Is the White Left the greatest threat to mankind's survival?

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I love this term. Thanks based chinks

(((white left)))

white right who sit on their ass and do nothing are the biggest threat to whites

Which is run by baizuo offspring of the rich white man. Didnt you ever learn from ricky "say" tan and the chief inspector lee? I mean come on jackie boy... its obvious who the lo pan is here in america yet you guilo would rather suck the yeezus beasts dick than pucker your asshole lips and kiss the martian meme economy goodbye. Hail the true emperor. Augustus reigns.

Like it or not, but a lot of white people are liberals. The jews may be consider the head or mouth piece of leftism. But the arms and legs are the beta- white males and traitorous white females.

no islam is. But they're really close.

>another buzz term for right-wing sheep to make them feel superior to other people

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Yes. The white left is both intelligent and suicidal, a deadly combination. Imagine if ISIS used subversion instead of suicide bombings, that's what white leftists are.

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Yes. Unironically, yes.

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(((Bourgeois))) bye -hswah the phonic for enunciation for "ts" is closer to the "h" sound than a hard t. How urban dictionary defines it makes it seem like bytes wah when reading the amateur translation.

Well the Liberal left are the greatest threat to western civilization. White liberals especially.

Jews and fedoras, yes.

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And God as LORD in dueteronomy promises to make them the tail of society for hypocritical disobedience and punishment in addition to all the prophetic judgements that must be fullfilled in the final seconds of this tribulation as the sun rise annoints the dawn of a new anno domini.

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>Atheists hate Trump even more than Jews

How are we going to deal with the Atheist menace?

sentence them to hell


Literally yes. They are a nations equivalent of AIDS.