Fact: if you don't like Immigrants

You are being mind controlled by the government. Only they are pushing this agenda that illegal immigrants are bad.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Go shove more dicks on your ass, faggot.

>Only they are pushing this agenda that illegal immigrants are bad.


The person wich break the laws since the beginning can be good?

No thanks I'm not you, only a gay homo fag would even think of that to begin with.

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It's not illegal to be human, no wonder the French keep losing, =loser

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LOL, the French BTFO

That's funny I remember hating immigrants during the Clinton's presidency, Bushes presidency, and Obama's presidency. Now that Trump's in office all of a sudden I'm being mind controlled?

you hated immigrants before you were even born? 4D chess indeed

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Illegal immigrants are by default felons and criminals. Legal immigrants who don't assimilate or even bother to learn the native language and norms divide a nation and cause unrest, distrust, and enclaves of crime. This is all objective fact. How fucking stupid are you, Sanchez?

No you are just an edgelord who thinks he's funny. Just let me remind you of your first time a family member came inside you for the first time

I don't know how many times in how many different ways it has to be explained to you right wingers, being illegal is not a crime, the difference between legal and illegal is a piece of paper that is filled out. There is no real difference, well I guess you could think of them as line cutters, but there is nothing illegal about Being a illegal immigrant

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>It's time for your circumcision, user.

>This is America. All males have to be circumcised. If you don't, you're discriminating between yourself and the Jewish community. Discrimination falls under hate speech laws so if you refuse this procedure, we'll have to call the cops. You'll go to prison for hate crimes and the prison doctors will probably end up performing the procedure on you there anyway (for prison health and safety), so it's best to not make a fuss and just get it done here this afternoon.

>Oh don't be scared, sweetie. It's a totally painless procedure, and wait til you experience all the health benefits! Plus the ladies like it better. Your sex life is about to improve a lot, trust us. Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Those silly European doctors all have anti-semitic bias. Europe currently has an epidemic of male urinary tract infections - something the biased 'lame stream media' won't tell you. Plus they can't even afford to do this procedure on a wide enough scale because their healthcare is dead broke - soshalism doesn't work. We have the best healthcare system in the world. By the way the total cost will be six gorrilion dollars, plus taxes (the taxes go to Israel), plus a 'tip'....heh heh. Our system says your insurance that you pay $500 a month for won't cover this procedure so you're going to have to pay out of pocket. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Diner's Club, UnionPay, JCB and Discover.

>Ok! Here's your gown, take the second right down the hallway and get changed. The nurses will prep you. We'll begin the procedure by standing for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag (of Israel) and by saluting Our Beautiful President, The God Empress of the United States, our first Jewish president, Ivanka M. Trump!

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Fucking jump off a cliff retard

>the difference between legal and illegal is a piece of paper that is filled out
So we can all go murder every nigger and there will be no consequences?

>Criminals are bad
Well, duh

He mad

Do you have a minimum wage law?
If you do, unskilled migrants and illegal immigrants are guaranteed to be either welfare dependent or illegally underpaid and untaxed workers.
They are a net drain on national revenue.
Skilled migrants that enter a nation through the proper channels can certainly be of some benefit to that nation, provided that they fulfill their legal obligations and work within the terms of their visa.
A nation is well within it's sovereign rights to deny any migration it so wishes.
No one has a right to live in a nation except it's own citizens. All others in the nation are there under conditions and are obligated to follow those conditions or the privilege of existing in that nation will cease.
Illegal immigrants are tantamount to a hostile invasion of sovereign territory and a nation is well within it's sovereign rights to eject these invaders with any force they deem necessary.

Wow you spent all that time typing all that retarded shit, or it's a copy pasta, either way I can destroy it in one sentence about the minimum wage law..
Ahem... "minimum wage law is for everyone not immigrants"

Which means Americans enjoy it too, if you weren't so biased and thought you were smart maybe you could think outside of a propaganda box, but I guess since you have such a limited ability to think you will never be able to do anything but sit on /pol all day thinking you are owning the libtards.
Fun fact: everytime you think you are owning the liberals, they are actually owning you

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>>illegal immigrants are guaranteed to be either welfare dependent or illegally underpaid and untaxed workers.
>minimum wage law is for everyone not immigrants

So you just proved his point?

An illegal beamer stalked a dumb white girl who supported illegal beaner, this is literally what people who want to protect the hoarders fear most and the other side is trying to pretend it's nothing, watch it get memoryholed by next week

Out here shilling hard af.

Are they even paying you to do this? You made yourself look so retarded. Go back to the discord and ask what you did wrong

>it's just a piece of paper
Then give one of them yours. If it isnt important why not sacrifice your documentation so that they wont be illegal. If you want to preach open borders, you should do the leading on this one.

shut up nigger kike

Hispanics are white. Just misguided. When they integrate into our society we can teach them our culture and put them back on the right track. Think Zimmerman. Latinos are only bolstering our army. Niggers are the real problem, never forget that.

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Diversity Is Strength

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And go ahead and Google how many young girls are killed every year by united states citizens, vs what the 2nd one this year?
Don't worry user I'll wait

Theres literally nothing edgy about killing and torturing illegal immigrants before robbing them of any wealth they have and dumping their bodies

You toxic privileged shit skinned male.

>illegal immigrants are bad dumbass....are you not paying attention?

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>there is nothing illegal about Being a illegal immigrant
I hope you get raped to death by spics.

>american girls are already murdered by Americans
>might as well let more murderers in
Nice strawman faggot

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That circumcision is useless is the ultimate redpill and literally all we need to have mass normie appeal. Give back the rest of our dicks

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Illegals kill less than normie americans. We should replace all legal citizens with illegals to bring down the murder rate.

Seriously though, you don't like illegals so you make whatever mistakes they do more important which is retard thinking. You have to go by stats and reasoning and not feels.

first off, dip shit, illegals are illegals and shouldn't be here. second, fuck face, its only retards like you who believe that its 'muh evil drumpf admin' thats pushing this. no, i want all these shit skins driven into the fucking sea or the desert, to fucking die! it doesn't matter that this moron was a refugee loving twat, its the principle of the matter. so fuck off, i hope you're next

Illegals shouldn't be in the country period. Rule of law faggot.

I speak facts and all the sudden I speak about strawmen, lol, you just got BTFO you lose again user

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>politicians use current events to make points about policy, especially dramatic events because they attract attention
>at the same time they try to prevent their opponents from doing the same because it works


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>same as past 10,000+ years of human history
>you are being brainwashed

What did he mean by this?

LOL user calm down you're nervous, you're triggered and wound up. Just proving how triggered you beta cucks are

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dude fuck yaas with the epic win, keep #resisting my fellow faggot

this from the idiots that literally scream and protest for the 1% cheap labor import.
Jesus motherfucking christ are you people mentally gone.

It should be illegal to be this stupid.

The year was 1965. On Cinco de Mayo, newspapers across the country reported that Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz wanted to recruit 20,000 high schoolers to replace the hundreds of thousands of Mexican agricultural workers who had labored in the United States under the so-called Bracero Program. Started in World War II, the program was an agreement between the American and Mexican governments that brought Mexican men to pick harvests across the U.S. It ended in 1964, after years of accusations by civil rights activists like Cesar Chavez that migrants suffered wage theft and terrible working and living conditions.

Why cause I made a counter point and you lost?
You lost user

The difference between "own" and not own a house, car, or piece of land, is literally a piece of paper. Given your logic, everything is yours now because pieces of paper mean nothing? I wonder what its like to be stupid like you, but you folks give me a dose of it pretty much daily when you come onto this board thinking you are going to change hearts and minds with this stupid half baked rhetoric.

The thing that separates the united states and western society as a whole from shithole nations is contract law. If you can't expect the person you exchange with to abide by whats written then the whole society breaks down but thats what fuckwipes like you want. I'm from san diego, we have tijuana literally 5 miles away from us. On one side of the fence is a normal economy, on the other, a shit hole. Whats different? Not the people because we have spics up the whazoo, its the laws, and how they are enforced, and the expectation that people will follow them. I can't wait for cuck faggots like you to kill yourself when Trump 2020 rolls around and he really lets the guns fly because hes got nothing to lose and a supreme court packed with right wingers.

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first time .... first time (again)
whats it like to not be able to hold a sentence in your mind long enough to make sure you dont repeat the same word within the next 10 words?

Another beta cuck thinks he is hardcore, skimmed what you had to say, cause it was nothing special and a weak point.

Look kiddo I'll explain it in your logic, pieces of paper mean nothing, I could grab a piece of paper right now and say, "I own America" and it would mean nothing. I could have a proof of purchase for the cupcake I just bought it still basically means nothing.

Herr are some more facts for you, here take some more, even when someone starts to work illegally in the United States, Mexican or Swedish, they still have to pay taxes period. State tax, federal tax, sales tax, they want to buy a car? Guess what? They still gotta pay taxes. The range of how deep you can think is very limited, I would stop posting on /pol if I was you

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Did it on purpose so it would really stick in your mind..
To really stick in your mind

Liberals do the same fucking thing after a mass shooting.

>being illegal is not a crime
It's a felony, and they still should get deported.
>piece of paper
If it was that fucking easy, there wouldn't be any illegals, you retard. Getting into the wealthiest country on the planet is pretty damn hard for a reason, and the wages of americans should not drop because Hombre wants to be paid more money per hour.

Hmmm. Incorrect. I'm not in the government, I just happen to live on the Texas border with Mexico. I think illegal immigrants are bad, because I see them every day.

I call bullshit on the idea her family believes that. People keep making public statements for them. Let's see them on video saying it themselves. Otherwise it's just somebody else's claim/agenda

>be concerned that illegal invaders are killing our women
>but the family says you aren't allowed to talk about it
ooph tough luck. and for a second there I was concerned the same could happen to my daughter and that something should be done about it. but I guess if the family says I am not allowed to talk about it...

it's a global phenomenon op un.org/esa/population/publications/migration/migration.htm pay no attention goyblins

differences: being vetted (we don't give visas to previously deported, felons, wanted criminals), being limited so as not to swamp our country with more immigrants than it can integrate, and most importantly so we can decide who gets the privilege of being here. my country my borders my choice.

Fuck the Cato institute.

That is all.

When Trump does it = bad
When the media does it = fine

These parents are fucking retarded

Nobody is saying its illegal to be human. We are saying it's illegal to break the law.

If money is just paper then why do bank robbers get thrown in jail?

libertarians, everyone.


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With a family like hers, Mollie didn't have a chance

>normie americans
Niggers are not humans and thus not counted as Americans

>her family is not on board
who the fuck cares, theyre anti-white jews

one of you fags need to find these niggers facebergs so i can talk about their dead daughter in their comments

Probably should have read it then because you sound like a dipshit who didnt understand the point. Let me simplify because you complexity and nuance clearly isn't your thing. Let me space it out for you because I know fedora tipping reddit fags like you prefer it.

In America: Our society operates on the concept that Authority + Paper = The Rules. Rules make life predictable and risk becomes manageable within that framework.

The only thing that makes that paper worth something is the threat of getting rekt behind it. See: Fiat currency. No authority to make that paper mean something? Then its not the rules.

That concept. Contract law, is the underpinning of western society, and a prime reason why shithole nations are what they are. They run around essentially lawless, without consequence, and that unpredictability makes it hard to make long term decisions. Unless you want to say that shithole nations are shitholes because of the people, in which case I'll agree.

Try leaving san francisco you open borders, no passport faggot.

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Truth hurts

>im not stupid, I was just playing dumb to see if you would recognize how crafty I am
K bud.

>the right
>people redpilled by real life experience long before coming here to realize it's the kikes
>the left
>need to go in school to teach little kids how to chop their dicks and love niggers because otherwise nobody would ever believe the bullshit they say and want for the western world

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William fucking Shakespeare right here.

there are more crimes than just murder. illegals have high rates of DUIs, hit and runs, drug/gang activity, and they are a net drain on tax revenue costing way more than they pay in taxes (~13B$). They also bring down school quality and performance reducing educational opportunities for the children of citizens. They also reduce wages in industries like construction that used to allow for middle class citizens to support themselves and their families.

The only beneficiaries are the employers who get cheaper labor and the DNC who gets future voters from their anchor babies.

Who cares about her family? Their bloodlines end here. Their survival is void. They are lost to the history books.

We're just trying to make sure this doesn't happen again, especially not to people who do have a healthy survival instinct.

>pushing this FACT that illegal immigrants are bad

Why do the left always project everything onto the right?

Says the retard so salty he came on pol to sperg out with this thread

Fun fact: you are genuinely retarded and like all leftwing retards you cant name a single nigger area of the United States you’d want to live in

Lmao, typical retarded leftist. He btfo of your retarded argument and you have no reply. I’ll take that as you admitting you’re wrong without having the balls to say it

They raised a daughter that 'hated white people' so who fucking cares what they think. They need to go.

T. Genuinely triggered beta male cuck who came to pol because of how triggered he was

Wrong. In Texas for example, illegals are arrested for murder at a rate of 1.65x compared to citizens. Those bullshit stats that the media uses and claims illegals commit less murders are from conviction rates. What they don't tell you is a large number of illegals never end up getting convicted because ICE often steps in to simply deport them.

media also commonly conflates legal and illegal immigrants and just provides data on "immigrants"

>illegal kills US citizen
>dont you dare makes this tragedy political you bigots
>school shooting happens
>we need to repeal the 2nd


If they don't want it politicized way are they talking to any news organization, faggot? Don't speak for someone who is dead, I am sure she would have a different opinion if she knew she was going to be killed

Of course her family doesn't agree they're latinos too.

>vast majority have always opposed illegal immigration
>government has continually refused to do their job and deport them
> candidates get elected literally because they promise to deport
> "If you don't want illegals that means government is brainwashing you"

Being this bad at propaganda.

No you're just too stupid to realize when you lost

Doesn't matter. That family made their choice. There are millions of other families that don't want that to happen to them, and they deserve to be heard.

>Only they are pushing this agenda that illegal immigrants are bad.
Terminology can be so important due to the connotations that certain words carry
If they were called criminal immigrants, the left couldn't play these word games about 'no human is illegal.'
Saying 'no human is criminal' just doesn't have the same pizazz