Break arm

>Break arm
>Go to doctor
>All he does is put a cast on it
>”That’ll be $1,500 plus tip”

Even in countries like Nigeria they have universal healthcare.

What do YOU suggest be done about the ludicrous medical bills in the US?

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just don't pay

I pay the inner city kids to run trains on my busted loosened faggot ass

Invite more doctors and physicists to migrate to your country to drop the free market prices

vote trump?

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All you have are problems and bitching OP, you should come up with solutions instead of pinning it off on others like your medical care.

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>don't be fat
>don't break arm when you fall

So then do it yourself.
>hurrdurr I can't google how to set a bone
>hurrdurr I can't google how to make a plaster cast
Or how about you realize that doing the above is kinda sketchy and you pay for a service that you need you filthy commie.

>not tipping your doctor
It’s like you want the watered down scripts or something

>plus tip
almost had me op


the american medical association is a labor union that limits the number of medical school students allowed in the USA to drive up prices via limiting supply and demand.

The AMA needs to be busted wide open. Most doctors are just drug pushers. It doesn't require genius.

In many countries the entrance examination for med school is just a modified IQ test. You need something like 120+ to get in here in Switzerland.

>Go to work in a cast
>”Okay user, show us your doctor note as proof it’s really broken”
>Have to go to the doctor anyway

Yeah real smart

Why do you need to work anyway?

There already is universal healthcare

If you show up to a hosptial with a fucking broken snapped in half arm they will NEVER say "go away"

Why dont leftists understand this?

We actually have the same thing here. Every person who attains a medical degree outside Finland gets a job here anyways

>gib me dat

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>Even in countries like Nigeria they have universal healthcare.
Take a plane ride to Nigeria then, it will come up cheaper

step 1. stop being poor.
step 2. get insurance.

Lmao I've never seen someone actually propose a solution to something here

> even in countries like nigeria...

Go live there then you fucking brainlet

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Unironically proposing a communist US

That is an entirely different problem. Like high school tier problem.

If it is so easy, do it yourself.

Medfag here, yea this shit is egregious. Especially since 9 times out of 10 the hardcast that they put on a broken limb is not only unnecessary but detrimental. Unless there are some serious complications to the break most of the time what would be better is a sam splint + ace bandage. The way that a hardcast is formed into a permanent shape which is then left on for 8 weeks or more tends to result in the mending of the bones being weak/not healing correctly. I broke several bones, both before and after gaining medical experience. The ones that I went to a doctor for all healed fucked up in some way. After becoming a medfag I fixed all my broken bones myself. One of them, for instance, was a metacarpal (hand bone) that I snapped in half proximal to the distal head. I grabbed it, applied traction, popped it back into place and then slapped a sam splint one with an ace bandage and duct tape. My hand was useable within 2 weeks and healed within 4 and it cost me a piece of aluminum coated in foam, a reuseable bandage and 2' worth of duct tape.