Ok Jow Forums the official election campaign has now begun in sweden. We have little over a month left of meme making and online campaigns left. Let's make it fucking count, and not sit around on our asses! Let's fucking save Sweden!
Youtube took down all the based Dane videos. Even though they were fair use translation, and not hatespeech, since they were made for TV Its pretty obvious that the media and establishment is scarred shitless, since they have begun to aggresively attack any voice out there who calls for change.
Danish fake news media just wrote and article about us! They are getting scared! The article includes hillarius statemnts such a"What is a meme" "What is a hatefact" and "The movement is foreign and lead by a Englishman". It also features several juicy skurt memes
NEWS >Danish fake news media write a hit piece about how "right wing radicals" use Jonatan Spang as propaganda. He responds by saying he dosen't pick sides and ecouraged people to "Vote for me as comedian of the year if you like radical nazi humor" /ourguy/ confirmed dr.dk/nyheder/udland/hoejreradikale-bruger-jonatan-spang-i-svensk-valgkamp
>Sweden democrats publish a video digging up the social democrats dark past, to give them a taste of their own medicine - youtube.com/watch?v=W56ZKUVECWs
Youtube just took down all all the Jonatan Spang videos. They went viral, and were super succesful at reaching and redpilling swedes. We need to reupload them both to youtube, and get them mirrored on bitchute and other sites. If anyone has the files, please share them!
>Vote Jonatan Spang as comedian of the year
Jonatan Spang or Based Dane as hes also known, has basically come out as /ourguy/. He refused to oick sides when questioned about /sweg/ by danish journalists. He also made a sketch a month ago, exposing the jewish double standard and mocking multiculturalism.
And now to top off the cake, he has encouraged all "lovers of right wing nazi humor" to vote for him as comedian of the year.
This is obviously a dog whistle in our direction
I say we do what Jow Forums does best, and flood the polls.
Also, to any scandinavian journalists that might be reading. Hello :)
>What is /SWEG/? SWEG is a campaign to influence the Swedish election >How will you accomplish this? Through memes, shitposting, sharing of propaganda and raising awareness of issues in Sweden >Does /SWEG/ indorse [INSET PART NAME HERE] SWEG does not endorse any Swedish party, we support political change and anti immigration sentiment in Sweden. We are merely here to help change the metapolitical climate >No anti immigration party can reach a majority, the fight is pointless SD is currently polling 23%, making them the second largest party, only 2 % points behind. Anti immigration parties are on the rise. AfS is on their way into the riksdag as well, currently polling 2-3%. Their entrance would change the metapolitical climate in a radical way. Look at Denmark, in the 90s they were just as cucked as Sweden, but because nationalist parties started gaining more and more traction, even mainstream parties had to adopt anti-muslim, proDanish rhetoric. The same will happen in Sweden. >I’m not Swedish, what can I do to help? You can help with the metapolitical warfare. You can create and share videos, flyers, memes etc. You can also help by keeping the threads alive, designing propaganda etc.