Jewish Shill?
Holy shit
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He's not wrong. All humans can interbreed.
He got laid last night and the endorphins are still rushing through his head, making him say dumb shit
he just disproved the existence of racism. when can we sue the state?
you can also breed a donkey and a horse to make a mule.
so can dogs and they are much closer related to each other than humans.
All humans can interbreed with viable offspring. It's pretty much the only agreed definition of a "species". Mules cannot have viable offspring.
Yes, they are all one species. What is your point?
Mixing with niggers will make low iq offspring.
I fucking hate this prick. At least Neil degrasse points out how religion is important, how christians have pushed science forward in the past and how atheists are fucking retarded.
That's the definition for species. Races can happen within species (like dogs, for example)
>He got laid last night
by a female!?
How exactly do you define the word "race". I'm guessing it's not a scientific definition.
>Yes, they are all one species. What is your point?
species and races are different there many races of dogs but they all belong to the same species C. lupus and subspecies C. l. familiaris
Coyotes and wolves can breed viable offspring and they're still different species
It's more like a coyote and a wolf, a wolf and a dog, and a coyote and a dog.
Different species, viable offspring.
What gave it away?
there was until it was removed post 2ww because they belived removing race would somehow remove the link between discrimination and social Darwinism. it's ridiculously pathetic tho.
Race does not imply superiority, but for lefties it does apparently.
>races of dogs
Dogs have breeds, not races.
Dog is a subspecies of wolf.
>What gave it away?
landing a job after graduating with his 1 bachelors degree
Define it then. Give me a scientific definition of race. The closest thing I'm aware of is haplotype.
>there's different tribes
Why do so many native English speakers have trouble with something as simple as singular/plural?
>Dogs have breeds, not races.
we still use race in Norway when talking about dog breeds, its a remnant of times when language was not policed by the internationalsits
I smell some zio kikey horseshit. Here's how you neuter this faggy argument:
biological taxonomy has no qualms classifying the subspecies of canis domesticus (i.e. their breeds). Why? If we can do it for one species of mammal, we can do it for another.
Homo Sapiens have subspecies too, Bill. If you knew anything about science, you'd know that.
Words have meaning. Words can have similar but different meanings. We use words to be more precise with our meanings. I'm not sure you'll be able to understand.
>Jewish Shill?
you're only just figuring that out?
breeds = subspecies
you = dipshit
It's very simple
>tv show
>a job
More like a kike's inherent responsibility to his race of parasites. Does a jew have to work for anything at all? Can I get some confirmation on him being a jew?
>Bloom was born in Los Angeles and grew up in Manhattan Beach, the daughter of Shelli (née Rosenberg) and Alan Bloom. Her mother is a musician while her father is a healthcare lawyer. Her family is Jewish.
Watch video. Feel free to comment.
I'm legitimately kind of upset that I have to agree with Bill Nye the Guy-Who-Is-Less-Qualified-to-Teach-Science-Than-Some-Pro-Wrestlers.
Don't waste your time arguing with that pedantic retard, man.
Everybody else knew what you meant. Especially fellow Scandinavians.
Are you suprised didnt he have that show for a minute with that ice cream skit that basically said "everyones a little gay!"
then why is diversity so important
Also a valid question.
that's genetic. First of all you need to understand that the systems of definitions we have now all build on the same traditions. They are all socially constructed to help us discriminate (gadamer wise) between things, in this case biological things.
Race can be translated into breed.
From an anthropological point of view it is exciting to be able to see just how diverse we are in terms of genetics and when we parted ways evolutionary. Lefties hate that idea. Maybe its because communism tries to impose unity where its not needed.
There are a lot of differences in humans, and mutations happens much faster than most people realise. Take eskimos, they store fats differently as a specialized protection against cold. We're animals after all.
Blue eyes were most likely an evolutionary adoption to prevent snowblindedness.
The differences in musculature is also evidence of how and what we hunted prior to the agrar revolution.
ofc we do!
Just another filthy jew.
Post meme in which he gest money
Thanks! Now I don't have to agree with this progressive nutcase!
I would revise my oft-stated opinion into this: It is not so much that there are no human races, but rather, from a social standpoint, it shouldn't matter. No particular set of specializations should get cultural preference over any other.
Race doesn't exist! Niggers are just a figment of your imagination
you know all life comes from the same one cellular life forms that emerged on the planet over 3 billion years ago. the thing is that these lifeforms were a species of their own and they split off into multiple groups or races which eventually became their own standalone species. this is true for all plant and animal life. eventually human races are going to follow the same trajectory and evolve into their own standalone species' up to the point where they can no longer reproduce with one another. the thing is also that technology every 4 years is become twice as powerful. because of this eventually we will use technology to accelerate the evolution of our human races into standalone species' with the help of technology.
>Words have meaning
everything has meaning, I don't know what you're getting at tho. Races have historically been used to explain differences in humans, during social Darwinism it was fiercly used to explain socio-economical differences to justify the ruling elites vs. the poor farmers etc. it was later used as a racial thing.
But people actually believed In them
in hindsight its easy to make assumptions about intent, i'm sure some people used it to justify surpremacy but the the average elite it didn't really matter, there was very little cultural interference anyway, an 18th centaury gentleman would have been lucky if they saw a black man before they died. Farmers died working the field and had no part in those kinds of things. They were of "low-birth" according to social-Darwinism
I'm not justifying anything, it's just history and you cannot retrospectively change anything. History for the sake of history. if it is offensive then it is offensive.
I for one like differences, i think differences are worth hanging onto.
imagine tossing beads at this qt at mardi gras. shed probably kill everyone in the path and then show you those funbags
Or, of course, we descended from the same original pair of humans a few thousand years ago, but it comes out to the same thing, I guess.
np bro
kek, bill nye would break like a twig. :p
Bill Nye, the Science Goy
>admits ethnic difference
>"hurr there is only one race the hooman race"
But there is differentiation of peoples?
ja, er ist der jude
They no likey my thread?
What do people think l have on this guy? Some, deep, dark secrets? How did he go so far off the rails from the guy who used to explain science in a simple way to this SJW nutbar?
kys do it today faggot
Actors don't care about the words coming out of their mouth, or the part they are playing. They also use people like this to catch you off guard. Tells the truth (sort of) at first, then as you get older the kind professor starts re-explaining reality to you. Clever kike subversion over long term
What the fuck? He's become even more of the demon kike archetype. FFS he looks like a real life Mr. Punch marionette come to life.