Womp Womp

Keep the mentally ill locked up please.


>Before Danica Roem made history in Virginia by becoming the first openly transgender person to be seated in a state legislature, she had to defeat an incumbent who frequently misgendered her, calling her “he” in an interview and distributing a flier with the heading “Danica Roem In His Own Words.”

>This year, another transgender candidate for state legislature is enduring similar misgendering at the hands of her political opponent—this time in Montana.

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Id keep calling that thing a him.
and maybe get caught from a hot mic calling him a faggot.

IT'S PATricio

Didnt a montana politician bodyslam a reporter?
Based state.
I wont move there because I feel you guys can do good without me. Press on. We love you from Kentucky.

Pffft. I'm a total dude and I make a better woman than that. Real trannies go out of their way to look female. This is for attention. Not a tranny. I bet his dick tastes like faggot.

Maybe most people reference sex not gender.
>yfw you realize you’re already in a world that doesn’t care about gender.

Pat goes to Washington

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i think everyone agrees if your trans, like it or not, you gotta AT LEAST be passing. that man is not passing or even trying.



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I just typed in google "reddit misgendered" and pic related came up.
In the post they asked why they kept getting misgendered.
Someone replied.

"Voice maybe? Clomping around like a lumberjack with boots on?

Nothing in that picture says male at all! Or....are you FTM and I am just assume not?

You look like a typical girl to me."

Imagine if the "pronouns" had been reversed. What if they had said "typical boy" or meant FTM. Do trans not even see the fragility they hold on this subject and how easy it is to "misgender" for normies who mean no harm

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That only happens with photoshop and snapchat filters. They are obviously men when you see/hear them in person.

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If they arent acting like males or females to begin with as the opposite sex. Why are they having to train themselves to not get misgendered?

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Did you assume my burrito?

theres some good ones on Jow Forumstranspassing

>and maybe get caught from a hot mic calling him a faggot.
this would probably unironically help your poll numbers especially in montana. people are tired of this sodom and gomorrah shit especially when they were told 30 years ago "nah we just want gays to love each other that's where it stops"


Make it stop.

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God I fucking hate trannys, I thought it was a big pol meme until I went to college and had to interact with these freaks. Every last one of them is insufferable, waddles around like the whole world owes them a favour, with all the bugboys and faggots fawning over them.

Had my first class of year 2 this afternoon, there is this agender blob who talks with this high-pitched fat person voice AND WON'T SHUT UP. It stinks of flop sweat and human shit, and I swear to god it made "gurgling" sounds all through the class.

That's a man baby yeah

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She looks like a fatter version of AIDS Skrillex

i dont know anyone who fawns over trannys. if anything they kind of stay away from them and pretend to play nice. the trannys just hangout online. im in an incredibly liberal city too.

Only fat retards fawn over them.

came here to post this

Things must be real bad in Ireland, or trannys are still a novelty. We have three of them in a class of 50-ish.

But trannys never let Boogies near their poo-twats, so no one wins.

>trans jew in montana

>made history
that phrase sure gets thrown around a lot.
yeah i'm sure this ugly freak of going to be in the history books. First tranny to do x. such groundbreaking progress.

I date trannies exclusively. The trannies online are not like the trannies out in the wild. Online trannies are larpers that will grow out of it when they stop getting attention. Legit trannies don't want attention. They want to simply blend in and will avoid confrontation and they despise online trannies. When crazy trannies appear on the news they yell at the TV and call them faggots. It is quite entertaining. Would suggest if you like boobs and benis.

in all my life in MA ive met 3 total. at least under 5 because there might be some im forgetting. i also lived near 2 different art schools.

Probably, I mean when we win and people learn about the second dark age.

They all seem to be fat guys in dresses, I don't think any of them did the wee-wee chop off surgery.


>look like a gay man
>get called he
>chimp out


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Why aren't you at civil war yet?

The term "misgendered" absolutely infuriates me.

The only people misgendering trans people are trans people themselves, because it's a fucking illness. Also, the same people that defend them being women because "they've just always known" by embracing feminine clothing, make up, hairstyles, hobbies, attempts at mannerisms, etc. are the same ones who claim that gender is a social construct and that the only way to achieve true equality is by abolishing these norms. Double-whammy of lefties shooting themselves in the feet, and people still eat it up. I don't understand.

If a civil war starts it won't start in MT. Demographically that state resembles the US 50 years ago. There are way deeper fracture points in the US.


And when I thought Demographic party couldn't go any further.

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But why though? Are you a closet case? You think anyone is convinced you're straight just because your "gf" has tits

Calling an insane faggot a girl is misbiology.

they're abominations that are creations of a sick society that is itself disgusted by them however much it pretends not to be.

The only ones “misgendering” are the idiot leftists calling a man in lipstick a woman.

Oh come on, buzzkills!

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Jesse eisenberg? Kek