Alt-Hype just completely destroyed ol Dicky Spence.
Alt-Hype just completely destroyed ol Dicky Spence
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I knew Richard was a POS But I didn't Know he even ruined his best friends relationship. especially the last one to befriend him.
yea I heard that dude was using conte as his personal ATM and fucking his girl. what a piece of shit, but I guess that's to be expected from anti-christian figures like him.
Can I just get the basic gestalt my dudes?
The Spencer part starts at 26:20 and it's worth a listen (and you won't miss much by skipping the first part).
Richard is a piece of Shit who set White Identity back by 20 years and Slept with his best friend Girl and used NPI as his personal Atm to pay for boyscout retreats.
That's just the faustian spirit of the white man, bro.
>Slept with his best friend Girl
This is some recurring theme, Heimbach fucked his 2nd in commands mother IIRC
>white ethnic groups that come from shitty catholic countries are most loyal to the democratic party
destroyed dickie by becoming civic
>Slept with his best friend Girl
quick rundown please
heimbach was already fucking his 2nd's daughter, and he decided it wasnt enough so he fucked the same guy's wife (or girlfriend) as well. really trashy shit.
There is nothing Faustian about Richard Spencer he's just a hypocritical maniac who desire power and who deserves nothing but Shame and failure.
It's so....Dionysian
I left out a plural S by accident it was supposed to read as
"Slept with his best friend's Girl"
Richard Slept with Greg Conte's Girlfriend. And to Rub salt into the wound Conte was the last public figure/ friend that Richard Had left everybody else is gone.
>Alt-Hype becomes a civic nationalist
>This is BTFOing Richard Spencer
Have the cuckholds won?
>Richard Slept with Greg Conte's Girlfriend.
Any sauce to this?
It was a rumor started by the ironybro retards. They are known to have tons of credibility.
I have been unplugged from Social media for almost a year now this is complete news to me.
Sauce is one youtuber.
No hard proofs and nobody involved talked about it.
So, just speculation for now.
He looks like those sleazy salesmen in that picture.
so what the fuck
I think people buy it because Spencer is such a prick. I'm also inclined to believe it's true.
Ryan at least in this video shows his weak faggot side. Yes, the kike shill, controlled opposition Spencer said some retarded stuff, so what? Is this the end of white nationalism, because the "Leader of the Alt-Right" is a shithead? NO. You push through in this renaissance, and don't cuck to optics like Faggot Faulk.
checked and good video. These are the things I've been saying about Spencer since 2016. He's fundamentally a charlatan who cares more about self-promotion than actually getting anywhere.
A little disappointed that Faulk identified TRS as the main foundation of the 'alt right' rather than Jow Forums. Both daily stormer and TRS are just outrgrowths of Jow Forums. One is a Jow Forumsack making an internet news site ala buzzfeed, and the other is a Jow Forumsack making a podcast. All their ideas and memes come from Jow Forums. But whatever, I'm only slightly wounded.
Also the only thing I really disagree with Faulk about is his attitude toward Andrew Anglin. Faulk is literally autistic though - and I try not to hold that against him - but he becomes unable to see that something like this needs to be multi-faceted. It's good to have guys like Faulk coming out with the analytical data-driven stuff, but it's also important to absurdist satirical comedy sites like Daily Stormer that attract the edgy youths. It's not a question of one method being better than the other, because you can have both going on at the same time targeting different crowds.
Shit what like Ryan's doing here is why WN movements never get anywhere. Spergs and cowards stab you in the back.
Doesn't Ryan basically give up WN cause in this video? His critique of Spencer comes from position of advanced civcuckism. Useless.
Doesn't he have a wife and a kid though, however it's Spencer
Didn't listen. Spencer's anti-turk rant was too funny and Alt-Hype is constantly blackpilled so I don't take him seriously.
I don't like Spencer but I don't like this cucked literal faggot either.
There's also the possibility of some issues with defining ethnicity. For example, when we talk about people labeled polish and russian americans, are we talking about ACTUAL poles/ruskis, or are polish jews and russian jews being included? Obviously that would skew things heavily because technically the country of origin of a lot of jews who came to america in the early 1900s was from eastern europe.
And with that aside, catholics in America tend to live more on the east coast in urban settings. Areas around Philly, New York, Boston, and so on. We're more or less embedded in ZOG more as a result.
t. polack, although my family has luckily always leaned heavily conservative/'racist'
>Richard Spencer is a self-centered attention whore
>He kept insisting on retard rallies and talking to the press
>He alienated all his friends, including Conte by banging Conte's girlfriend
>He ran some really cheesy $1000-per-year "secret societies" that kept getting leaked
Jow Forums is not credited because Jow Forums is full of purity-spiralling kike enablers, panick-stricken blackpilling glow in the darks, and the absolute worst kind of low-IQ "HUU HUU UR A JEW" retards.
Jow Forums was good when it was half its current size. Now it's nothing but idiots who don't know anything about politics except that they hate Jews, and they see kikes in every formation of clay and spackle.
There are people on Jow Forums, for example, who have told me that Jared Taylor is FBI. Why? Because they didn't know who Jared Taylor was before 2017. Same thing with Spencer. Same thing with Enoch. Same thing with everyone. HUU HUU HUU I DIDN'T KNOW WHO HE WAS SO HE'S CIA HUU HUU HUU
Not a joke, quite serious. And Spencer might be a tool but he was never fake, just stupid. The average Jow Forumsack is so fucking retarded that I've had to struggle with a desire just to disconnect myself entirely from the movement out of disgust for the constant backbiting low-IQ blackpilled kike fucking bullshit.
That was the tldr for the second half. First half I'm a bit more confused on. Looks like Faulk no longer wants to push overt white nationalism because of the few based minorities who might get turned off or something. But I don't really see the incompatibility here. White nationalism has never meant wanting to have a 100.00% white nation. Just having a stable white majority and the country having a clear understanding that the country was built by and for white americans. Others can live here and even be citizens, but they just need to understand that they're still effectively guests and should act as such rather than pushing their ways onto the majority.
None of that changed what I said. TRS and Daily Stormer both popped up IIRC in 2015. They were outgrowths of Jow Forums and Jow Forums has always been the nucleus of "internet troll racism" or whatever you want to call this thing of ours, alt-right or not. The fact that Jow Forums has degraded since then - and I agree that this has happened - doesn't take away from my point.
I saw that but the anti-Turk rant does not help us its funny but it does not help the Situation. He only said it to get attention from actual Spergs.
>The average Jow Forumsack is so fucking retarded that I've had to struggle with a desire just to disconnect myself entirely from the movement out of disgust for the constant backbiting low-IQ blackpilled kike fucking bullshit.
Not all of them, user. TRS came up with (((this))) meme on their own.
wait you think those are real people and not shills?
explains the reddit spacing
I've never ever heard Richard Spencer cuck one time on what he believes, yet everyone calls him a fed and a shill. It makes no sense. How long before everyone turns on Eric Striker for no reason whatsoever? I was unsure about his ideas on white imperialism, but he makes a good case. If we don't control the world, then another race will attempt to - Chinese, Jews, Islam, in other words races who should have zero power on a global scale.
Okay, that's one. And that's just a surface-level meme. All the 'meat', meme culture, and so on came from Jow Forums. Mike Enoch says as much, it's not some shocking revelation to anyone.
>Pol is a Movement
>muh jews
Did you even read the data you low-iq dumb fuck? How come Hungary, Finland, Lithuania and many other right-wing countries are ranked so low?
Good. Burn this piece of shit to the group.
looks like dickie isn't taking his GRIDs medication :(
Do you really think "final victory" was at hand? You couldn't even keep a statue up.
>yet everyone calls him a fed and a shill. It makes no sense
Considering how many of his followers have been doxxed, fired, thrown out of school, and otherwise had their lives ruined, he's either a very effective fed or a very incompetent leader.
He's just an Incompetent leader
We're talking about going up against people who have manipulated the narrative since the mid 1900s, and who know how to manipulate the public into believing whatever they want them to believe. You're certainly not going to win by denouncing every leader who tries, all you're doing is playing right into the left's hand. A divided ideology holds no political power.
We haven't had any other Leader Mike Enoch is pretty good Ryan Faulk is pretty good Richard Taylor is pretty good. Why Do I have to venerate Dickey Spencer when there are so many better options
>The Spencer part starts at 26:20 and it's worth a listen
Thanks for the time stamp. Don't have time for these 4 hour - 6 hour streams.
Greetings user from Nippon
>*AC/DC music*
Richard Spencer doesn't "try", he "tries and fails". There's a big difference there. No one should follow him into the gutter, because that's where he's leading you.
>Richard Spencer doesn't "try", he "tries and fails".
Everything Richard Spencer touches turns to shit. I wouldn't have anything to do with him, and I'd never give him any money.
>We haven't had any other Leader
There are no leaders. And leaders of what? You guys who keep talking about so-called "leaders" are trying so hard to have your Moses figure to lead you. You're no different than the groupies who follow Pap Peterson or Molyneux.
Richard Spencer is all about self-promotion. Spencer cares about Spencer.
> (You)
>Greetings user from Nippon
Ha aha. Greetings.
lol really? source? You can tell Dicky likes to partake in coke too. Just watch all his livestream apperances and listen. Someone called out his snorts and sniffles and he blamed it ona "cold".
alt hyp is a fucking gay, this is why you can never trust faggots
he hates nazis and his dream is a "sane" civnat liberaltopia. Fucking queer
>There are no leaders
I just listed several Candidates
>And leaders of what?
a Movement of European Americans who have a healthy ingroup preference and that don't want to end up like the Bores in South Africa. And if we do nothing b then we will end up like just them except we won't have any were to flee to....
> he did it on purpose
Thx upper floor
>I didn't Know he even ruined his best friends relationship
I don't think Spencer actually has friends. He just uses people to help promote himself. But eventually people start to wise up and walk away from him.
> I told them not to do the retard rallies
> Anybody who's not dumb as pigshit knows not to have a retard rally, it's intuitive
> There's literally no reason to have a retard rally
my sides
I never really followed Richard Spencer, apart from his debate with Sargoy. But even in that I failed to see what people see in him. But from OP vid, he's either egomaniac on unusual scale, or government plant to discredit right wing. No one can be that stupid on purpose.
>a Movement of European Americans
I see. I don't think there is a movement. The phrase "herding cats" comes to mind. There are groups like Identity Europa and Traditional Worker's Party which has disbanded, but there are no really legitimate organizations. So none of the people you listed are "leaders." They weren't elected. Nobody voted for them. And they aren't part of any organization. I see them as personalities or "thinkers" or "content producers."
What do you disagree with?
With the sargon debate, it wasn't really that Spencer did a good job (he didn't, he's overly purple-prosey and has a hard time actually making a point and instead goes off on tangents that make it too easy for his opponents to misinterpret him). Rather that debate was about how buttflustered and hilariously cringe-worthy Sargon was.
You have the mindset that this magnificent SOB is actually conscious of any of his failings in any way shape or form. In essence, he is too incompetent and Stupid to be called an outright Traitor.
He used to not anymore
Yes, a movement for European Americans. The white pill in all of this is that the consciousness is growing but there is no way to accomplish anything substantial without a somewhat loosely tied power structure with at least a handful of people calling the shots. This Bastard with the man titties didn't provide this in fact, he destroyed a very good opportunity to establish what we need. Now its back to the Drawing board.
>the smartest person in the far right is now a civnat
how will pol recover from that one? shouting faggot and posting jew meme? lmao your grandkid will be brown
have you watched the video? how about "taking over EU" for example, which is delusional idea at the very best. start at 26:20. He's an egomaniac retard.
>Slept with his best friend Girl
where is proofs
I like Spencer as a talking head internet personality, but he should never of been an irl leader of the movement. It's easy to shit to shit on him and say he brought it upon himself, which is true to an extent, but in fairness there weren't a lot of better candidates available to fill the role of "de facto leader of the alt right".
>Doesn't Ryan basically give up WN cause in this video?
yes he literally does.
judge them not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character
Ryan Faulk is literally an autistic faggot, he's a smart guy, but it's probably better to not put all your trust in a nuerodivergent sodomite
it's likely that Americans are the product of massive school brainwashing on the topic of slavery at young age.
Either you break in tears over your guilt towards Blacks or you get angry that you get blamed for something you did not do personally.
For Blacks that brainwashing results in anger, resentment and revenge ideation towards Whites.
For Jews, same effect happens on the topic of the Holocaust.
I still support Richard Spencer for the time being, he's still useful
the rumor that he dicked Conte's woman was spread by weev the jew on an irony bros stream, nuff said
its a giant hindsight is 20/20 video and scape goating spencer
Alt-right fighting amongst themselves this much
It's fucking over
>he's still useful
also this internet faggot is bitching about people doing street activism and calling them "retard rallies"
granted, the optics could've been handled much better but damn man
he's a good spokesman for white nationalism
considering how much the shills fear him he's definitely doing something right
When was this man ever useful?
you just responded to a democrat
Spencer did more for democrats than most people
pic related,
kids get broken down by the White Guilt Cult when they have no ability to resist.
No difference from organized religion, islamic fundmanetalist madrasses.
From last thread You should still watch though. Give Oberstgruppenfuhrer Faulk those juicy views. He seems a bit blackpilled at the moment judging by the first 26 min.
he's puts wn talking points on the map and normalizes them
the shills have nightmares about Spencer and have dedicated teams to shill against him on Jow Forums 24/7 trying to craft a narrative to undermine him. that is proof enough for me.
Lmao nope. Would side with RF in a million years over RS.
You missed the point then. Taking to the streets is stupid because you're a much smaller opponent taking the enemy head-on. Not only fighting leftists, but also cops, mayors, governors, etc.. The is no way to win that battle and yet retards keep charging into it.
If he was a good spokesman, he would be silenced on social media and never given press. Instead he has a verified twitter account and is a media darling.
He made us look like a bunch of braindead bonobos for no good reason and gave social media free reign to shoot down a bunch of our guys' accounts.
Fuck off we need to find someone else, please stop protecting him even TRS is abandoning him!!
For every one good thing, he does or says there are tow bad things that negate that effect. He is not good PR and his continued talks with the media who we know will edit the Shit out of the video are absolutely and unbelievably stupid.
he's no longer verified and the media hardly pays much attention to him any more
>Richard Spencer is the reason twitter started cracking down on the far right on twitter and why Jewish owned msm calls everyone to the right of Jeb bush a literal nazi
don't reply to any more of my posts until your iq is in the triple digit range, please
i don't know
i think it revealed how slanted the system can be against white identitarians like how the cops funneled them into the mob of leftists
the tiki torches and other nazi larp chants was cringey tho
Richard Spencer isn't worth a single scratch on people like Ryan Faulk and Jared Taylor.
Spencer is in a position where no press is bad press, even on his very worst media appearance he still got his name out there and garnered fans. Every time he goes on tv he will either attract people who will Google his name and get familiar with his work and stances or he will attract people who will hate him no matter what. So every time he makes a media appearance it is in fact a net win. The media isn't quite playing him, he is playing the media.
Personally, I think he messed up letting go of Eli Mosely. But that is a different conversation. Spencer can still be used.
Our leader is Trump so I'm not sure what you guys are talking about.
yet there are teams that are dedicated to shilling against Spencer 24/7 on Jow Forums while Taylor and faulk are completely ignored...
>the system is rigged against us!
>*the system starts promoting richard spencer*
>haha we're gaming the system! we win!
No, it's rigged against you. The good guys get banned and the bad guys get promoted. Spencer is not some special case that the rules don't apply to.
was there ever an option where we didnt get doxxed and fucked?
Yea, there was. Hold your meetings behind closed doors. When you're the smaller opponent, you make the enemy come to you. You don't go marching into his stronghold with a cardboard shield and a bike helmet.