Their personalities aside, this will either be a major BTFO for the civilized white man or the ruthless ape. Prove me wrong. This whole fight is just a major shitpost without people daring to point it out, but deep down everyone sees it. I'm definitely rooting for the Pauls, although I couldn't care less about these irrelevant e-celebs.
The outcome of this fight will shape teenage minds
It's 卐 everyday 卐 bro
It's everyday bro with the gas chamber flow, killed 6 million Jews in 12 years, never done before, Passed all the competition man, my boy Stalin is next! I'm gassing all these czechs! Got the brand new Auschwitz! And they met Himmler too, they killin with an MG42! This is the Third Reich bitch who the hell is flippin you?
i want the nigger to win. not cuz i hate whites or anything, but because at some point white people have to learn to stand up for themselves not because some JewTuber or celebrity is strong and cool, but because their rights are getting trampled and they're getting screwed at every corner.
do it for the right reasons, or it will never work out.
People acting like this is the first time different races have fought. You just want to talk about your stupid e-celebs. Go back to /tv/ you fag.
Am I looking at a pic promoting hardcore interracial homosexual gangbangs?
are the paul bros /ourguys/?
Of course! This is America
Obiously this is because of the fact that it affects teenagers and not just grown up men watching boxing all alone on a sad evening
>civilized white man
>either of the paul's
pick one, and only one.
>It's 卐 everyday 卐 bro
the twins who sing the 4thverse in Spanish don't look like a typical Mexican, thankfully.
>heil walmart
typical american
This is why you zoomers and 25+ year old boomers need to fucking train. How hard is it to
punch a bag and do press ups you fucking lazy fucks?
Reminder that it's fixed for KSI. KSI would be comitting brand suicide if he lost on his home soil. Paul is trying to revive his brand by giving himself a comeback/underdog story (he has explicitly stated this)
They fix it for KSI to win and set up an even more hyped rematch. It's all in place, everybody wins. Screencap it, bet on it
Guess what I've been doing for the last couple of years? But I see what you mean
I know about the Logan paul vs that british nigger KBP or whatever his name is, but what is the other duo?
How are you posting from Guam? Didn't it tip over like that US senator said?
both logan and jake will lose
they are jews and will throw the fight as a demoralization tactic
Based Jake
I'm talking appearance-wise
Who the fuck are these spastic cunts?
nobody who gives a shit about any of it will be interested simply because of muh black v huwyt. its retarded. i wouldnt even know who they were if it werent for based pewds.
Good fucking man. All these faggots have to do is eat good shit and do at least 100 push ups a day and get a sweat on. Playing vidya in your teens will fuck you up.
We need more press up threads on Jow Forums.
Logan Paul was a star athlete in school. He has very good genetics for a white guy. Look at those muscle insertions, he looks like a street fighter character.
can we meme that pic to be the new sam hyde terrorist joke ??
His genes are amazing considering what most whiteys look like today, indeed
>get ripped
>now pol just calls me a manlet
we are out own worst enemy
3000 years and we still watch two people get in a circle and beat eachother for our amusement.
The two white guys look like fags.
imagine being clueless that you don't notice both sides are 100% acting and that the outcome is already decided
oh his little brother is doing it too ? what a coincidence.
>He has very good genetics for a white guy
Not with that receding hairline
I bet 20 bucks on Logan but I kinda expect the game to be fixed.
Niggers have no heart in a fight.
holy fucking rare
also guam looks like a beautiful place, you lucky motherfucker you
Imagine being this stupid. The average goy doesn't think he is a kike, you sperg. They seem him literally an Aryan - just look at him. He is more White than even you.
nice back
the fuck
>25+ year old boomers
You don't know what boomer means, do you?
Is this streamed on jewtube?
What time is it on?
>KSI beats Logan
>Jake absolutely destroys Deiji
and that's a good thing
fixed it for you
You have to pay for it. Someone will have a pirate stream though.
Tell me what it means, joomer.
>All the anons that actually think this means anything
I'm pretty sure we've moved past melee combat except in dire circumstances, and africans are literally too retarded to use sights on an ak.
>Oooga booga ma blasta set tah duh max fiapowah
well. i didn't say they aren't "acting", obviously the whole thing is an act. the fight is prob for real though. wouldn't make any sense to stage it. though it's completely possible that one is intending to take a fall, and the other knows about it. good way to make money from bookies and stuff, for sure.
either way, it's the most irrelevant thing on the planet. if this is a point of "racial pride" for us, while we're getting slaughtered in south africa, then we aren't even anything worth saving.
They are Jews. They will lose on purpose to make the white race look weak.
People born between 1945 to 1965. Which means the youngest boomers are in their 50s now.
this whole thing will be staged
>forgot pic
Strength isn't even a top attribute in combat; it's a tie between endurance, intelligence, and training.
What u say white boy?
Dude..... lurk more or browse knowyourmeme quickly and then come back.
i completely agree with that last part, at some point whites must accept that if they don't stand up for themselves they're not worth fighting for
>"I fucked up, let me just pretend it's a meme!"
Whatever you say, little buddy.
Based and redpilled
It’s done purposely. It’s one thing to be competitive and engage in feats. In another to indulge in a nigger tier cock fight
Kill all niggers.
>I'm gassing all these czechs
why? we are germanics. your lyrics doenst make sense. 1/10
Literally who
Some youtuber losers are going to have a big fight (blacks vs whites). I think.
It's not my fault you didn't know it was a meme. Just let it go, lad.
It doesn't matter, you are obviously so special in pasta land to know. We got it.
And you know i kick em out if they're a fucking jew, yeah im talking to you, you begging for my shekels talking shit on the telephone too, but you still hit my fax machine last night it was 14:88 and i got the fax to prove and all the recordings too dont make me gas you too. And I just made a new panzer and its selling like a god church
I would be more reassured if we had Russians representing us in the fight
So, the brainwashing agents have won?
Who are the nigs ? Also is this MMA or Boxing ?
holy shit he is ripped
>What is human psychology
Fuck off pleb you literally have mud sharks saying shit like Obama was half black.
Jesus christ plebs are so oblivious to the things of this world its kind of sad
I bet you sometime forget to breath you stupid piece of shit
People like you dismiss the whole intent behind obvious propaganda like during the cold war with mean russians in movies.
It's so fucking obvious sometime I get the feel that I live in an alternative reality, you people are literal npcs
flag checks out
Nietzsche said it and I'll say it again
Burgers are cucks because burgers are germcucks
All of them are pieces of shit. The best outcome is they do permanent damage to each other.
kek true
looking forward to pewds taking the piss out of it
That anatomy
nogas look ugly
>that tattoo!
Globe Earth with keyhole, a dinosaur skull, and tentacles. What did he mean by this?
The average goy thinks all jews are white, hell the US government thinks libyans and arabs are what too, get this kike outta here
That jawline in the 2nd pic. White guy has definitely done steroids in preparation for this fight. When is the fight?
Also why the FUCK do OPs not include any basic info in their posts. Kys OP. Name the fucking people involved so one can google this shit.
This fight, like the one with McGregor and Mayweather, is a fake fight to make money. Nothing more. Any of these would agree to lose on purpose if it made them more money.
look at trump
all it takes to destroy the narrative and embolden your people is someone standing the fuck up and spitting in the face of the lying press, calling them the traitors that they are
we're losing because people are afraid of speaking out
Stfu. McGregor n Mayweather fight was not fake in any sense of the word. Fuck you talking bout?
you dont need roids to look like that MANLET
The nigger is KSI, an actual person with 2 digit IQ.
The wigger is Logan Paul, another retard who you really don't want representing you.
The other guys are relatives
Haha those kikes need to fuck off.
kill yourself third worlder
Yeah it course. A bunch of filthy Jews.
>whites killed by blacks: 81%
Is this true? I thought it would be significant, but I wouldn't have guessed near this severe.
KSI is a pretty poor boxer is Logan is remotely good he’ll beat him
I can’t decode who I want to get hit more to be honest. KSI is a basic bitch London black guy - the kind of guy who is a walking cliche. So that’s annoying
But LP is a e celeb doofus who represents everything wrong with current YouTube. So he’s annoying too
Looks like kikes to me. Especially the long hair one.
The left nigger is KSI, the dude who made the "beastiliaty FIFA compilation" videos without knowning what beastiality actually meant, and the dude next to him is Logan Paul, the dude who was laughing at the corpses in the japanese suicide forest
On the right is KSI's brother Deji, who runs the channel along with him, and then there's Jake Paul, the brother of Logan Paul who is known for "England is my city" and other such songs.
There are apparently like 6 more youtuber matches that will take place before and after the KSI vs Logan fight too
No it's not but it's actually very near that, It's an old trump trollin technique to make a mistake, and have the media report on the right answer which happens to be almost 95% as bad
i think his pic is bullshit, but it was beneficial because the media was forced to debunk him like
>NUH UH blacks are only HALF of the murderers and only 85% of black murderers, DRUMPF BTFO
this was the birth of the 4D chess trope
YO YO We are all fascists everyday you can't send us away don't play!
You think you can say whatever you want to us nigger? Well guess what pull the triggER!
Get da fuck away from me
I'm not playing
I'm not playing
Get da fuck from me KIKE
Yo it's a mistery,where is the Zyklon B,a bullet going through a kikes BODIE
Don't play,cause I ain't playing
You and your kind aren't worth saving
I hate them niggers
I hate them niggers
I sure do
We'll get back at you!
We wuz das real KANGZ
They're not white, they're kikes.
Kek nice
We all know how this is going to end. Why bother.
I also heard that fight was fixed,some guy that goes by the name sttangerthanficion did a video on this on jewTube
I'm actually hoping for mr Bond to remake these now thx a lot guys...
>being butthurt about Jakeposting
come on Milos