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Other urls found in this thread:


Hopefully it kills all the leftists


20.000 DEAD

>didn't vote for Trump
>Chink AG trying to fuck with Trump
Yeah nothing of value will be lost. Every person on those shithole islands deserves death

Fuckers should've went with the sky god instead of the volcano deity.


fucking S hope every island washes away

There is only one sky God and he's Alaskan not Hawaiian

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Fuck you Schofield Barracks

I’m in Hawaii and it’s not even raining what is this nonsense. Is this jew stuff? Should I be worried?

Will the hurricane put out the volcano?

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honalulu live

lmao 40 inches theyre like already surrounded by 40000 inches of water

>he doesn't know jews control the weather

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thumbnail point out
video of street

i just want to see a hulacaust

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OahuAnon here. Just woke up. Wind picked up through the night. Didn't get much sleep worried the wind would blow our lychee tree on top of me. Latest imagery shows the hurricane right on our doorstep. The next 24 hours should be interesting if not downright frightening. Stay safe, HawaiiBros!!!

you deserve a you

>worried the wind would blow our lychee tree on top of me
do you live in a tent or outhouse?

No if anything will make volcano potentially erupt but on a smaller scale

Attached: carlos.png (350x350, 138K)

Ho brah no die k before I lick you

carlos isn’t a dad joke it’s a pun you boomer nigger

Lychee is incredibly dense wood. The tree has grown at a slight angle to the house, and more importantly, towards my bedroom. If knocked over, the framing would not hold up this 60 foot beast.

Wow i'm in Canada and it's even raining here! how big is this hurricane???

Like pound?

Meet me at Alaz after school we go

Found the haole!

any livestreams of massive deaths?

Faka no more haoles in town. You Mililani boy ah?

Watch all the carnage here:


I like give you dirty lickins you fakka

Pauoa boyz

has President Hawaiian Judge weighed in yet

Call your braddahs I’ll call my braddahs meet Kam Shopping Center ufa kefe

Confirmed chink.

Pauoa boys sit down to pee


Hapa master-race

What does Duane Chapman think of all this?

dat link lel

thanks, dog

Top cam went out. Bottom still working

>What does Duane Chapman think of all this?

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Had NYE dinner at Morton's at Ala Moana and Duane and his posse walked in and as they escorted his party to a private room, everyone started laughing at him. It was surreal.

The belly of the dragon shall drip water

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>nothings happening guys

Okay fema. Meanwhile

>literally turning into hawaii

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Honolulu needs a fucking bath anyway

her boobs will act as flotation devices

If she goes into the ocean they'll never get the smell out of the fish

Hawaii nigs report in

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Meanwhile top tier weather on East Coast ;)


Q predicted this.


wtf the fuck is bumping the slump dump the blumpf??

It's actually happening and no one cares

There are only 12 black people in Hawai'i, and they are all working at Home Depot right now.

At least all that rain'll put out that volcano.

Luckily the Ninth Circuit Court ruled the storm as a tropical depression rather than a hurricane. So all will be well.


The foreplay ends here.

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Only up to 40 inches?

That's a low estimate

Okay cocopineapplenigs report in

Holy fuck they're dying

Hawaii 9th circuit court declares Hurricane Lane unconstitutional. Problem solved.

hopefully a repeat of last years tremendous flooding

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Storm downgraded to 56%

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Live in Hawaii. ama

The "hurricane" is a huge joke.

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take pic outside of your house

Wow.... so this is your brain on Jow Forums...


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No thanks. I'll describe it though.

Very cloudy with light winds. It was raining earlier with heavier winds a few hours ago and I thought something was finally happening, but it stopped shortly after.

Is this what 56% ers do during a Hurricane?
>pic related

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Yeah that's what tourists do. Doesn't even surprise me.

Saw some tourists buying snorkels in Costco yesterday. I guess they just thought everybody goes to get gas on the same day.

25 hurricanes just flew over my house

Look at the latest radar, it's right on our doorstep. PATIENCE


This is only the beginning guys. Shits going down. Prepare for pure chaos. Get your guns and start prepping NOW! And get out of the city.

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Didn't they just do something to try to piss off Trump?
I think we can add them to the list of people hit by the Trump curse!
God Bless

This deserves a (you)
And checked

Pearl Harbor user here.

We just went to TCOR 1, can't leave the house anymore

Since when does Hawaii get hurricanes? OP is literally fake and gay.

>le 56% meme.

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