Any swedes here who live near Malmö...

Any swedes here who live near Malmö? A journalist from Portland who is /ourguy/ (he reported on the Antifa vs Proud boys thing there) wants someone to show him around the place.

Attached: the swede.png (495x738, 939K)

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Malmo is a muslim enclave. Is a whole different ballgame than Pantifa scuffles.

exactly, he is a reporter

this can help AfS and the Sweden Democrats

>implying Swedes aren't too pussified to go into sharia-controlled zones in Malmö

Attached: 16009567.png (1027x731, 28K)

if you are in kobenhavn maybe you should reply and try to show him around, he is there atm

>if you are in kobenhavn
TOP KEK!!! Do you think I'm a shitskin?

I live in North Jutland, although If I were there I would do it.
Actually we already have something like this in our country.
A Danish Jew is going around to all the ghettos here and filming the mudslimes sperging out, his entire channel is based upon this.

Attached: terrific.gif (184x141, 1024K)

Sweden is done for. They deserve to be punsihed for their cuckedness and degeneracy.

I doubt you will find many Scanians on Jow Forums, literally the trashiest part of Sweden.

>t. chink
You know nothing of Sweden besides Jow Forums memes.

Attached: 1531843017160.png (741x649, 26K)

If you re-elect Truedeau instead of Max while the Swedes put SD into government you'll be looking pretty dumb here m8

Attached: mad max.jpg (600x313, 40K)