I have been constantly and vociferously badgered on Twitter and by email by people, presumably from this forum, who express the desire that I visit you and grant you an audience.
After reading this long, meandering page, seemingly devoid of any real or rigorous discussion of British politics I utterly fail to imagine how I, even were I so inclined, would engage in any meaningful manner. Though I can't foresee any circumstance in which I would want to engage with the contemptible ghouls that seemingly inhabit this vile corner of the internet, not with the sickening abundance of racial bigotry and ethnic nationalism espoused here.
I would also ask that you stop using me as a digital effigy or masthead for your inadequacy of intellect and inability to form coherent, salient arguments. Though I can't blame you entirely, Britain's education system has clearly failed a great many of you and left you derelict of classical logic or rhetoric.
I am not secretly harbouring racist or nationalist views, I am not downplaying my analysis on subjects of race, I am not your political bedfellow.
>blonde hair and blue eyes >naturally athletic and built as fuck >knows he’s superior to the other ethnic inferiors >tiggers darkies so much they try to kill him in darkie central: London >doesn’t give a shit, his aryan aura means he doesn’t care about your inferior culture (dabbing on dead japs) Is Logan, dare I say it, our guy?
I'm sitting here keen as mustard to learn something new or get into some news stories, I just want to talk to somebody about something interesting. But it isnt happening on here or on any other board, I'm just spamming comments all over youtube now.
I might even revive my old mumsnet account to larp on there for a while. How the fuck did it come to this. Is there anything going on in the fucking UK atm?
Carson Bennett
Someone do or say something amusing please.
Nathaniel Johnson
This is the fate of all tripcunts.
Why, it's almost as if Anonymous posters are Scipio's Legion, and the Tripcunts are cowering civilians of Carthage!
On a previous iteration of this image I was on one of the headstones at the bottom, at some point I've been removed, and for good reason. I'm here forever boys, you're stuck with m
Michael Moore
>express >Dailystar
Haha you fucking cunt
Logan Mitchell
I wish this were really peter
Nathaniel Murphy
Absolutely important image. It is required viewing. Start filtering.
One thing I've always wondered is why Brits all of a sudden care about global politics.
Of course you guys used to have a colony in India but what makes you so confident about your "opinion" on global matters?
For example, I just finished watching a WWI documentary (from the BBC itself back in 1964) that basically pinned Britain and France as fighting a stalemate war against Germany until the Americans came and saved Europe. You guys even fucked up in Gallipoli with a hundred thousand men trying to invade fortified positions on higher ground?
After WWI and and the succeeding humiliation at Dunkirk, I guess it really was time for Britain to bow down and obey the United States.
Next time you have an opinion, remember that America is Britain's master.
I can honestly say, with good heart, intention and conviction, that of all the myriad of beings and creatures god in his infinite wisdom placed upon this earth, there is none more toxic, venomous, conniving or deceitful than the Tripcunt. His posts reek of his person's horrible self importance. His inputs to threads are pathetic and utterly repugnant to look at. His mangled and subhuman hands have brought about the end of many a good Brit/pol/ thread and the only thing his wretched eyes see is potential threats and 'anonymongs'. The Tripcunt is a natural liar and blowhard, those defending them should be aware. His arguments crumple with the slightest blow of the wind but his posts will derail the thread, leaving the rest of the Anonymous posters to fight amongst themselves. His narcissistic ways have pulled Brit/pol/ into many a circle jerk as we have learned the hard way a multitude of times in the past year. The only respite I can find in these horrific injustices committed by the tripcunt is their eventual and soon coming extinction. For the tripcunt, through all his hate and self-superiority, hates nothing more than himself.
Tyler Harris
lmao I remember that old trip
Levi Myers
Can't believe mongs are still posting my bait post Lmfao
James Ortiz
Anyone else planning on opting out of organ donation in 2020?
Ayden Mitchell
I can see an argument for both sides, a happy medium would be in these type of identity threads.
You can’t expect to have your own thread and get triggered if there are some trip friends wanting to take part
I'm leaving. I want to go sort myself out, and try to find happiness. If that isn't possible I'll settle for some kind of meaning in my life. I have decided that I'm going to put a lot of effort into improving myself, and this place doesn't help with that. I'll be quitting the booze, and I'm going to eat well and exercise regularly.
I've really enjoyed talking to you all. Especially my Trip friends, but I love all you anonymous posters as well!
It was the YKTD, Not bomber rimmer and Eddie who started this fuck up. Because they posted for attention, they ruined a perfectly decent place for discussion. Occasionally Eddie might make a political post, but its overshadowed by the number of people tripfagging just to call him a retard or say "ive done a numabe r on ur LAD mate innit LAD MATE innit"
Carter Lewis
Eddie only started posting with that name last year. And YKTD was a quality poster.
They might lose a little credibility but it depends on where Sturgeon stands on it.
Isaiah Peterson
To add: It is pretty amusing that the first high profile person have formal complaints made to holyrood about them for social misconduct is Alex fucking Salmond. Particulary as the procedure for complaints was partly put in by his succesor Sturgeon
Ethan Moore
It’s not right. Literally any roastie can claim a famous man did this or did that any their name is dragged through the mud. It’s impossible to prove either way.
Oliver Thomas
based ulsterchild
Isaac Bell
>bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-45287672 imo its symbolic and probably true or else it would never have been run with. Its their way of internally clearing out long term SNP voices who were around before the party arched to the left, Salmond as a fiscal and social conservative being one of the many who privately will not be on board with the direction Queen Nic+opposition party leaders want to drag Scotland. By the time they are done with Alex and the brand he represents, anyone calling for the breaks to be halted will be branded 'old' and a Salmondist, thus being dismissed out of hand by association with secual abuse. Its possible somebody internally knew AS was about to speak out against some important policy and wanted to nip it in the bud early.
Owen Collins
As there is legel preccedings Sturgeon isn't allowed to discuss what she knows about the complaints, which apparenly is very little as she isn't allowed to know anyway.
If the allegations have some weight to them then it puts her in an akward place. Internal squabbles have been something the SNP has until now been very good at avoiding publically.
Whole block of Deanobxes have been built just around the corner from me on wasteground. Fucking £200k for a glorified rabbit hutch.
Cameron Allen
Hunter Howard
Salmond is the guy who made the SNP a centre left party and when in power literally bought votes with benifts/tution/prescriptions etc
Caleb Morales
>He started everything the current SNP stands for Sturgeon just carried it on. Everything the SNP currently stands for was started when the parasitical left decided that New Labour was too New for them and they had no place in the party anymore towards the end of the Brown era and into the Miliband era. During the independence referendum they switched host, they will switch again if the SNP prove not to be viable anymore, they give no fucks about who they get behind aslong as the party giving them a platform lurches to the far left.
It wasnt that long ago the SNP were called the Tartan Tories, Salmond only ever made the argument for independence on an economic basis, whereas now its being sold on an ideological one that a huge chunk of the party have no natural inclination to support.
Zachary Cox
>literally bought votes with benifts/tution/prescriptions etc Literally was in place before the SNP ever saw power. I went to Uni during the first Labour Scottish Government and it was free for everyone under them.
Salmond was a well known socialist in his university days, if I remember right he was expelled from the party at one point for being too left wing.
SNP have been very good at showing one face to voters in rural Scotland and another to the taigs in the Weegie slums.
Joseph Rivera
i've seen him sitting next to nigel farage kvetching about how racist ukip supposedly are like a scared old woman. there's nothing conservative about him or his party.
Nathaniel Thomas
C-can anyone tell me if brexit does anything with immigrants not getting free or cheap counselling homes or foreigners buying and renting them off for x3 the price. God i really wish i could save up to afford a house, i'm hoping that the least brexit could offer is cheaper/affordable homes for people but all im seeing is tall building blocks being sold individually as apartments for a still large price, not to mention they're only yours till the leash goes up so never really your home to begin with.
Henry Anderson
requesting salmond with the just haircut
Mason Cox
Socialism in the late 70s and early 80s wasnt the same as socialism in 2018, even the Labour left of the day were more nationalist than any of the parties we see now. Besides most students take the same path, when I was a student I was unironically a massive faggot for social justice but that was while living in an ethnostate, where socialism isnt necessarily a bad thing and a proven success in post WW2 Scandinavia. Plenty on this board have switched over time, things change and our views change with them.
Move up north or to Scotland and buy. Much cheaper
Dylan Williams
What’s this?
Don’t say houses.
Andrew Cox
If a Eddie's not cooking chips (I don't wanna hear that) If Eddie can't secure his kids (I don't wanna hear that, hear that) If Eddie can't put food in the fridge (I don't wanna hear that Nah, I don't wanna hear that Nah nah, I don't wanna hear that)
>hey user have you met any girls in university? >you're not average you know, girls like to talk about emotions and things and you don't really have any, you're like your dad, don't be annoyed with girls when they want attention >you should marry a chinese or thai girl the kids would be sooooo cute >but make sure they're not too small or your kids might be small like me >I chose your dad for his genetics, his height and intelligence mhmm alright mum
funny as this is i'm not sure blaming abdul's love of young meat strengthens you argument against greenbelt development
Joseph Clark
Fuckk mate they had one fucking job.
That is the plan for now, moving to Edinburgh or Glasgow or some shit and buy an actual home, be able to camp, etc. Only problem could be jobs but whatever i'd rather not see the house prices up there bump before everything fucks up.
Jordan Morris
What’s the catch?
Owen Peterson
she's probably worried all that time you spend on that gay anime pornography website
Jaxson Nguyen
Glasgow is fine but you best get your skates on if you intend staying anywhere central in Edinburgh.
David Carter
>catch normans still own most of the land needed to build them