The eyes are commonly held to be the very windows into our human souls.
Do some "humans" have black eyes because their material form encases none of that divine light which ensouls and animates the discrete selfhoods of humankind?
Is the gaze of these "people" a thin biological film concealing an inky void where that numinous endowment of our race would otherwise be found?
Is their grasping rhetoric of melanoid parasitism a calling forth of metaphysical predation on the vulnerable spirits of the children of God?
Is the philosophic desolation propounded by these slithering vessels a malicious emanation of the Adversary from the bleak sarcophagi that are their swarthy, human-shaped husks?
Are their cold, black eyes a beckoning remnant of the abysmal vacancy of the anteanthropic cosmos?
Are "people of color" the natural, eternal antitheses to the "people of light?"
Shark-eyed demonomelanoids... Innocuous or Insidious?
Why do you keep making this thread?
Why do you care? Fuck off to your favorite nigger dick thread faggot
I can't find it between the 14 McCain threads, your spam, the usual "What does Jow Forums think of shoelaces?" shit and DRUMPF BTFO! bullshit.
Stop fucking up the board (even more) with this retarded garbage, faggot.
Go be a Jew somewhere else
Says the D&C Jew.
Perhaps red eye correction software?
You are the cancer that is killing Jow Forums
>I saw this thread so I have to let everyone know that I saw this thread!! Because JEWS!!
You're the autistic faggot who keeps remaking this thread, not me.
It's not fucking Jow Forums related, you autistic fuck. Your mom is not proud of you for making this thread several times a day.
Go fuck yourself, because no one else ever will.
>not fucking Jow Forums related
>You're the autistic faggot
BACK TO THE_DONALD OR CALL THE MODS but there is absolutely not one shred of a single fragment of a modicum of doubt about who the kvetching homosexual jew is in this thread. It's you! Congratulations