Politics makes nobody I've ever known or met happy

Politics makes nobody I've ever known or met happy.

Why do people bother engaging in it? I mean both the manipulator and the manipulated. If it is just 'random resource generation' because y'all aren't intelligent enough to communicate effectively then I can resolve THAT issue easily.


Mathematics Module.

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if you dont engage you're asking to be taken advantage of.

Because both the future for yourself, your descendants, and your country is important, regardless of how much of an emotional sook cunt you are.

That’s why people bother engaging in it: they give a shit about the future you fucken gaylord

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Read digital information sources; I record understandings on paper: Typing anything out = intellectual labor.

Most humans aren't worth my time but I have to give it anyway, so I'd rather someone else just describe to me whatever solution they want and I'll say that side is allowed to win.

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Then explain Turnbull? Or the Adani stuff + n-many other atrocities by the Australian government. I'm fine with you being a pansy dude, but trying to call someone who is indifferent a pansy when if I were subscribed to actually caring I would've ripped Turnbull's face off myself for this: theguardian.com/australia-news/2017/sep/06/indigenous-walker-accuses-pm-of-disrespect-in-tense-meeting-that-fell-on-deaf-ears

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Politics has the bad habit of messing with you as you go about your day.

Really only messes with me in the sense that given the amount of humans I interact with day to day, they always want to talk about politics as if I'm a fucking therapist.

Those that say they are politically minded scream about caring to me but never listen to any lesson of care in response, instead always taking a defensive position just because they've never been taught proper emotional expression before.

So far I see people giving some vague passionate response, but nobody is giving any logical reason as to why I should ever bother with it.

More importantly, why do you guys live as if 'adding to your cause' validates your EXISTING weak emotional states?

The strongest message dominates the weakest of an audience, always. So, Trump will always win because America is so used to porn they don't get the difference these days. It's so creepy how everyone loves to act as if we speak the same language and share the same morals but can't even look to their 'most significant public figure' as a social barometer.

Your leaders are the PUBLIC FACE of what the WORST IN YOUR SOCIETY can GET AWAY WITH. It doesn't mean your leaders ARE the worst, just that they can't ever represent anything else.

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*sigh* any REAL conversation seems to just make people flee, so again I ask: What the fuck is the point of politics if it isn't just some OTHER representation of a function like RELIGION or SPIRITUALITY. People subscribe to stories and change their opinion depending on what reality presents them, but with politics however nobody likes change.

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this. you dont have to watch cable news, in fact you should watch cspan exclusively. The most disturbing horror show ever made.

It's supposed to be the ongoing discussion about how the elite connect to the serfdom.

Again, politics has never taken advantage of me nor have I of it.

Why are you guys just swapping SOCIAL HORROR STORIES and your preferred sources of?

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Because it allows your rulers to better control you. It's all a distraction. They have you fixated on a lie, playing a broken game that's impossible to win according to the rules they've given you, meanwhile they do whatever the fuck they want without any impediment.
If you really want to affect change, stop wasting your time on (((politics))) and earn a shitload of money. Make the right friends. Then people in power will listen to you.
Meanwhile you're stressed out and addicted to Jow Forums and therefore have no time to improve yourself or raise you/your descendants' position in life.

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How have they fixated 'me' on a lie, when I am my own Ruler? I don't care that they fuck kids or torture children, because every government I know does it anyway and the public are still fine with it.

The fact that NOBODY is a good parent is why I don't partake of 'society'. Expecting me to raise my kid around a populace that just likes to play some overly-glorified version of STARCRAFT is a species I kinda never want to have anything to do with.

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To live as if every stranger couldn't be forgiven that day is a path from which I'll never stray. Where there is will, there is way.

>Anyone got any better arguments that isn't ultimately you guys projecting some fear of 'other'?

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What I was talking about was participating in the current political system and thinking voting does anything. At least in america with current campaign finance laws. A fair and just political process is a lie, is my opinion. They trick people into becoming obsessed with it, and thus they are trapped within the confines of the game.
An obsessed population is also a fatigued population willing to offload their stress onto messianic politicians, i.e., as we all know, ORDO AB CHAO

also take note how dead one of the few real threads on Jow Forums is. This place should only be visited as a time-killer.

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Yes, I live a fairly active life and still most people can't keep up with my pace so I still have plenty of time to multi-task. It's just most of society doesn't realize that the only actual metric of what white people could ever hope to fix is Jow Forums source-able, so until a public agency actually recognizes that maybe taking you guys seriously would be of MOST political benefit, I'll pop in every now and then to point out some hypocrisy.

It has nothing to do with a moral crusade, it's just the one sure-fire thing politics does is make the LARGER POPULACE believe they have a right to dictate my affairs or interfere in my work for the land when they don't even share memories as greatly as I do.


Mungo Man Make Jow Forums His Money Throne Home.

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I'm used to being buried alive, so it happening on Jow Forums would be a very interesting DREAMING for this Elder.



मुंगो मैन

مونجو رجل

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We are all memories of water shed in this moment.

~May you all find peace, forgiveness is for you and yours.

Ours and evers,

Elders of Australia, Aborigine People : Person Man.

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In case someone prefers science to back up this story, please see the image attached.

I'm speaking politely because in truth I don't know if anyone has ever been to 'you', ever before.

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Yay, an audience that can't understand how one person could write from several perspectives simultaneously because, ya know, maybe they write for a living.

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If anyone is wondering, humans are just as shitty at communication in public. Those dismissing my words because 'lol internet' is just burying their heads away from public issues that could make EVERYONE's life better. It isn't that everyone can't get satisfied, it's that YOU people don't think that your voice matters.

So, mature as you seek.

I play hardcore setting for any goddamn game because when you have played them like a math nerd solves rubix cubes and speedruns them you want to challenge a developer's ideas, which conceptually for them is the difference between 'normal' and 'next level'. Because 'beginner' mode is what the game is designed AROUND.


And I am advertising a Singularity Level Authorization event here to anyone that wants in. I can only ever invite but it is 'your' bridge of belief that you, the reader, walk over every day.

To presume the person writing it has anything to do with it would be a farce.

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Seriously, the world would rather play with their own bullshit than think for half-a-second about the most publicly known man and the horrible stuff he teaches everyone?

Entire countries DON'T care. The people that don't have the balls to believe, thank you for being cannon fodder.

Ultimately, it is beyond amazing how FRUSTRATING politics becomes when it invades my personal experience cube.

So, could someone PLEASE make WestWorld robots for those humans who will ONLY be satisfied by having only ever ONE robot companion that will ALWAYS be a willing and eager partner to share THAT human's perspective with?

That way the rest of the normal types can try to have an outdoors society.

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