This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life, I stood up and clapped until my tears stopped

This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life, I stood up and clapped until my tears stopped
This is what makes me proud to be an American

Attached: 1533033900004.jpg (396x263, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why is Mr.Shapiro shorter than my daughter????????

Your daughter is a nigger.

Because she's black


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It's been 96 years since a republican decreased the size of government, yet here you are promoting a complicit Obama era globalist traitor. Kill yourself Bush voting boomerfag.

He is in FORTINITE!!1!!!!11!!

Attached: FUG.jpg (480x360, 11K)

Whoa, now this is epic.

Attached: ben shapiro.jpg (1029x1544, 345K)

I'm looking for a video where a faggot child predator is caught by some group and claims he wanted to help a 14 gay boy.
He sits in his car while he talks with the people who set him up.


Attached: Katya-Clover-from-Met-Art-1.jpg (999x1500, 401K)

Why did you feel the need to post a naked underage girl?

enjoy the only time in ur life other humans thought u had a daughter, or sex.

Katya Clover is a famous pornstar.
You got the video link?

Okay, this is epic

>posting Ben
>NOT posting Abigail
Faggots disgust me. Ben is NOT important

Attached: screen-shot-2017-10-30-at-33633-pm-1509392227.png (300x225, 83K)


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epin :DD
abd die for iSrael xDddd

I thought the old guy was about to ask him why his son had to fight and possibly die for Israel....

The Republican/Conservative party is full of garbage, they are lucky Trump decided not to run as an independent

An Orthodox Jew is the voice of the conservative movement. Praise KEK believe in chaos and you will be reward.

Attached: shapiro.png (634x418, 66K)