Why is Drumpf so punchable?

Why is Drumpf so punchable?

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>david cross jokes
this faggot is doing comedy now?

this guy probably couldnt beat an orange to a pulp

who is this goblin kidding? trump would stomp this fucker into the ground

God I hate David Cross. Is there anyone less funny, beyond one character he played in the first season of one show?

Davis Cross couldn't even beat his dick to a bloody pulp.

lol )))david cross((( stinks

what is alan ginsberg's problem

>A limp wristed jew ever talking about fighting

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>only funny when he plays a closeted actor
must be a hard role

I wonder if this guy recently mass-deleted some of his tweets like Gunn and Harmon and Jeong
>Rule 0 - Do the research

He couldn't beat his dick to a bloody pulp,much less anyone else.

Why is the degenerate left so violent?

Cross will do anything to distance himself from his "redneck past". Sad!

I have honestly always thought that kike cross had a far more punchable face than trump and his voice just adds to it. That fat sack of faggot santa looking shit isn't going to beat anybody's ass.

Why doesn't anyone saying this shit get arrested? If I said this stuff publicly about king nigger, I'd be getting a visit from the party van.

Why isnt he banned from all social media for making a threat?

>David Cross

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>this 5'7 söyboy manlet being capable of beating anything else than his wifes son

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Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists’ hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred.

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Wanna bet the guy's a pedo?

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they're angry because they're aware of how fucking gay they are.

That fucking jew fuck needs to be gassed desu...

Oh, and he's making jokes about Mormons? Brave! It's so brave when comedians mock Christians, Mormons, and Jehovah Saint Witnesses...


>omg omg wrongthink wrongthink I can't even
nu/pol/ is indistinguishable from tumblr

checked wow

Mr. Show was hilarious back in the day. I'll always have some nostalgic fondness for David.

> has pedo face
> sickly skinny fat body
> gonna bunch ebil Drumbf

okay, there faggots, sage this

>scrawny jew bites off more than he can chew
david cross would get his ass beat and the goyim aren't coming to save him this time

Cross is the proto-beta that all balding, bearded, thick-rimmed glasses wearing betas are based on.

Agreed. youtu.be/TyrM7GxyzGg

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Is anyone else sick and tired of all the threats of violence against Trump? If these people really had the balls they'd just go ahead and try it. Come on. Try it. Do you think you can come up with the balls to actually try it, faggots? It might be tricky with all those secret service agents around him, so you've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?

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Jews speak like niggers

This. Which makes this whole 'play it safe', bandwagon jumping all that more depressing. It wouldn't be much to expect this from a sniveling piece of shit like Louis CK, but it coming from David Cross is a little more scarring.

He's already been caught up in MeToo, although it fizzled out.

>Fat unhealthy faggot fantasizes about being a real man, news at 11.

No doubt in my mind Trumps old 70+ year old ass would beat him like a drum in a niggerville.

When you know you don't have an argument you get angry and turn to violence.

i'd like to beat obama to a bloody pulp.
just kidding.
wasn't that funny!?

David Cross is a five foot tall anemic Jew, he couldn't fend off a 4th grader from giving him a swirly. The concept of him beating anyone "to a bloody pulp" is pretty absurd.


That little Jew couldn’t beat on mash potatoes without fracturing his wrist lol

>caught up in MeToo
He was accused of calling some asian actress a ching chong, nothing sexual.

why do pedosexuals hate trump so much?
He just doesn't want kids to be prayed upon.
It's like they don't like the thrill of it all and just want easy pickings like it was under Barry Davis Obunga

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Most people don't even know someone tried assassinate Trump, you can't seriously be sitting here acting surprised that the media lies and manipulates public perception to turn them against him.

Ah that's right. I remembered wrong. Still probably is one of those left wing creepy men.

nu-Jow Forums users detected

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It's not Trump the leftists are reacting to, it's the media that is creating hysteria and making Trump the lighting rod. For instance, if the MSM had positive coverage day in and day out. The TDS would go away, simple as that. The ((Minders)) are instilling fear into people, the low info voter who consumes CNN on the couch sees a US being torn apart BY Trump. That is the matrix.
Personally I think Trump represents the OWO (unipolar US hegemony), and he's up against the NWO represented by the left (Multipolar globalist hegemony) The bankers own them all. Zerohedge did an article about this last night.

You might as well start altering that argument.

CNN ratings are lower than the fucking home and garden channel now.

He better call Saul

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Political violence: an eternal Jewish tradition.


>Lansky turned down Perlman's offer of cash to carry out the beatings, and likewise the offer from his good pal "Lucky" Luciano to bring Italians along, insisting that this was a duty that the Jewish criminal underground would shoulder voluntarily and alone.

>Lanksy and his paleo-antifas were apparently devastatingly effective, delivering savage beatings at Bund meetings -- even infiltrating them with club-wielding fifth columnists who'd rush the stage at the same moment as the outsiders were beating down the doors.

I do believe Louis CK was Cross’ roommate at one time. He mentions it and how great he thinks he was/is. They all know each other.

I came to this thread to see him blue himself.

>weakling who I could kill with my bare hands acts like he could fist fight a 6'6 German guy

>Jokes about beating someone to a bloody pulp


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>(((David Cross)))

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what the fuck are you talking about, retard?

>{[(david cross)]}
Wonder whats in daveys' guest house ?
> Laurel canyon
>THAT party @DGs place

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>he thinks Trump is 6'6

wtf is wrong with you?????????


He's an antifa shill trying to do D&C and missing the mark pretty hard.

>imma beat that mother fuckers teeth out his mouth and knock one of his eyes out
>Yeah, and then Imma keep punching him till his face is fuckin pulp man
>thank you I'll be here all week

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How does one obtain this physique?

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>jews doing physical activity

It's so weird that since I only hear leftists use the word Drumpf that I now think a "Drumpf" is a leftist. It's not even associate with Trump in my mind, just SJWs types.

>Another kike breaking the law and threatening POTUS with violence and death
Why do americuckholds allow their President to be verbally assassinated by traitors and 5th column wastes of cum?


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Becuase we have the most opposition controlled media on the entire planet.

>jokes about beating trump
the joke being that this kosher meatball man would probably drop dead if he even attempted to generate that kind of momentum with his body.

hes wants to be a tough boy

I say we find him and shut his fucking mouth for him

>by traitors and 5th column wastes of cum

Because in this day and age user, wasting cum is a national past time.

Think about it.

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damn he got fat as fuck.

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Since when is Alinsky nu/pol/ you faggot?

We can only fight serious clowns,
With cheesy soldiers.

I recommend utilizing a soapersoaker filled with monster energy drink and firing it at him till he willing sucks it from your nozzle and then post it on worldstar.

That should just about discredit him.

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He also has that certain pedophile look.

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i saw this guy twice in 2 years (didnt pay to see him, it was a festival sort of deal). he is incapable of having a thought that does not have to do with hating america, white people, trump, or all three. hes driven himself insane. he doesnt even like his own son because hes white.

hes a worthless cunt whose days of being funny or relevant are so long gone that he is now a walking husk. it would be sad if he werent such an insufferable cunt.

What flavor can the left not resist?

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if you say so anyone know who this faggot is thats what i thought

Kek, nostalgia'd.


Sigh, what used to be.

Shoulda known better.

Oh look another pedophile pretending that his ability to rape and overpower small children magically gives him the physical prowess to overpower a grown ass man.

>Pedos get the hammer when?
pic related

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>CNN ratings are lower than the fucking home and garden channel now.
yes, but they exist primarily to create youtube clickbait to disseminate to their 40m twitter followers (closer to 20 in reality, but still)
also to have anti-trump headlines 24/7 for passerbys in airports to be reassured about what the "correct" opinions are

Why is Hillary so unelectable


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I feel like he would have an aneurysm at the thought of punching someone.

I like Cross. I do. But we all know he can't kick anyone's ass

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todd margaret and mr show are goat, david is a still a kike though

exactly - and that's why i just wish all these assholes would shut up. i get it, there's a giant stigma that if you don't shit talk trump or threaten him with violence in a "comedic" manner, then you're a nazi sympathizer, but have some balls, jesus christ.

awww, he's a cute little baby. goochie goochie!

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Another has been looking to gin up some media blitz to revive their comatose careers? Surely they've heard of the Trump's Curse? Stay awhile and listen...

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That's basically what happened with the Jimmy Fallon late night show. He was fan-girling over having Trump on his show and the liberal left tried to destroy him for being the only late night host that didn't shit on Trump.

>1 post by this id

The absolute state of nu/pol/

That fat hairy sasquatch looking fuck isn't beating anybody to anything.

We're not trying to ban him, we're mocking him. You need a better line, shill.