
can I get a "Pol BTFO"?

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why should Jow Forums be mad about a civilized black man who wanted to get out of his shitty country to achieve something great ?


Exceptions do not make a rule user.

nobody on Jow Forums thinks every single non-white person is incapable of a respectable intellect

They give niggers jobs all of the time. Where is the list of his personal accomplishments? also, it was cruel for his parents to name him Ashy Oilemup.

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No, but you can get a NAXALT logical fallacy.

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You can teach a nigger to be a doctor or an engineer but he still wont understand the world.

wtf i love black people now

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what is the base avg iq needed for a society to function and is it possible for dindus to achieve it through nutrition and education?
if so, yes. *PoL* btfo.

African imigrants to the US are actually more educated than Americans


>The African foreign-born had a higher level of educational attainment than the total of those born overseas. The report said that 41% per¬cent of the African-born had a bachelor’s degree or higher in 2008-12, compared with 28% of the overall number.

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blacks could have an average IQ of fucking 65 and you would still find blacks with respectable intellects

Finally I see why NASA is failing

lol are you a low iq nigger? thats not what i implied at all

BTFO even more because his children will regress to the mean and literally OOGA BOOGA BIX NOOD MUH DICK MUHFUGA.

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Look at this one nigger! he is not like the other niggers that means that he represents the majority! pol btfo.

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normies see
>non-whites are the hardest working people in the USA!
>non-whites are highly educated, aka smart!
>white people suck!

redpilled see
>education doesn't mean much anymore because forced quotas
>small groups of the highest class, even from from non-white countries, should outperform the average USA (~300 million) citizen
>quotas guarantee employment to non-whites, while whites are second thoughts

Yao Ming is a tall Chinese person

that's because you moved the goalpost from

>smart black man = pol btfo because Jow Forums can't accept that a black man can be smart


>average iq needed for a society to function & can non-whites achieve x iq needed for a society to function purely through environmental factors

completely different "questions"

It seems you just want to talk about how le based black science man can only exist in white societies because they have the average IQ needed to produce the infrastructure necessary for high IQ people to thrive. If Europeans never made contact with Africans, there would still be high IQ Africans; however the high IQ Africans would be doomed because their societies have no observable need for 130 IQ individuals, generation after generation.

Try making your statements and questions clearer, you fucking faggot.

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woah you found an outliers

this completely nullified the MILLIONS of them that are 60 IQ murder rapist subhumans

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Feel free to look up the word "anecdote" when you have a minute.