The Rust Belt Is Becoming More Democratic


Attached: 2020Real.png (966x748, 112K)

Other urls found in this thread: will never



Right. All signs point to it being true.

He will hold ohio, Florida, Wisconsin, and most likely pick up New Hampshire, Maine, and Minnesota. Wait and watch.

And you say this based on...?

What signs you fucking goon?
His approval was at a lower levels when he really think the dems are gonna find somebody charming enough to win?

soros can pump all the money he has into gillibrand and she will still lose

Attached: soros.jpg (1024x768, 340K)

Its the economy, stupid.

nice photo shop nigger

>mfw the Russian hackers meme is real and Putin casts the deciding "vote" even with most Americans voting Democrat in the midterms
>Democrats BTFO forever and there's nothing they can do about it because no matter how many people they convince or how fast the nonwhites breed, the Trump Administration will refuse to pass any legislation to prevent future Russian hacking that keeps the Republicans in power indefinitely

Absolutely diabolical

Attached: laughingpepe.jpg (400x386, 34K)

Lmao Texas will flip by 2028 at the latest. We won Drunpfkins.

Attached: 23XZy8.png (1050x670, 108K)

He won those states by less than a point and it was hillary. Literally every name floating around for the dems is more popular and will likely make up for that one percent.

And yet all approval polls show them moving away from Drumpf

Notice how most of the states with ocean access are blue. That's not a coincidence

The evil Jew plan of putting trump in power in order to blue wave America forever. They almost had it with Obama but they fucked it all up with obamacare

Oh that’s right.. the Jews are actually that smart or powerful because they’re 1 step away from being a rodent.

Trump will never become president. Take your pic of videos predicting that. will never

Trump will resign within a year

I don't think Trump is exactly shaking in his penny loafers with such predictions.

This is some new shit. It explicitly said Jews are not and some sort of jewcorrect changed it. This is worse than a basedbeans thread.

>And yet all approval polls show them moving away from Drumpf
why you lying tho?

Attached: trumpapproval.png (861x595, 56K)

This. If people have jobs and money in their pockets, they'll keep voting Trump.

>thread is clearly about the rust belt alone
>shows general job approval

Nah. You probably don't even have to go vote for Trump, that's how hard he's winning.

They can't help but lie. It's all they know how to do.

>Everyone is more popular than Hilldog
Yeah you say this until they get a nick name and then they get BTFO.

>job approval has been increasing over time
>jobs are coming back to the rust belt
>despite this you claim those states are going in the opposite direction of general approval
good luck kid

>jobs are coming back to the rust belt
Are they though?

Did you watch the video? Did you even bother to look at the midterm races in the rust belt? All are moving to the democratic column.

This Let's Talk Elections guy is the ultimate brainlet. He thinks Bernie would have won.

OH, PA and IA not looking too bad right now.

The cuck belt

>all net minus approval
>all much less than they were when Drumpf took office
>not looking too bad right now

Attached: b7d.jpg (727x727, 45K)

They are.

Attached: michigan.png (639x597, 6K)


Attached: ohio.png (621x587, 6K)


Attached: winconsin.png (611x597, 6K)

>any day now

Reminder that the best way to make godless kikes and traitors suffer is to go out and vote. Help your like-minded friends and family members register, and don't forget your neighbors and others who may need help with transportation.
In addition, polite phone calls and well-written letters and emails are a great way to remind elected officials just who it is they work for.
Fuck the Left. It's time to make them pay for their sins by punishing them at the polls this November.

Those are some fucked up Y axes. The increase isn't nearly as great as you would have me believe in those images. Thanks for sharing though.

Only the lefties that are beyond saving the ones who still believe in polls after the beloved CNN & alike shoved down on their troath for months that there is a 0% chance for a trump victory.

If you still gobble up this shit you should just hang yourself and become the ultimate victim

Attached: Yeeeebooooooooooi.png (451x627, 382K)

Lol u really think the nigger party is going to win in Ohio?

That's what the site shows on their graphs I didn't have the opportunity to fuck with the axes. Sorry about your narrative.

>there's no increase
>gets proven wrong
>uhh, the increase is really small it doesn't matter haha
this is why everyone is laughing at people like you

If you commies take over our government get ready for blood flowing in the streets. You've been warned. -A Real American

Never underestimate the stupidity of boomer union cucks , they always fall for the "centrist Blue dog" meme candidates

The economy, being tough on trade, and the dems going insane on the kill whitey stuff will keep the rustbelt red.

Attached: 1477120341301.jpg (1620x599, 224K)

Short term, it's the economy.

Long term, it's demographics, stupid.

Sure pal

Attached: 1532227260763.png (483x656, 250K)

First term presidents typically lose congressional seats in the midterm. There have been about 4 exceptions to this rule in roughly 100 years. This is normal and isn't, by itself, indicative of 2020 performance.

Dems might do well in the midterms because their candidates have a chance to actually appeal to midwestern voters. But they will fail miserably in 2020 because their base will force them to run a rabid anti-white leftist

The results in 2018 are going to measure how effective the lugenpresse still is. The economy is better than when Trump got into office and the democrats don't have a platform. If people are tuning them out then reps hold control of both houses. If not, then they lose the house. Chance of senate going dem is practically nonexistent. Get out and vote. More importantly get your family and friends out to vote.

>how effective the lugenpresse still is
Considering this trend effects both parties, its more of an indication of how ineffective the majority party is at instituting their agenda. The past two years of republican control of congress hasn't produced substantial legislation in support of trump's platform, so what's the point in trump voters of reelecting them? What's the difference between a contested congress and a republican congress? This game of carrot and the stick only works if someone's got a carrot.

>The past two years of republican control of congress hasn't produced substantial legislation in support of trump's platform, so what's the point in trump voters of reelecting them?
That's because of pieces of shit like McCain and Flake. But Flake is quitting and McCain will certainly be dead by January, so there is hope.

I haven't noticed anything. Must be more lies and bullshit just like the "hillarry 99% win guys for sure durrrr" shit you morons spewed.

Oh no no no no hahaha
You realize Indiana only goes blue when something big happens right?
>JFK lost his head
>Great depression
People here dislike Dems.
IIRC Obama and Hillary both in 08 got accused of forging signatures (because people hate them)


BTFO fiercely. Teeth smashed.

Maybe not within the next 10 years, but democrats are expected to become a majority in nearly every state since the majority of minorities both overwhelmingly vote blue and are replacing whites pretty quickly. In fact, there was only 1 election in which 1 single minority group didn't vote majority democrat if I'm not wrong. Pic related.

Attached: cGcgCFc.jpg (1200x1032, 247K)

>let’s talk elections

Cringe. This Maryland libcuck has the worst takes possible.

I think you would see a better turnout from republican voters if people like McCain and Flake were actively condemned by other republicans, but instead they've received either silence or praise. The fact is that all of the party's highest ranking members would rather form a party exclusively of McCains and Flakes than see them leave. This is electoral poison. A contested congress might be viewed as more desirable than giving republicans control and letting them pass DACA amnesty.

>liberals are this fucking retarded

In 2016 the Republicans got 48% of the House vote in Michigan but won 64% of the seats. It literally doesn't matter if michigan re-elects their incumbent senator, or if PA re-elects their incumbent governor, or if Wisconsin re-elects their incumbent senator (see the pattern here you dumb liberal faggot?) because districts are designed in the Midwest so that they are disproportionately favorable to Republicans.

Democrats can only make a handful of gains because the districts simply aren't designed for them to compete. It's the same in california and new york, since all those districts are designed by democrats to contain republicans.

Democrats don't have a path to the house and the senate will likely be 53-59 republicans at the end of the day.

>breaking news: Hillary has a 95% chance to win the 2016 election because of the polls we took in every starbucks in the biggest city of every state!

Special elections are also not indicative of midterms. All the districts the Democrats need to take the house are 80% white, Republican leaning districts on average. Polls such as monmouth, Cnn and quinnipiac all indicate that white republican turnout will be up and minority democrat turnout will be down. White liberals will simply be outvoted in swing districts and will easily retain districts in the northeast where they are already the majority.

>lazy people who want the most GIBEs are voting for people who will GIBE them the most

Worst timeline.

>blah blah blah blah
>words that i thought sounded good and might rile a few anons
>blah blah
have a great day user i wish you the best in life and love

Yeah except that's wrong because boomers and millennials are moving south. The south is already solid red and boomers will make it more red. Florida will become a red state. When Trump stops counting non-citizens for electoral votes and representatives this will shift political power to states like kentucky, florida and ohio away from states like new york and california. The result is an electoral map that favors republicans.

No chance in hell he picks up Minnesota.

>hillary has a 99% chance to win.jpg

WI saw all its unemployment vanish under Trump.

Niggers ruined Illinois, it used to be 100% white 75 years ago

That website is fucking garbage, go back to January 17'. You are telling me that Trump had a -6 approval rating in fucking California in 2017? That Trump had a +8 in fucking New York in January?