Any swedes here who live near Malmö? A journalist from Portland who is /ourguy/ (he reported on the Antifa vs Proud boys thing there) wants someone to show him around the place.
Any swedes here who live near Malmö...
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Malmo is a muslim enclave. Is a whole different ballgame than Pantifa scuffles.
exactly, he is a reporter
this can help AfS and the Sweden Democrats
>implying Swedes aren't too pussified to go into sharia-controlled zones in Malmö
if you are in kobenhavn maybe you should reply and try to show him around, he is there atm
>if you are in kobenhavn
TOP KEK!!! Do you think I'm a shitskin?
I live in North Jutland, although If I were there I would do it.
Actually we already have something like this in our country.
A Danish Jew is going around to all the ghettos here and filming the mudslimes sperging out, his entire channel is based upon this.
Sweden is done for. They deserve to be punsihed for their cuckedness and degeneracy.
I doubt you will find many Scanians on Jow Forums, literally the trashiest part of Sweden.
>t. chink
You know nothing of Sweden besides Jow Forums memes.
If you re-elect Truedeau instead of Max while the Swedes put SD into government you'll be looking pretty dumb here m8