Not only they are fine, entrepreneurship is booming. Nothing to worry here.
The Boers Are Fine
Other urls found in this thread:
>The Boers Are Fine
for now.
but you obviously know nothing about the situation or you wouldn't be posting this CNN tier propaganda
They are really fine, Nigga
>south african farmer
>most dangerous job on Earth
>this is fine
>Absolutely no facts
>the murderers reject the offered help for their victims
shocking, again you prove you have no idea what the fuck is actually going on.
the genocide is an impending genocide and civil war you moron.
deny it all you want but you are gonna feel really stupid in about 2 months.
or probably not, knowing you CNN drones you won't even remember that you vehemently defended this viewpoint when they memory hole the whole thing.
you poor poor slave
>the genocide is an impending genocide and civil war
How's is this different than "Trump is Hitler. If we don't react, he will round up all Negros and Jews and kill all of them" narrative.
Theres no stats or facts to back that up. On the other hand there are facts to back up farm murders.
again you prove you have no idea what is going on.
trump has done and said nothing that would lead anyone to believe he is going to start mass killing people.
CNN is being hyperbolic for ratings.
the south african black congress has already granted themselves the authority to steal white farmers land without compensation.
the law goes into effect this fall.
the whites have already stated they will not leave their land peacefully, those who were going to leave have already done so.
it is going to get very bad and there is nothing anyone can do to prevent it anymore.
the only thing anyone can do to help the situation will be to report the violence and lobby our governments to grant refugee status to the displaced saffers.
they are well armed, but horribly outnumbered, some people think the farmers will win in the end but i doubt it.
Did you see the tweet literally right after this one?
Alright, show stats. Don't show me bullshit from InfoWars or FOX
there are no stats because there is no genocide at the moment.
racial violence against whites is however increasing, there is at least 1 brutal farm invasion per week now.
none of this disproves what i just told you though, so why are you still denying that an impending crisis is looming.
when they are dying in the streets will you still defend the SA government?
Do the Boer farmers actually do that or is this faggot just talking out of his racist ass the way they often do when the default argument is "If we don't have illegals who will clean your home, your toliets, walk your dog and pick up your kids from school?"
I don't imagine a Boer farmer is going to pay a local to walk his dog or clean his house. He's liable to be a more rough and tumble sort that actually does the minutia of daily existence himself rather than contract it out to some brown-black serf like a rich liberal.
lol getting brutally tortured and murdered is normal GET OVER IT GOY!!
There are more Negros die in Chicago than boers in SA arund this time.
>letting someone else walk your dog
Newsweek did an article about the increasing amount of farm murders. Then there was a whole televised rant from the Mandela party saying that the expropriation of land without compensation is being voted on.... kys.
Nice schlomo lie.
>Murdering white residents
>Government is openly stealing their property based on their race
Yep, it's really going "fine."
isn't it illegal to discriminate based on race in SA?
>if it was really a genocide whites would discriminate against all blacks and die of starvation
the cats out of the bag faggot
you're not putting it back in
south africa went so far as to say they would rather die than let whites keep their land
so be it
The black farm hands are killed also...
The Government banned the collecting and reporting of racial crime stats in 2001...
You mean my nigga, Malena? Trump talked shit about shooting people on the street during campaign season. Don't be a snowflake
Yes because many blacks have not died defending their bosses families. You mean not all niggers act like niggers...Imagine that.
They changed the Constitution to steal land from whites, have been murdering them for years, and political leaders have publicly talked about murdering all whites
it's hilarious how hard the media is focusing on the murder part. when the real story is the land grab.
> All blacks are the same and tribes doesn't exist
Progressives really need a bullet injected into their brain.
Is the only cure.
Well, it isn't genocide then. We are just speculating here. I also have been speculating about civil war 2.0 for a decade. Still nothing.
That's like saying because the Brits was the first colony in the US that means Slavs have less right in the US. Whites are whites. Blacks are blacks
I'm pretty sure that, unlike the ANC and the EFF, Trump isn't enacting legislation to seize the property of Jews and Blacks, neither is he spouting hateful rhetoric on political gatherings calling for violence against these two groups.
We end up at your narrative vs mine. Dead end.
Can't have a genocide if you stop recording racial statistics in murders xD
No one can refute the fact that they passed the law for the land grab and it will be in full effect as the year comes to an end. Shit is heating up and is about to boil.
????? ????? ?????
>tend their gardens?
>clean their homes?
>walk their dogs?
Has this cum bucket ever been to a farm.
>letting a nigger walk your dog
Does Zimbabwe not exist in your version of reality? Be sure you got the 3.7.1 update it was just released
>But you don't KNOW that this will be Zimbabwe 2.0 loolol :P you don't KNOW FOR SURE!!!
I wonder if this guy knows that Jews owned pretty much all the capital in Germany before getting genocided.
Toronto did the same when it became apparent just how violent niggers can be.
Trump didn't change the constitution so he can legally gas the jews. That's how, you flaming retard
>my mother's side is jewish
>jews are a maternal line
>History always exactly repeat itself
Are you a bizfag?
As hordes of Bantu Niggers skin alive white children on the streets and burn tires around white womens necks. CNN will report that they deserve it and pray it happens in America soon.
i know im gonna get called a shill but my former supervisor (wonderful woman- very hard worker) came from SA and has horror stories of nogs breaking into their homes so consistently that they essentially all slept together in a makeshift panic room loaded with guns
parents saved all their dosh to get to the US
Wait, isn't literally on the news that the government are going to start seizing land from white people without compensation? Is their claim that it's just fake news or something? Explain please.
lol shut up schlomo, you're not convincing anyone here
The kike's nose shows.
Not quite sure you know what a shill is.
Their Richard Spencer. Your point?
True but its also black on black. Or in this case, Powerful vs meek. I thought you faggot lefties loved to tout authority oppression as evil?
nah im well aware, i just get called a shill regardless of what i post because half of you are retarded
i don't want black people in my home. they're simply not welcome. not even as servants. i'll happily entertain coloured people though.
Its a fact white farmers are having their land taken away from them which inevitably will be by force. The fact so many have been brutally killed over a large number of years is mere coincidence because everyone gets killed brutally in South Africa black or white so it can't possibly be racially motivated.
>One Boer killed every five days
Genocide! Reeeeeeeeeeweeeeeeeee!
>5 negros killed every day in Chicago
Show us a quote from that fag spencer advocating killing a demographic.
>5 negros killed every day in Chicago
Yeah all those white guys going into the hood and murdering black people in cold blood. Many such cases!
I really don't get it, how is this ALWAYS a thing? The most vocal subversives are always kikes wtf... I'm J pilled but I still don't understand it beyond some metaphysical "evil DNA" shit what ...the ....fuck....
One is black on white crime
The other is black on black crime
Your point is?
Standard Nigger antics vs methodical murder of a sub ethnic group by a government.
Not a lefty, nigga. I don't do those rainbow flaggy shit. I'm a commie
What part of, "It's the fucking Jew." Do you not understand. Do you think we write and talk about it on here all day for our health?
we need to harass kanye into speaking out. i think hes not really /our nig/ now. we need a black guy to condemn the south africans so we can justify exterminating them and nigs wont do anything because they are stupid
Murder is murder, faggot. There are more than one white on black killing per day in the US, guaranteed. It a fucking country.
it's literally been argued in their parliament to take land without compensation
why do these people fucking lie
commies are the left gayfriend, if you think otherwise you are fucking retarded. the progressive movement is littered with frankfurt school brain trusts and focused around egalitarianism and dismantling of western culture from within with the intent of ushering in a new cultural system of egalitarian power. IE COMMUNISM COMRADE. THE LEFT.
Kanye is not ournigga. He is against the 2nd amendment
No, the exact same thing is happening in the USA actually. South Americans and Mexicans are replacing us, murdering us, and we are still employing them to garden, clean and work on farms.
>One Boer
that not was written here, the point is white farmer.
That specific group is targeted, they are killed at a far higher rate than any other group in SA.
Those SJW, rainbow flaggies won't make it in Stalin's Russia, faggot. Democratic party is ruined. Time to move on from 2 parties country. I'm sure a lot of polfags don't embrace all Republican party's agenda
Yes but it is the lowest on the list of race on race crime in all countries. You absolute cunt.
Jews hired Germans to be chambermaids, servants, laborers, etc.
Jews in Slavic lands employed Slavs to work their lands, fill menial job postings.
there was no holocaust.
>Between 1994 and March 2012, there had been 361,015 murders in all of South Africa and between 1990 and March 2012, there had been an estimated 1,544 murders on South African farms of which 208 of the victims were Black.
So over 18 years the genocide has claimed ... Maybe a thousand farmers total. So it is more dangerous to be a American in Chicago, then a white farmer in South Africa, s utterly poverty stricken place.
Do you know what eminent domain is? Bascially every Government uses it to get lands they want. They want to build a high way or whatever. They say, here is the price we have bought your land.
South Africa has for ages had a policy of making sure Blacks have some land, as agriculture is still seen as a wealth for them. So anybody who can prove that the Apartheid took their land can claim it back. But for the rest they worked on a willing seller-buyer principle. They encouraged blacks to buy land, and the goverment would also buy land to distribute.
But that has taken a while and been very slow. So now they are using Eminent domain to forcibly buy land. The recent cases everybody on Jow Forums was crying about, was a safari park, not a farm with coal reserves. The goverment then bought it for the same price as a 2014 offer by a coal company. The owners were trying to get 10 times that. The value is probably inbetween somewhere, but it is hardly theft.
Actual seizing without compensation is restricted to properties where the debt exceeds the value.
>b-but its against the law!
pol BTFO, how could there be genocide if its against the law!? pack it in racists you're done
>rich liberals attesting to everything being fine
We should send over the US Navy to use their estates as target practice for testing railguns and lasers.
>dog sitter and a nigga
It is real
the boers are dirt poor. have you seen those shacks? everything in south africa is not that shitty. its not the 90s. none of them can afford shit and they are dying off
the GOP needs to force sleepy ben to make a statement supporting our troops raping south africa or hes out of the GOP
He said there is no future for non whites in the US
>Time to move on from 2 parties country.
I couldn't agree more, but we will murder you commie faggots if you think that shit is happening here. Your ranks are swollen with weak minded cultural rejects. Stalinist Russia will never be accomplished with American leftist stock and that is all you have at your disposal.
>Boers aren't being murdered
>the murder of Boers is justified
>No one is taking Boer farms
>Seizing Boer farms is justified
>There is no conspiracy to murder the Boers
"Shoot the farmers (Boers), they are racist."
>Context is important
It is in their nature. You're asking why niggers are dumb, violent and smell bad. Because otherwise they wouldn't be niggers.
post your wiki source you abbo nigger
>According to Tshego's (Short G / Sterling) media reports, as of December 2011, approximately 3,158 – 3,811 South African farmers have been killed in these attacks.[27][28] Self-reported data from the Transvaal Agricultural Union state that 1,544 people were killed in farm attacks from 1990 to 2012.[14]
>Entrepreneurship is booming.
>He doesn't know the current state of SA economy.
>the law goes into effect this fall.
its only affects lands that isnt currently being farmed.
WW2 Germany must be the only country in the world where a genocide was ongoing but where the victims still employed their murderes to tend to their gardens, clean their homes & walk their dogs.
Death of South African farmers is at a 30 year low.
>70,000 white South Africans murdered since 1994
>not genocide
>MSNBC outright laughing off the idea of SA white genocide even though there’s actuall decades worth of data to prove it, shrugging it off as white nationalist conspiracy theory even though Israeli media just recently reported on its legitimacy via an article about Israeli special forces teaching SA farmers Krav Maga to fend off attackers
Israelunwired . com/idf-trains-south-african-farmers/
>white nationalist conspiracy theory but it’s somehow being reported on and confirmed by jewish media
>shilling this shit and still thinking you’re human
Disgusting. Absolutely fucking revolting. Taking a paycheck to push bullshit of this magnitude, to post disinformation threads just to pander to your followers, your audience, knowing full well you’re full of shit and outright helping cover up the murders of 70,000 innocent civilians. Women. Children. Fathers and sons. Even dogs can express shame when they know they’ve done something wrong.
MSNBC and any hired shills knowingly aiding in covering up,the mass murder of 70k people should be prosecuted, jailed and publicly shamed. There’s no fucking excuse for this.
>Your ranks are swollen with weak minded cultural rejects
I could also say the same to those kekistani-maga fags. There are real commies and there are larping commies (basedboy cucks).
>only look at the individuals when we tell you to
so will there be a civil war or ???
My fellow whites
As a white talking to whites, our whiteness is too white for non whites
Also I'm Jewish
>hey nice classic car, how much is it worth?
>$25,000 you say?
>here's $300, you have no choice sorry
>just remember this isn't theft
kys you brain dead fuck
South Africa:'It's politically correct to kill whites these days'
Genocide and Communism Threaten South Africa
Crime Statstics in South Africa ? (Who knows)
South African farmers fearing for their lives
South Africa Facing White Genocide, Total Communist Takeover
They want to dismantle ANYthing considered "White"
Owning a dog 'is not African', declares Jacob Zuma: Racism row after South African president says black people with pets are just copying white culture