Post your findings here.
How free is your state?
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lol florida man officially vindicated
How does all that freedom feel?
Most are so free that they don't even have Canadian Eagles.
What a bunch of retards. Whoever made this want's there state to be the best. How in the fuck can anyone compete with Alaska.
Like lots of based Puerto Rican women working in my local corporate pharmacy branch.
#2 overall, New Hampshire. I don't even need car insurance. Also no sales/income tax and really relaxed regulations on the construciton industry
tourists from MA get annoying though
This page was obviously created by a leftist, and is absolutely absurd on quite a few things. For example, it says my state is one of the lowest taxed states in America. It goes on to say we should reduce the government's payroll so we can shave some of the sales tax off.... instead of use that money for shit like schools, infrastructure, etc. It also rates us lowly for gun rights.. and doesn't explain why. We're a red state in the bible belt that supports 2A. Hell, my neighbor has a fucking full auto.. LEGALLY (and bump stocks on his AR, etc).
#11 overall. Much better than when I used to live in #45.
Some improvements in my current state:
Permitless concealed carry.
Privatized DMVs.
Ban on redlight and speed cameras.
AZ here, it says we're #3 for guns and I'd say that about right. You can pretty much get anything you want here. I don't know how they rate those statistics.
How the fuck is Florida 1st and Texas so low?
What am I missing Burgers?
>my impressions of America through tv aren't true
Texas is still a "free" state but keep in mind this ranking takes into account cannabis legality, gay marriage and victimless crime "liberties"
>base the entire ranking on gun rights
>anyone else is a leftist
Truer words have never been spoken.
My state is almost 40. Legal weed, constitutional carry, many "unorganized territories" don't even have local governments.
How the fuck do they even come up with this shit?
Granite Stater here, hello fellow new Englander
Maine has a lot of tight regulations on the fishing industry and property rights are restricted when it comes to cutting down trees
These are just the things I've noticed form personal experience but your income tax is also one of the highest in the union
Maine, is that you? Whats your exit off 95?
WOOOOO WE WENT UP TO NUMBER 3! Also we are full fuck off, you can crash in Michigan if you like.
Florida #1 because we're conservative
suck my dick and balls texas you commies
The ranking was done by a fucking Libertarian. All kinds of retarded shit should be expected.
Also, in the FAQ:
>Clearly, our index will have intrinsic interest for classical liberals and libertarians.
So it's "freedom" as Liberals and Libertarians define it.
If you're a real ancap lad, go to Maine
pic highly related
start your own Hoppean state
>CATO institute
As opposed to freedom defined by actual sub 70 retarded niggers?
Classical liberal is not modern liberal. In fact, they're almost opposite in meaning. Classical is like Locke, Jefferson, Smith etc
Top 5 over here. I knew moving here was a good idea. Indiana has rarely let me down in general. Cheap ass housing, comfey hard working people the further away from the city you get. etc.
The rankings about personal freedom are for degenerate shit like weed and homosexuality. This "analysis" is garbage.