Black people built America they literally slaved for it...

Black people built America they literally slaved for it. America should pay each black person 100 dollars a day for life.

That's fair right

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Stacking bricks and picking cotton isn't exactly what builds a country.

It literally is pay up

wow maybe they should go back to africa and build their own USA then

It's only fair you pay up. Black people used to get eaten alive by dogs and their women were raped. If you don't feel bad about that then imagine your mother getting eaten alive by dogs while she gets raped and then have someone say that's what she gets for being a slave

The farm animals did more work and were used as literal food before, during, and after niggers and we do not give them 100 dollars a day for life. Niggers during that time were not full people just like the farm animals. Nigger get nothing because they are nothing. Niggers consolation prize for being used as manual labor is their children got to be born in America. Niggers are lucky to have been allowed to survive this long and that is thanks in part to welfare they already can receive and if they continue to be niggers they may not get to enjoy that for very much longer.

Nigger have the entire continent of Africa that is considered theirs as well as they received billions per year in aid and their decedents in the US get support they are only receiving because of the charitability of Americans. Niggers and those who advocate for them are only undermining the system that is already threating them to more than they deserve.

California here, fuck you they built jack shit here. Alta California was colonized 93 years before the US became a nation and Mexican law prohibited slavery.

It's as fair as me being paid by blacks because they would be even worse off without the white race.

Italians built New York, Chicago and Vegas. The Irish built Boston. The heebs, Commiefornia. I could go on, but your primary argument is already dead. Still...
>blacks should all be handed a fastpass to lavish lifestyles filled with frivolities and mindless spending because of something that happened to people that have been dead for 150+ years
>the ones that happen to be slave descendants would never have been born had those slaves not been brought the US in the first place
>even if they somehow were born, they’d have been born in fucking Africa and likely have AIDS
Not even being racist.
>91% of the world’s HIV-positive children live in Africa

You’re welcome. Besides, jews mostly handled the slaves, anyway. Go hit them up for money and see how that goes.

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Black people built Haiti. Looks shit. US looks fine. Therefore it cannot have been built by blacks. Proof by contradiction.

Jews should pay 100 dollars per day for life to every black and white person in America

OP is faggot.
Whites built America dipshit!
Why do you think blacks are the minority, because a few people in the old world could afford slaves, normal whites had to do the shit themselves.

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Whites built America. Give me money nigger!

>100 dollars a day for life

Still would not be enough. They'd just cry for more gibs, but while wearing Nike sneakers

all those cotton buildings mane

go ask the jews for your gibs and get the fuck out nigger

Based. OP is a fag with AIDS.

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>pay black people $100 a day for life
>devalue currency until a penny has $100 of zinc in it
yeah I'll go along with that

>enslaving yourselves for two hundred years was a choice get over it niggers.

Pay them. Maybe they'll shut the fuck up.

>Yeah, let’s divide ourselves by race instead of uniting the middle/working class and poor
sounds like a (((great))) idea OP

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You could pay them a million a day and they'd still stay poor because they spend it all on garbage.

They're all dead and no one is alive from those time periods of world history.

So zero dollars and zero cents.

No that was the Chinese and Irish

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And of course Jow Forums takes the bait

Love these threads.

I came up with a new category to categorize those pathetic disgusting white jewmerican mutts.


if you're a circumcised "white" goblin aka circumcised jew slave, you deserve death, you deserve to pay blacks, asians, everyone. That's fucking karma.

> hurr durr kill dem commies I'm going to war for freedumb
> hurr durr bomb dem mudzleyms
> hurr durr fuck Palestine, goatfuckin modzlemz
> hurr durr gibs me my F150
> I'm a good goy I work cubicle wear slacks and live in a mortgaged cardboard house

Niggers, spics, do what you have to, kill circumcised whitey

GR8 B8 M8

Stop using the term "Black people". It's disingenuous.

You are right the streets and buildings are made out of cotton.

Why are you so stupid anyway?

Show me an actual black slave in the US that's still alive today and I'll gladly give them $50 and tell them to fuck off. Every other nigger I'll just tell to fuck off. We live in wacky upside down world where niggers in the US are one of the most privileged demographics from jobs to college to free housing in the US and still pretend they're oppressed. Fuck that nonsense.