Tfw have actual ADD/ADHD and nobody understands what it feels like because it is overproscribed

>tfw have actual ADD/ADHD and nobody understands what it feels like because it is overproscribed
>speak to other ADD people and they live normal lives
>I literally can't read books or drive because my attention span is almost non-existant
>everyone thinks my disorder is BS because all they know is normal people with ADD

The biggest victims of politicised psychiatry are those who need in the most.

Attached: ADHD-graphics-01-1.jpg (450x500, 98K)

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try to get diagnosed under Autism, then people will take you more seriously.

I'm in the same boat user. Find a medication that works and find a therapist that specializes in ADD/ADHD. That literally saved my life.

Is ADHD like starring at things for minutes on end and contemplating its abstract appearance? Is ADHD trying to grapple what people are saying yet not making sense of it as it clouds your brain when you overthink what they're thinking of?

I actually can't function normally and just now I realized I might be on a spectrum.

Attached: wojak-radles-34136180.png (500x394, 54K)

oh shit do I have ADHD?
I day dream all the time and am unco-ordinated.
I'm never organised, always confused.
Zero patience. Always distracted.
Definitely not attentive.
do i get any neetbux for this? do i have to take any drugs? It'd be nice to actually finish something once in my life

Idk swede bro, sounds like depression to me.

I have constant internal conflicts and am never sure if I am in the wrong or the right through my daily doing's.
I overthink and overplay on an extreme rationalistic level as if I am capable of grappling with godly omnipotence to justify my "objectively" correct decisions and perfectly assure of my self of my being, constantly thinking about thinking about thinking...

With the overplanning/thinking part I think that's the only way to be coherent and look sane to people, I have to take notes and memorize catchphrases for a temporary social acceptance but I eventually return to a mental rabbit hole and look at walls all day.

ADD was pushed by the ZOG so they could sell amphetamines to kids. All the symptoms are normal child behaviors

This. I escaped, but some of my childhood friends were turned into zombies by ritalin, and in all cases they became illicit drug users later in life.

What meds?