When Trump makes abortion murder how will that play out?
Will the mother be charged like a mob boss who hired a hit man to kill someone?
Are there any tests you can give a girl ( like a herpes or AIDS test) to see how many abortions she has had?
When Trump makes abortion murder how will that play out?
Will the mother be charged like a mob boss who hired a hit man to kill someone?
Are there any tests you can give a girl ( like a herpes or AIDS test) to see how many abortions she has had?
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How can libs not think that picture is murder
you goim like coins do you?
>makes abortion murder
Lmao I wish
Even if he does it's pretty obvious it won't work retroactively.
It will just stop future abortions from happening.
well in the future you could have women required to get an abortion check from a doctor every 10 years so you can see if she has had an abortion and needs to be prosecuted
>>makes abortion murder
Abortion is just the killing of the baby before it is born.
Some abortions are murder, if you commit a crime and kill a fetus that is aboriton and you can be charged with murder in cali
Yeah, but it will still only apply to abortions that happened after the new las has passed. It's simply not possible to prosecute a crime that wasn't a crime when it was committed.
9/10 being the Law; a woman’s womb in possession of a chad’s seed, it is a property owner’s right to abort her baby.
The Supreme Court will never overrule Row v Wade because they don’t want the unwashed masses arguing the merits of Pro-Choice in terms of property rights...for such recourse is preferred only for the wealthy elite.
I hope it's retroactive and every cunt that ever murdered a baby gets 25 to life.
Woman will do the same thing they did before Roe v. Wade, they will go to back alley doctors to have it done with record. Or they'll do it themselves with a vaginal douche. Women will always want a "get out of jail" card so they can keep dick hoping.
outlaw abortion = more poor niggers, more crime.
enjoy your hypocritical, Christian shit show.
LMAO, people want to keep shitlibs and niggers from killing their spawn. Wew.
>Referring to your child as your "property".
They're not your property. But what is yours, is the responsibility to have safe sex if you're okay with the possibility that a child could be conceived.
well now they can go to prison for their crimes
You're underage
no u
Niggers don't follow the law. They'll disproportionately kill each other as usual.
>Niggers don't follow the law. They'll disproportionately kill each other as usual.
I would only support abortion if it saves the mother's life, or if it's a rape baby in the first 3 weeks of pregnancy. Beyond that, it's sick, unjustified murder.
>I would only support abortion if it saves the mother's life, or if it's a rape baby in the first 3 weeks of pregnancy. Beyond that, it's sick, unjustified murder.
I don't care if blacks murder each other.
Abortion is the only thing keeping your nigger population in check. Tread lightly.
>Abortion is the only thing keeping your nigger population in check. Tread lightly.
If you are looking to troll call
Trump will backtrace OP and black bag them with the rest of the pedos.
>When Trump makes abortion murder
why did leftists hallucinate this being part of his platform when it was never something he brought up
>why did leftists hallucinate this being part of his platform when it was never something he brought up
I'm aware that he addresses it when directly asked, however I watched dozens of hours of his rallies, he just doesnt bring this shit up. Its a feminist and christian obsession but the country has bigger problems that Trump is focused on.
>I'm aware that he addresses it when directly asked
Abortion never saves lives.
Every intervention done in those "mother's life in jeopardy" meme-arguments is not resolved by directly terminating the pregnancy(abortion). Premature induction of labor and surgical removal of the compromised portions of the fallopian tube is not any more of an abortion than a histerectomy+chemotherapy for a pregnant cancer patient.
an abortion ends up looking like a miscarriage, the only way to actually detect if it is an abortion is if it happens in a clinic.
making abortions illegal will inevitably raise the rates of miscarriages and the birth of retarded children because of failed abortions.
it is always without fail better to allow those who want abortions to have them because they are per definition unable to care for a child
What I don't understand is you guys complain abortion is murder while also simultaneously complaining about unfit mothers raising broken children.
Not allowing these whores that opportunity is the best necessary evil to ever happen and results in less gibs being handed out as well as less poverty.
Why do you advocate for children to be raised in miserable conditions?
I guess we should execute the homeless too
Why do you advocate for children to be murdered?
Its pretty simple desu,
>Doctor charged with murder
>Womyn charged with incitement
>Why do you advocate for children to be murdered?
they might grow up to be sad so let's kill them
it's actually more like
they will grow up to be criminals because their mothers don't care for them leaving them to deal with gangs and other criminal scum
not proven
many abortions are had by college girls
>literally guilty until proven innocent
no wonder all muslim nations are shitholes
>guilty until proven innocent
no no no you are innocent until you decide to kill your child
no but we should consider reestablishing mental asylums to take the mentally ill of the streets. It pains me to see people hallucinating and unable to truly care for themselves.
for the same reason nuking Japan was a good thing.
almost had the right idea. These children born in broken homes often times grow up to be criminals or develop some sort of mental illness that leads them to shooting up schools because of their innate ability to socialize properly.
>tfw an abortion deprived you of a cool wine aunt
>something bad might happen in the future, let's execute babies just in case
>college girls
someone who considers killing a child can not be a good mother even if it's a college girl
when will the righteous halfwits realize that no one cares about your sky fairy and backward morality?
bunch of authoritarian control freaks want people to have children they don't want so they'll have more people to not care about
>crystal ball arguments are enough to warrant execution
the child is innocent, abdullah
stick your i-phone up her cunt, if the walls are scarred you have yourself a haunted pussy.
>complain about niggers getting gibs and niggers murdering and raping innocent wypipo
>complain about school shooters and the way they are used to disavow the 2nd amendment
>dont immediately prevent this by not giving women the chance to be shitty moms
Someone already said it in the thread, if they are getting an abortion chances are they weren't in any way going to raise the child properly
>aborting 50 million people has nothing to do with social security becoming unsustainable
Simply not true.
I love how "the kid might not be raised properly" is worse than "execution"
that's like, "the kid might be missing a toe, let's kill him to prevent this thing that might happen"
Ah you meant the child, i kinda missed that.
Of course it is innocent that doesn't change that the mother will inevitably fuck the child up. so it's better to prevent that all especially because abortions are inevitable and if they are not done properly they will be done with hammers meds alcohol or other things because people who want to abort a child are not going to be held back by the law case in point countries in which it was illegal (romania had a rise in retarded children due to botched abortions for example)
What we should truly be advocating for is for women to be held at higher standards than they are currently.
If they weren't having sex with everyone and letting any stranger inseminate them this unironically wouldn't be a problem.
Too many weak men allow this to happen unfortunately
if the mom doesn't want the baby what makes you think she is going to take care of the baby and give it a good life
it will not be raised properly because the parent literally wants to kill it
lots of unwanted babies grow up just fine
adoption is a thing, look into it murderer!
>since rape is inevitable, we should just legalize it!
muslim intellectuals, everyone
it's always the anti big government liberty crowd that wanna control everyone.
stop yammering on about freedom if you wanna control everyone's personal life.
bad parenting doesn't justify killing the child
>stop yammering on about freedom if you wanna control everyone's personal life.
>we can't have personal freedom unless the wanton murder of innocent children on a whim is perfectly legal
or go to war and kill innocent people because we need the money for a down payment on a house
rape is bad in any case
a botched abortion is worlds worse than a properly done one
you can not and should not try to fix a problem that lies in how your population thinks by making things illegal that's just retarded and will come back to bite you
wingnut morality
abortion is bad in any case
losing both is worse than only one, yet that doesn't justify the legalization of slaughtering the one
>alcohol is bad so we ban it
>it works so well that government has to legalize it again
>abortion is bad so ban it
>population wants it and forces the government to legalize it
it is an inevitability that is legalized if your population wants it.
you have to fix how your people think not make dumb laws, it sounds like you people are to dumb to actually deal with your problems
>lets subject the unwanted baby to living in a welfare group home so they can be a victim of abuse and exploitation
replace alcohol/prohibition with murder and see how retarded your argument is
That does not always happen, many middle class people kill their children just out of not wanting to be bothered
murder is not something your retarded population wants to have legalized moron
thank you for corroborating based muzzie
most of Jow Forums is delusional double digit IQ posters posting from mom's shack in the flyover red state no one gives a fuck about so it is hard for them to understand things that require using their slim-jim fed peanut brains
yes it is. abortion is murder
>When Trump makes abortion murder
I don't think you understand how our system of government works.
most pro-lifers like the death penality.
murder by the state
instead of stating that, you should go around and ask the voting public, and you will see that quite a few are pro"murder" so many in fact that the government is moving in to make it perfectly legal.
very late term abortion
>medical procedures look disgusting and I don't it
>let's ban them
Let's just ban surgery while we're at it.
>>medical procedures look disgusting and I don't it
It's dismembered human body parts. lol
it's murder
>instead of reciting the crux of your argument that I can't refute . . .
the consensus of a majority doesn't make an unjust act just
slavery was legal and socially acceptable for centuries but (most of) civilization has realized how despicable of an institution it really is
This. Banning abortion will only produce more liberals who'll vote to relegalize it while also trampling over everything else you like about conservatism.
>that I can't refute . . .
you have no argument you just have a worthless moral statment
wether something is just or not is irrelevant what matters is what will inevitably happen as long as you don't make people change their minds on what is just and not
Maybe a gynecologist can see it. But as far as I know the more abortions the less likely she will get pregnant at all.
>t-that doesn't count!!
Go back to your goat muhammad, you're done here
I don’t know how it’s not already legally considered murder. A year after the Scott Peterson trial, Laci Peterson’s mother got a new law in California pushed in where it made murdering a pregnant woman it counts as 2 different murder charges. So by that logic, a pregnant woman murdering her own child should be a murder charge in California
Also, if Scott Peterson was a spic or a nigger he would have been found innocent. They literally had no evidence that concretely proved he killed her. Being a California Jury they had a hard on to send a good looking white chad to prison
Ok if it's murder, why haven't deep red states seceded over Roe v Wade instead of begrudgingly keeping it legal? You'd think the time to talk is over after baby-killing literally became federally legal.
>i can't accept the actual problem so i cry about morality which never actually fixes problems
let me guess when you see a natural disaster and the people suffering in there you go on and "pray" for them instead of actually doing something that will actually help them.
people like you are disgusting.
trump will make all abortions mandatory
Not int the USA, the fourth amendment covers that.
the talk has been going on ever since it was legalized, keep up
No that would be the people in your 9-year-old-child-bride-fucking neck of the woods
Who the fuck cuts a babies lower arms off to place on a coin to express how discussing abortion is.
It's like....
Wait for it.....
A man dying of aids and a mad protesting butcher hanging him up in the shop window.
There are better ways of keeping niggers in check.
oh i didn't know that the usa has become atheist suddenly
>9-year-old-child-bride-fucking neck of the woods
yeah the same woods your government is more than happy to work and cooperate with
It's not murder because deep red states did not leave the union
it's murder because it is dismembering and killing a human being
They know it's murder, they just don't care. War is murder too, but people support those too.
Anyway, abortion is an issue that should have a civil war fought over it.
What I'm asking is why wasn't this a red line in states where the majority of people believe it's murder?
Hell why don't we raise the limit to 3 years after conception? Killing your child is killing your child.