Atheism= the end of the white race

Marxism is intertwined with Atheism-we can all agree
The Marxism of today is being pushed heavily on whites- we can all agree
White indoctrinated Marxist women and men are going sterile in pursuit of personal joy and nilihilsm-we can all agree
White births are declining as a result-we can all agree

You have 10 seconds to prove me wrong

Attached: 1530388117929.png (250x250, 76K)

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i agree

You are correct.

>tfw understand the importance of religion in terms of keeping society structured and giving it a moral compass
>can't actually bring myself to believe in it

What do I do? I'm not a faggy atheist who says "logic & reason trumps your silly fairy tales" but I just can't believe in it deep down.

Agree with all but the last. White fertility is on the upswing.

The problem being all previous births, spics made up HALF of one year old children in 2011. Time is really fucking short to sort this shit out.

On the bright side, whites are statistically less likely to be gay/tranny, but more likely to be “incel” or “childfree” (for straights)

Marxism is intertwined with atheism ?
What kind of atheists have you been talking to ?
Fuck off with the strawmen. Atheism is not a political position, but a logical observation regarding natural reality.

That is birthed from a political position

This is a strange paradox to be in I know but just know there is a path forward.

Seek God, you’ll eventually find Christ.
>b-but God isn’t real
You have to be a sub 120 nigger to believe this. His existence is apparent by the existence of anything else. Your own science says matter can not be created nor destroyed, yet here we are brimming with matter.
>muh eternal universe
Embarrassing straw grasping that defies many foundational scientific facts such as entropy, the death of stars (we’ve seen a great many of these, but not once has a new star appeared), Newtonian physics.

God is undeniably real. Seek to know him and consider why YOU Exist.

>atheism is logical
Walk me through it step by step.

There were no non-believers before Marx ? Fuck off.
No, it's not, and even if it were, who cares ?