A message from Antifa

Hey racists,

If you deport all the non-white people from your country, kiss goodbye to your food, plumbers, gardeners, and construction workers. Your so-called "Master Race" won't last 2 weeks.

Oh yeah, and don't forget that Tangerine Donnie is getting impeached in November, and you are too afraid to show yourselves in public because of us.

Have a nice fucking day, loser.

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> kiss goodbye to your food, plumbers, gardeners, and construction workers

kys, faggot

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plumbers make like 250K a year and the vast majority of them are white. there is a rigorous licensing process. they're highly skilled contractors. same with most construction workers. wtf is wrong with you?

imagine being this fucking much of a sheltered upper class antifafaggot, that you don't even know plumbers are at least very close to being the 1%.

>Your so-called "Master Race" won't last 2 weeks.

Kinda like how Zimbabwe started increasing food production after the whites were kicked out?

leftist, but this

OP, if you want to make your argument, talk about the strawberry pickers. Being a plumber is a solid and desired vocation.

>being mad that the bourgeoisie's slave labor workforce is being taken away.

I thought you faggot's hated slavery. Turns out you're it's biggest shills.

more and more people are starting to wake up to the fact that antifa is a fascist organization

it's one of many groups with a name that is the opposite of what the group actually stands for

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