
Are all Japan flags on this board sexpats or actual Japanese ethnics who somehow found out about an all English western website, a portion of which talks about strictly western politics?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Either way, I like most of the people I've met from Japan. Good, and honorable people overall.

Prob not sexpats, more likely American military on a base somewhere, or legit Japanese folks, boards like Jow Forums were very popular in Japan and still are, it's why the board has a Japanese owner, cause he's an upper class Japanese homosexual who thinks owning a Mongolian throat singing board is a hobby. There used to be times when you would have threads that said "go to Japanese version of /pol and bring something back" they started doing the same thing to us, so its natural the english speaking ones pop in everyonce in a while. Pardon all the racist slurs, Hitler did nothing wrong traps are gay, I'd bomb Japan again if I could.

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autism, spartan rightfully threw them in pits

Mostly proxies and expats I'd wager.
Wouldn't be shocked about a few real nips finding us though. It happens.

Pic kind of related, but its a Chink.

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I'm usually on Jow Forums as I'm not interested in the US politics.
I sometimes come to Jow Forums for a laugh or when I'm fed up with retarded Japanese posters on Jow Forums.

well guess we won't be seeing you anymore.

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You are not Aussie, you are some gross bug eyed fuck