let us turn on trump like the coming Fall. he is ripe for sacrifice. think of the bountiful harvest. I can taste the squash now.

Attached: 95168227-E2BB-48FD-90CC-0522A429239A.jpg (710x473, 59K)

Hey shill, maybe you can explain how Trump is going to get nailed for something John Edwards already walked on.

Attached: john_edwards.png (2127x975, 1.24M)

Really makes you think

fake news

he doesn't have shit
he's creating a mirage of bullshit by making irrelevant indictments of people associated with Trump, but nothing is directly about Trump and anything that is close to Trump isn't in itself criminal

will be funny when the Teflon Don gets out of this clean and powerful

Whatever did happen to Edwards after the enquirer showed he was cheating on his cancer wife with some uggo?

>we should turn on Trump fellow whites!

desperately fake news

a true american patriot

Attached: 74407F3B-D605-4608-BA9E-C13A5D73F59C.jpg (407x342, 33K)

Wrong. It's not illegal to pay hush money, JIDF.

This is the extent of his ability to refute that


keep shillin

faggot go back to r/politics or whatever. you fucking suck. sage

Haven't been briefed how to respond to Edwards paying hush money being legal yet?
You guys used to get some decent training. Now you're just pathetic. Why would you decide to shill here anyway? Reddit is way better for sock puppets and gas lighting.

you sooo MAD

you're a Russian, lol

Every time I see shills dying
I get down on my knees and pray


Shut your face hole.

ehhh, watcha gonna do about it, huh, friendo?

Low effort memeflag kike shill. Do they even train you retards anymore? Gas yourself and your family please, they all deserve it for producing a waste of biological material such as yourself. Your mother should have swallowed.

keep crying lol

Impeachment is a whole other beast.

You have no chance.

Not only will Trump not be impeached, he'll be reelected for a 2ed Term.

Attached: heaven.gif (250x184, 2.8M)

Sanguis Bibimus
Corpus Edimus
Sanguis Bibimus
Corpus Edimus
Sanguis Bibimus
Corpus Edimus
Tolle Corpus Satani!

lol, it's done, you LOOOOSERRR

Another thread died for this needy garbage. Herbed.


Is it?