If whites lose it's the end of the white race millions of white women will all of a sudden be hungry for black dick have you noticed how alpha blacks are?.
This fight will literally decide the future of the white race
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who cares about those ecelebs, go fuck yourself shill, find a better job
Imagine going so far to try and troll Jow Forums you talk about black dick in such a manner. You truly are a sad soul. Your father would be disappointed.
Lol based on this picture the white guy has no chance.
>caring about some staged eceleb trah
neck yourself
no it won't you zoomer retard. nobody cares. everyone admits there isn't even any drama between them.
how can wh*te bois even compete???
United Nations
dunno, he looks serious
black guy seems like laughing, smirking
don't underestimate small people, broski
>logan paul represents the white race
Jesus Christ, what have the whites come to