>The left can't me-
The left can't me-
I don’t get it..
i can't tell hat this means
this must be why leftist memes always have long explaining text
They are comparing the McPoyles - an inbred family from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia to Trumps children.
Shit Tier Confirmed: The left can't meme.
ooooh I get it now
but still for the love of fuck even I can do better than that
fucking pathetic
... I don't get it.
You just keep giving us examples
Came to post this
OP is a faggot
Who is this semen demon?
You just proved your own greentext, faggot
This explains why the left can't/isn't allowed to meme.
Daisy Hogg
This right here is why the left can't meme, they take themselves too seriously. The thought of taking the piss out on their own ideology scares them. Bucket of crabs and all that.
The right memes.
The left achieves results.
what results exactly?
Like losing
lol ok dude
At least make a more interesting bait OP! This is really low quality shitposting!
>we're gonna MEME our way out of 3rd world subsaharan-africa standards of living!
lol ok dude
How the fuck can a human being he si perfect..?
*be so
sorry I’m in the middle of fapping to her for the 100tb time today
once you're done, post more.