Jesus was a shitsk-

Jesus was a shitsk-

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yeah there is litearlly no evidence jesus was a shitskin or middle eastern. people say that and its complete propaganda. yes the area he was in was majority shitskinned, but there were also blond, white migrant groups in the area, and many had converted to judaism.

in the end, nobody knows for sure, except for whatever can be gleaned from the shroud of turin, and the i suppose the fact that so many people have reported "seeing jesus" and they tend to report him as a dirty blond haired, light eyed person.

also im not religious and i think you should reject christianity. it has toxic ideas that are destroying your culture through making you passive and self-hating.

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that's not what blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is though, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is denying the Holy Spirit til you die. That's why it won't be forgiven, if you don't ask for forgiveness you can't be forgiven.

the levant was filled with caucasions until the arabs came and genocided them all

according to the (((catholic church))) because they know if they tell you the truth (that you cannot be saved) you won't cough up money for their donation coffers.
don't be so stupid. the bible is very clear. you blaspheme, you lose. the bible is a higher authority than the corrupt pedophile church that is seeking to take your money, sorry.

lmao no

honestly, this whole argument is the biggest rationalization in the world. its very clear in the bible. you blaspheme, you burn eternally. you aren't saved. but everything the church teaches is antithetical to this, so they have to offer these blatant rationalizations left and right to try to convince people its not true. you've been lied to. you've been led astray. you're being fooled because people are trying to shill you an agenda. wake the fuck up. christianity isn't real anyway. i dont have anything against jesus christ personally, really, but the religion is not real and the church is demonstrably built around lies and corruption from its very inception.

wow. nice argument bro. srs.

it says it "won't" be forgiven, not it "can't". Look at the context, it's said after a couple Jewish scribes deny and blaspheme against Christ while refusing to listen to Him.

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He was semitic.

That doesnt mean what todays people resemble, it just means he was from that region.

Tbh who cares if he was white, or brown? His mesaage is all that matters, he never preached racial superiority or anything like it.

Blonde, a ginger, who cares. This is what ((()))) & pagans want us to do, argue about dumb shit and not band together.
Imagine if the Christians of the world united?

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Who knew bukake was 2000 years old?

>it's said after a couple Jewish scribes deny and blaspheme against Christ while refusing to listen to Him.
well, that pretty much BTFO'd your previous claim taht its only relevant if you deny the holy spirit until you die then, doesn't it?
think hard about how you're rationalizing. you're obviously frightened. now you think you're going to burn forever in hell. i am telling you 100% that is obviously what the bible says. but you don't have to worry because the bible is mostly not real. the religion isn't real. you've been duped. broaden your horizons bro, religion only existed to enslave your soul. do you really want your soul enslaved? do you really want to have to do as some invisible man that doesnt even exist says? even if he was real, don't you think he's immoral? he controls your every move, your every thought. he judges you. threatens you. that's no friend. you suffer from stockholm syndrome if you think thats "morality".

>jew nose
>dirty nappy hair
>in the middle east

its a fact cesare borgia is the dude portrait as jesus

i think it's much deeper than what you say - it's about what you mean. what if you say something that sounds nice, but you meant it to be insulting?

>the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God

you'd have to make a pretty clear conscious decision to deny God based on some contempt in order to insult him

Why are Catholics this fucking stupid to believe in this shit

that's it? that's your whole argument? from the shroud of turin he looks pretty white and aryan to me. people have done facial reconstructions from it and it always comes out white and aryan. he appears to people (if you believe that stuff, which i tend not to) as a blond aryan. i dunno. considering that there's basically zero evidence that he was actually of a typically middle eastern phenotype, i don't see how you're being anything other than irrational here. particularly when, as i stated earlier, it is known that there were fair, white migrants in the area at the time in significant numbers.
well even if what you say is right (debatable) then anyone who has had a crisis of damned forever under the fine-print of the bible.

what part is it that you think is stupid? catholics believe a lot of dumb shit. christians in general do. but im not sure what you think is dumb about jesus's physical existence, which is more or less not debatable, and the shroud of turin.

>yeah there is litearlly no evidence jesus was a shitskin or middle eastern
except his tribe was middle eastern
> people say that and its complete propaganda
yea like cesare borgia nice propaganda for thousands of years
>yes the area he was in was majority shitskinned, but there were also blond
like romans? who obviously werent jews? or from around there?
>ite migrant groups in the area, and many had converted to judaism.
except jesus wasnt a migrate or a roman fucking idiot
>in the end, nobody knows for sure,
but theres way more evidence he wasnt blond green eyed pedophile cesare borgia Nor was a good looking man or a rich man
>except for whatever can be gleaned from the shroud of turin,
yea lets ignore scientific depiction of a brown jesus

>suppose the fact that so many people have reported "seeing jesus" and they tend to report him as a dirty blond haired, light eyed person.

said no one ever dumb faggot go read the bible

this is the acutal Forensic depiction of the the shroud of turin you stupid cunt LMAO

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>well even if what you say is right (debatable) then anyone who has had a crisis of damned forever under the fine-print of the bible.
it's also blasphemy to assume God will not forgive you if you ask him for his forgiveness. you have all your life to change your ways. if you don't, and you die, then that's where this clause applies. this is, assuming, you know the truth, and still deny it. many people show contempt of God only because they have been lied to and do not know the truth. from what i understand, the contempt must be as sincere and informed as possible. think richard dawkins

God doesn't need to put a dirty rag on earth to prove Jesus was real. the only depictions of Christ that matter are divinely inspired works of art

niggers go to hell

so you're pretty much admitting there is no evidence?
god you people are so cruel and committed to your emotionally-driven views, but yet they're literally founded on NOTHING other than some secular jew in academia saying "no, he wasn't white, durrrrrrrr".
come on man, there's no reason to believe he was middle eastern.
the bible does say he's from the tribe of judah, but that's a lineage and doesn't mean much. if you trace your lineage back far enough you'll find connections ot cultures and phenotypes that are almost completely erased from your genome at this point. so that's a poor argument.
>yea lets ignore scientific depiction of a brown jesus
you just admitted yourself there is no "scientific evidence" lmfao.
this is the tactic of people like you, lets say "scientific evidence", without there actually being any "scientific evidence" at all, and then act like everyone who disagrees with us is stupid.
technically the only "Scientific evidence"are the facial reconstructions from the shroud of turin, which generally portray jesus as blond and aryan. those are the facts.

im not even religious, but people with your bitterness and hatred toward religion are why i eventually ended up leaving the secular church of atheism and progressivism and going back toward conservatism.

like drake ? gods plan LMAO

its literally the same shit

As a Christian I am somewhat offended but as a degenerate I’m lmfaoing so fucking hard rn

basically what i'm saying is, if you spend all your life knowingly denying God and misleading others, you are the root of all evil, and when you die, God will send you where you belong: hell. besides, it's where you wanted to go all your life anyways

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wtf are you talking about

>A book written by man has a higher authority than a religion run by man
Huh? You religious people are fucking retarded

>the Bible was written by one man
do you even know anything about how the Bible's canonical writings came to be? many people wrote it, as it was divinely inspired - this is what most religious people mean when they say God wrote it. it's literally perfect

i mean, im not religious and never said i was, and i don't see why the corrupt catholic church would be considered to have "more authority "on religious matters than a poor monk in 300AD who transcribed these scrolls and devoted his life to the genuine pursuit of what he believed were his spiritual endeavors.

It's a cop-out on responsibility is what it is. I don't got problems believing in some larger mathematical pattern to existence but holy shit people life's hard don't make it harder.

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>but there were also blond, white migrant groups in the area
Tell me more about this.

>so you're pretty much admitting there is no evidence?
yea let me proof jesus is a real give me a sec
>god you people are so cruel and committed to your emotionally-driven views, but yet they're literally founded on NOTHING other than some secular jew in academia saying "no, he wasn't white, durrrrrrrr".
except there was a scientific ''Forensic '' maybe you dont know that word depiction shroud of turin you stupid cunt LMAO

>come on man, there's no reason to believe he was middle eastern.
durrr his family is from the middle east his tribe his home durrrrrrrrrhere's no reason to believe he was middle eastern.
>the bible does say he's from the tribe of judah, but that's a lineage and doesn't mean much. if you trace your lineage back far enough you'll find connections ot cultures and phenotypes that are almost completely erased from your genome at this point. so that's a poor argument.
admits it durr poor argument lmao

>you just admitted yourself there is no "scientific evidence" lmfao.
where? making shit up now lmao ''but theres way more evidence'' WAY MORE read

>this is the tactic of people like you, lets say "scientific evidence", without there actually being any "scientific evidence" at all, and then act like everyone who disagrees with us is stupid.
this is the tactic of people like you, lets say "scientific evidence", without there actually being any "scientific evidence" at all, and then act like everyone who disagrees with us is stupid.

this is the tactic of people like you, lets say "scientific evidence", without there actually being any "scientific evidence" at all, and then act like everyone who disagrees with us is stupid.
technically the only "Scientific evidence"are the facial reconstructions from the shroud of turin, which generally portray jesus as blond and aryan. those are the facts.

^literally btfo hahah being that fucking dumb

you're just a racist faggot

Be atheist dont know jack shit , let me tell you about your religion

>28Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: 29But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation: 30Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.

>but is in danger of eternal damnation

>Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.

Does it really matter? Black people have Black Jesus, White people have White Jesus, Middle Eastern people have Middle Eastern Jesus, and Asian people have Asian Jesus. All the sudden I see these Jews saying "If you don't depict Jesus as Black, you're racist"! Different cultures show Jesus differently because it's based off of their interpretation of what the Son of God would look like based off their cultures.

Jesus was a literal kike retard, a kike who decided to turn on (((them)))

shroud of turin is fake

Sola Scriptura is retarded. What are you a muslim? There are things outside of The Bible you have to take into consideration. It doesn't exist in a vacuum.

Also, the pedophile shit is a bunch of jews trying to slander the church:

300 priests accused, 2 tried, all their names get published

people join these religious institutions because certain churches align the most with their personal interpretation of the text they teach. the members are who come and go based on what they believe is true - the church itself holds no more moral authority over them than anyone else. it's just an institution you agree with and be a part of. now, some institutions are more wrong than others but that's a different subject entirely.

Jesus was a Jew.

Also idk how that image proves what he was or wasn’t. Looks like it could be pretty much anything that’s not East Asian or Sub-Saharan. And what is a typical Middle Eastern phenotype? Have you not seen people from the Levant, even today?

>There are things outside of The Bible you have to take into consideration.
not all canonical books are in the Bible but if you're saying we should all read the fucking Talmud or something for spiritual or moral guidance (which Jesus was killed in part for challenging) then you are simply stupid