy

When facts stop confirming it.

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When we stop considering niggers a race.

When all communists are dead